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OMTimes Magazine October 2021 Edition with Mark Anthony

OMTimes Magazine October 2021 Edition with Mark Anthony

OMTimes Magazine October 2021 Edition

OMTimes is thrilled to have Mark Anthony on the cover of the OMTimes Magazine October 2021 Edition.

OMTimes Magazine October 2021 Edition

OMTimes Magazine October 2021 Edition
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Mark Anthony, also known as the Psychic Lawyer, is a world-renowned author and fourth-generation science-based, evidential, psychic medium who communicates with spirits. His latest book is The Afterlife Frequency: The Scientific Proof of Spiritual Contact and How That Awareness Will Change Your Life.



Read these articles in the OMTimes Magazine October 2021 Edition

  • Mark Anthony – The Afterlife Frequency
  • Kinesiology and our Bodies Wisdom about Eating
  • Watch and Release Disturbing Thoughts
  • Why Do You Feel So Drained?
  • Dignity; the Hallmark of a Great Soul
  • Practicing the Presence of Peace
  • 5 Yoga Poses to Calm Your Inner Mind
  • Nourishment or Neglect?
  • Shifting to A Positive Perspective
  • The Five Mental Habits Guaranteed to Bring You Real and Lasting Happiness”
  • The Truth about Mediumship: Are you a Medium?
  • The Afterlife Frequency transports you from Here to Eternity
  • Nyingma: The Oldest Tibetan Buddhist School of Wisdom
  • Seven Practices to Help You Grieve
  • The Death of Creative Blocks
  • The Soulful Ways to Express Femininity
  • Why Are You So Comfortable Consuming Irresponsibly?
  • Book Spotlight – Aftelife Frequency
  • Book Spotlight – Rebellious Rituals


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OMTimes Magazine October 2022 Edition

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