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Probiotic for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

Probiotic for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia


New medical revelations show that our gut probiotic bacteria are essential for healing many diseases. Many of these illnesses were thought to be incurable such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, and even preventing cancer.

Use A Probiotic to Heal Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

by Dr. Paul Haider



The number of probiotic bacteria in our gut should be about 4 pounds. But most people only have 1/2 pound of good bacteria and multiple pounds of harmful bacteria, or microscopic bacteria in their gut at all. This plays havoc without the immune system, our mental health, and our general health and vitality.

When we have an overgrowth of bad bacteria caused by eating lots of sugar, complex carbohydrates, food additives, processed food, that are not healthy for our body, our immune system takes a nosedive. Not only that, those very same bad bacteria start creating toxins in our body that cause pain, inflammation, swelling, and our vitality and general energy level drop to nothing.

And this is what happens with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome… toxins start to build, and our body reacts by creating exhaustion. Thus people are not able to sleep well because of aches and pains, their minds are fuzzy, they have sore throats all the time. They also may have enlarged lymph nodes, headaches, joint pain, extreme exhaustion, and many more symptoms. And all of this is triggered by the lack of good probiotic bacteria in our gut.

Also, Fibromyalgia works in the same way, with lots of toxins building up in the body, which predisposes a person to headaches, tension, bloating, abdominal pains, diarrhea, and constipation. And they may even have numbness and tenderness in their joints and muscles. They may also feel like they have to urinate all the time, they have a hard time thinking and doing simple tasks, and they feel out of sorts and tired.

Even many types of arthritis can be caused by not having enough good bacteria in our gut. Those very same toxins cause inflammation that creates pain and swelling. And we know that when our immune system is not working at full capacity or is impaired in some way… that opens the door to cancer and many other diseases. A healthy body with a powerful immune system kills hundreds of cancer cells every day. But when we have toxins lowering our immune system, cancer cells are allowed to take over and create tumors and other types of cancer.

It’s vitally important that we eight right, with at least 80 to 90% raw organic foods with live enzymes. Also, remove lots of toxic chemicals from our diet that keep us from having a robust immune system. Also, twice a week was eating live sauerkraut and kimchi, full of lots of probiotic bacteria. And eating simple meals with lots of organic fruits and veggies contain the nutrients that probiotic bacteria need to grow on. Plus, removing all sugar from our diet is important because sugar feeds the bad bacteria in our gut.

Fiber is very important for a healthy immune system. Eating whole fruits, whole veggies, and some whole grains… creates a fiber that produces a good environment for probiotic bacteria to grow. And fiber promotes peristalsis of the gut, thus preventing constipation. The daily recommended fiber intake is 25 grams, and most people fall way short of that amount. Processed food contains very little fiber and prevents us from meeting our 25 grams total for the day. Eating a whole foods/plant-based diet provides lots of fiber.

Eat inulin-rich foods… inulin is food for probiotic bacteria. Inulin allows the growth and proliferation of good bacteria in our colon… thus boosting our immune system. Not all foods have large amounts of inulin. Here are foods full of inulin, such as chicory, which is full of inulin, adds chicory to coffee in the morning, and artichokes also contain large amounts of inulin and fiber.

Green onions, leeks, garlic, red beets, asparagus, legumes, Jerusalem artichokes, jicama, and bananas also contain lots of inulin. Grains also have some inulin but much less than what we find in fruits and veggies. Also, the herbs dandelion root and elecampane root contain inulin. Taking inulin capsules is not a good idea because too much inulin can lead to bloating, cramps, and pain. It’s best to eat whole foods and have a natural intake of inulin. Foods containing inulin also contain oligosaccharides, which are high fiber carbs that are not used by the body… but are broken down in the colon by good bacteria to thrive.

Resistant starches that do not break down in our gut create a wonderful environment for growing probiotic bacteria. There are four types of resistant starch, and they are all important. They come from different types of plants – Here is a list of some fruits, veggies, and other foods that contain resistant starch. Cooked green bananas have the largest amount of resistant starch for building probiotic bacteria.

And it’s most important to supplement with 4 capsules of probiotic bacteria 4 times a day for the first month… and from then on 4 capsules a week. Probiotic capsules can be found at any good drugstore or health food store.

This process can create hope for those who suffer from what many call incurable diseases. But they are not incurable, we now know what the cause is, and we know what to do to feel healthy again!


This information is meant to get you started, so you can do more research on your own. Dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This article is for educational purposes only. We strongly recommend that you seek advice from a GP, a private doctor, or a medical specialist for any medical practitioner when dealing with ailment, illness, or a  medical condition. This article is not meant to be a scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form.


You will also enjoy Fibromyalgia – Ways to Balance the Body and Bring Relief and 5 Tips for Healing with Probiotic Therapy(Opens in a new browser tab)


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About the Author

Dr. Paul Haider– Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, helps people recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at – feel free to connect with him any time.


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