Unheard Sounds: Do They Bless or Curse Us?

Let’s explore the dark side of “unheard sounds” and ponder if we are “lambs to the slaughter.” Then, we will adventure to the light side.
What is the Deal with Unheard Sounds?
by Jill Mattson
Vibrations constantly change us! Tiny sounds may only change us a little bit, but their impact adds up when we are constantly bombarded. Think of the “seemingly inconsequential” influence of the Colorado River, having no effect on the rocks. Then you look up and see the Grand Canyon – the spectacular result of continuous tiny pulses of soft flowing water. Little packets of steady, subtle energy can change our worlds.
We would not walk into a hospital and randomly start taking other people’s medications, which are not tailored to our unique needs. Yet, we are subject to auditory “mystery” energy that definitely changes us – slowly but surely. Science confirms that waves nearby affect one another – changing our very essence. From vibrations emanating from nature and the midnight sky – to cell phones and microwaves – we are constantly soaking energy. Yet, we remain unaware as to how our auditory meals affect us!
Let’s explore the dark side of “unheard sounds” and ponder if we are “lambs to the slaughter.” Next, we will adventure to the light side, investigating how sounds positively alter living things in the plant kingdom and ourselves!
A bizarre unheard sound experiment revealed that people are affected they cannot hear nor see. Scientists from Liverpool’s Metropolitan Cathedral analyzed the responses of 250 people who listened to a 50 minute piano recital with inaudible vibrations, too low in pitch for them to hear. The audience’s emotions intensified as the inaudible sound vibrations were blasted out. Those feeling uncomfortable before the concert got increasingly angry. Others, who were initially happy, got progressively more joyful.
In experiments, people felt physical effects from the silent blasts: tingling in the back of the neck and a strange stomach feeling.[1] This should not surprise us as many scientists confirmed harmful effects from unheard or unseen vibrations, such as microwaves and electrical energy. A science experiment conducted by students in Denmark demonstrated that unheard vibrations from cell phones mutilated bean sprouts in days.
It is well documented that sound entrains brainwaves, creating specific states of consciousness. Of course, music makes us feel as we dance to a lively beat and feel sad with another song. Clearly, vibrations of sound both heard and unheard change us.
At least within the hearing spectrum, we know the impact of sound vibrations because we can hear them. Vibrations, even those unheard, can intensify our emotions – for better or worse. Our brain waves can be deliberated altered with unheard sounds, with a similar result – altering our consciousness. Can we be brainwashed or influenced – without a clue as to what is impacting us?
Do we choose our emotions and thoughts, or do we respond like robots to unseen vibrations? Inaudible vibrations have a substantial impact on us – our body, mind, and feelings. We are helpless to avoid the strong influences. Waves near combine – like it or not.
Finally, are there “Sound Stalkers?” Are people creating unheard sound blasts to hurt people? Given all the people creating computer viruses with the intent of wreaking havoc… this action would not be hard to conceive of. We should monitor unheard vibrations and be warned of their effects. Ultimately, when are we going to take what we listen to seriously?
Sound blasts can be used for good – for nutrition, to encourage positive emotions, elevate our consciousness and awareness, and more. Plants respond to music, growing better while listening to classical music, but how does sound change the plant’s physicality?
In the book, The Secret Life of Plants, researchers hooked plants to machines resembling lie detectors, which revealed their response to threatening behavior. Wow! Plants possess an awareness of their wellbeing and surroundings. Even more startling, the plants showed a response to their owner’s wellbeing, even if the owners were across the country. This seems like quantum entanglement (when two energies link on the quantum level and affect another, even at long distances).
If this idea is not delightful enough, researchers display plants “singing.” The plant’s tiny vibrations are too soft for us to hear but may account for why we feel uplifted in a botanical garden or calm down in nature. Unconsciously these “plant songs” lull us into harmony and a sense of wellbeing. People have hooked electrodes to plants’ leaves and roots – to musical instruments, producing fairy-like music: a new genre? An experiment at Dananhur in Italy showed plants connected to electronic instruments, producing exquisite music. Listen to this concert at the YouTube video in the footnotes.[2]
The Kairos Institute of Sound Healing in New Mexico tested if sound vibrations enhanced crop growth. They played tuning forks and hand chimes over seedlings. The forks were tuned to the frequency made by Mars and Venus moving in their orbits and other frequencies found in space (raised octaves into hearing range).[3] Their findings showed that sound vibrations improved seed germination. And also improved the quantity and quality of produce, production longevity, pollination, and plant size.[4]
Dan Carlson of Sonic Bloom noticed that plants’ use of nutrients spikes at dawn. Plants do not benefit nearly as much when fed at other times. How did the plant know when dawn was? Carlson noticed that birds’ choruses sing loudly at dawn. When he played local bird chirps at any time of the day, the plant acted as if it was dawn and utilized more nutrients. At least one way that the plants told time was with sound. Carlson sells plant food packaged with a recording of bird chirps and boasts a 100 percent increase in plant growth.[5] Once again, a link appears between sound and the plants’ wellbeing.
Joel Sternheimer, a French physicist, calculated the vibrations of the amino acids in plants. After he figured the tones of each, he organized the amino acids in the same way they were in the plant’s protein. When he played the “plant’s song” back to the plant, the plants’ growth nearly doubled with resistance to drought and disease.
What do we learn from all this? Are plants far greater beings than we expected? Are they also exquisite musicians? Perhaps the biggest lesson is that sounds below our hearing range significantly impact the energies of living things: body, mind, and emotions. At the very least, in a romantic picture, we are bathed unconsciously in plant songs and lullabies of the stars.
Sound and music enhance the health of plants. Yet, we stubbornly believe that we are not influenced by sound in the same way. What would make us exempt? In the future, mankind will use sound to control their body, mind, and emotions, harnessing sound for benefits.
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About the Author
Jill Mattson, a four-time author & composer of Sound Healing CDs, combining Healing techniques with Award-Winning Music. Free mp3’s – Solfeggio, Star, Flower Frequencies, Fibonacci, and natural tones. www.jillswingsoflight.com
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Jill Mattson, four-time author, composer, and expert in Sound Healing CDs. International awards include Best Book & Sound Healing CD 2016, Best CD 2015, Best CD Silver.