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Mark Anthony – The Afterlife Frequency

Mark Anthony – The Afterlife Frequency

Mark Anthony
Hernandez knew that he was suffocating because the fire sucked all the oxygen out of the air, and he was choking. The next thing he knows, he’s floating above the mountain, and he sees all the other hotshots also floating, and they’re all looking at him. They were communicating telepathically. And he noticed that one of his fellow hotshots, Jose, had a deformed foot in real life. He was born that way, but his foot was fine. And Hernandez says, ‘Jose, your foot’s fine.’ And Jose’s like, ‘I know.’ Then his near-death experience progressed into going into the light and encountering his great-grandfather and other spirits that he knew. He said it was so beautiful and peaceful that he wanted to keep going, but essentially, they sent him back. Next thing he knows, he’s choking, gasping on the ground. He said he was in horrible pain and felt terrible. He pulled the cover off him.

The top of the mountain was charred to a crisp, and all the hotshots were alive, and they all regrouped. These are very serious guys, okay? They’re special forces type guys, and they started talking. Every single one of them reported the same thing. They all were floating. They all recognized that Jose’s foot was fine and then several of them said they went further into the light and encountered their own relatives.

This is called a shared death experience because several people had a near-death experience, and the frequency of their electromagnetic souls was overlapping with the frequencies of everybody else. This has been heavily documented and studied for decades, so the hotshots are one of the most fascinating pieces of objective evidence that near-death experiences and shared death experiences are real.


Sandie Sedgbeer: That’s an incredible story. What else would you like this book to do?

Mark Anthony: To bring comfort. If I have a message for the world, it’s a five-point message. First, it’s that the divine power we call God exists. That heaven, the afterlife, eternal life exists. That our Soul is an immortal living spirit. That we can communicate with souls. And fifth, that we will be reunited with our loved ones in the light when it is our appointed time to leave the material world.

Sandie Sedgbeer: So, what do you know about the future of where this is going? You spoke earlier about us having the soul phone in this century. What else do you think might happen?

Mark Anthony: I think that the more we understand vibration and frequency on a cellular level, there will be advances in spirit communication. We will have devices that can cure illnesses by raising vibrational frequency and realigning damaged energy centers.

I think that the barriers between faith and science will begin to erode. As a result, we’ll have a more enlightened and positive view not only of the afterlife but of how to put our brains together to cure the ills of this planet.


Sandie Sedgbeer: Well, yeah. And we need that information because it’s only when we understand the connection between the Soul and the limitless nature of this that we’ll stop beating on one another and creating war.

Mark Anthony: I’ve been very honored throughout my life. I’ve met Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, John Glenn, Mike Foreman, and even Bill Nelson, a politician they sent into space on one of the shuttles. I had the opportunity to talk to all of them, but I spoke to John Glenn the longest. I asked him, ‘So, what was it like when you looked down at Earth?’ He said, ‘Mark, it was so beautiful. You see this beautiful blue, like a giant drop of water, and you can see all the teeming life on it. And then you realize it’s so fragile and it’s the only place we have to live.

Let me tell you that resonated with me.

Sandie Sedgbeer: The Afterlife Frequency: The Scientific Proof of Spiritual Contact and How That Awareness Will Change Your Life by Mark Antony, the psychic lawyer, is published by New World Library. You can learn more about Mark Anthony’s gifts at


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