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Numerology November 2021 and the Archetype of Change!

Numerology November 2021 and the Archetype of Change!

Numerology November 2021

The Numerology November 2021 brings us the Archetype of Change along with powerful lessons in how to let go and program for a rebirth.

Numerology November 2021



November is a month that calls for cooperation, diplomacy, understanding, acceptance, and patience.

Learn how to harness this month’s vibe with November Numerology tips for the world and your month.

Generally, the Numerology November 2021 brings the vibration of the numbers 11 and 2.

November is the 11th month of the Gregorian calendar. At the time when the Roman calendar was used, the year began in March, and the month of November was the ninth in the order, hence: Novem = Nine.

But for November Numerology, this is the 11th month!

11 = 1 +1 = 2. The number 2 is Yin – feminine, receptive energy.

The number 2 is the one that came after, which only exists after the number 1 and is its complement, its double. Thus, the 2 contains unity (1) but at the same time does not exist without it.

The number 11 is the beginning of the second decade; in the same way, its existence is conditioned to the previous 10.

The number 11 is a spiral above in the 2nd cycle of the sequence. It emanates all the qualities of 2 with the plus of spiritual, parapsychic perceptions. The 11 is called the master number. It symbolizes spiritual elevation.

That’s why we say that seeing the number 11 repeated on the clock is an angelical sign!

You may be asking yourself: “But this is obvious!

Every number only exists because of the previous one. Is this an intelligent statement, if not mere sophistry?”

Yes, rationally, the statement is silly, but when I talk about the vibration of a number, I am not referring to the Cartesian plane of raw analyses. Instead, I speak of the quantum mind, the quantum vacuum, the space between your thought and form!

In other words, I want to inform you about the archetypal nature of this symbol that our minds decode to understand the dimensions in which we are manifesting consciousness. Each number represents a code in the Universe. Thus, each thing has its numerical “order.”



Have you ever reasoned that it’s not possible to spend a few hours of the day without seeing, hearing, speaking, or thinking about numbers? Try it.

Note how humanly impossible it is to exist and manifest without numbers. We are immersed in codes and symbols. With them, we communicate and evolve. In short, we are the result of a code (DNA).

Returning to November Numerology, the number 2 archetype emanates understanding, welcoming, patience, waiting, calming after the explosion of the creations of 1.


The Difference of the Numerology Vibration of November 11 and February 2

In the 12-month cycle, the difference between the 2nd and the penultimate month is congruent: February is one month from the beginning, and November is one month from the end. In both, a collective expectation about what is/was the entire year is generated.

In February numerology, we are compelled to put plans into practice, promises, associations and decisions for the whole year benefit in month 2.

In November Numerology, the greatest influence is the preparation for the end of the year, where the balance of projects started is made, mainly reaching conclusions of what was not done or achieved during the year.

In both, we are more reflective, receptive than active or creative. Month 11 has the glow of expectations for a happy ending. There is still time to turn in the last chapters.


How to Tune in with Numerology November 2021

When number 2 appears on the timeline, it is important to be aware of the challenges that the Universe is proposing to exercise its positive characteristics.

As 2 is a number that represents receptivity, patience, and diplomacy, situations will unfold for you to “train” these attributes in practice!

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It is important to note that this vibration’s greatest learning is the limit between acceptance and submission.

To take advantage of this “passive” wave, reflect on the partnerships you established throughout the year and the situations you faced and prepare for December Numerology, and the new cycle.



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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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