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Dr. Deepak Chopra: Way of Miracles

Dr. Deepak Chopra: Way of Miracles

Dr. Deepak Chopra The Way of Miracles


The pure potential of all that was, all that is, and all that will ever be. If you can ground your identity from human to Metahuman, then you consciously create your reality. Otherwise, you’re creating it anyway—everything that you see, touch, taste, smell, think about, enact with feeling is a direct reflection, every moment of your space of awareness because when you go to fundamental awareness, then you realize that everything from the physical world reflects your consciousness and your conditioned mind.

The Metahuman is what traditional wisdom traditions call liberation from suffering, enlightenment.

But again, so long as you’re a person, you will not be liberated from suffering because your mind jumped from pleasure to pain, and extreme pleasure and extreme pain are the same. You have to transcend that. I make a difference personally between belief and faith.

I think that belief usually ends up in a cover-up for insecurity. If I ask, ‘Do you believe in electricity?’ You say, ‘I can experience it. It’s on my phone. It’s on my computer.’ So, we tend to believe in things we want to believe in, and we are insecure about it. On the other hand, faith is a direct experience of your invisible self and the certainty of your invisible self without needing anything visible, and that’s a certain experience. It’s nothing to do with belief.


Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark, in your book, you said there’s always been a shadow of darkness lurking in the backdrop of life, and like the 600-pound gorilla in the corner of the room, it’s impossible to ignore. What is that darkness?

Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: The darkness is a separation—the illusion of separation—there’s no such thing as separation, but it’s embracing the illusion unconsciously. I don’t love myself; I don’t know myself, and I trust the world. I think there’s a darkness that is part of our experience that has to teach us, to inspire us, bring us to a place of spirit, a place of consciousness that’s more inclined to accept and embrace the love of self, the wholeness, and lack of separation that is in the universe.

The universe is unified; everything is unified in the universe, and I think the darkness is the fear to embrace that, the inability to connect with all that and merge with the unification, the unwillingness or incapability or the fear that everything is one, everything is whole, everything is perfectly imperfect the way it is and to simply embrace that with a sense of deep, hopeful trust. Without that, there’s the illusion of darkness. I think the darkness is an illusion.


Sandie Sedgbeer: Deepak, Mark says that accessing our miracle-making self is quite simple. What suggestions would you offer to people to help them access their new miracle-making self?

Dr. Deepak Chopra: Instead of identifying situations, circumstances, and events as the cause of how you feel, how you feel orchestrates situations, circumstances, events, and relationships. The feeling is the most fundamental activity of pure consciousness; even organisms without brains feel their way.

The feeling that you’re connected. If you happen to experience the connectedness, the feeling is empathy, compassion, joy, equanimity, love, and service. That’s how you access the source of all experiences. You connect with the source of the experience. Instead of identifying with objects, you identify with the sound in which those objects are a perceptual activity. So anytime you are overshadowed by experience, you turn back to the self.

I ask you right now as you are listening to me. Just be aware of who is listening, and you’ll feel the still presence. Any time you can turn from the objects of experience to the source of the experience called self-report? instead of object experience, it’s called self-refer instead of an object reference. Or, of course, you can observe the space between perceptions, the space between sounds, the space between thoughts. It’s all the same space, infinite, formless, fundamental, consciousness, before space and time.


Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark, what would you advise people if they’re looking to know their miracle-making self?

Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: I think Deepak hit the word – ‘source.’ I think that to realize that you don’t have a source, you are the source stemming from that place, and you choose to project your beingness through that source consciously and to make the connection that consciousness isn’t something you have, it’s something that you are, something that you never lose. I think that’s the key. I think the source is what enlightens us in that process.

Sandie Sedgbeer: Yeah, I get that. Mark, what does nutrition have to do with miracle-making? You say that there are four states of awareness that present very many manifestations of consciousness. What are they?

Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: I bring those into the miracle equation as well. I say that it distills down to our relationship with miracles. Miracles can be rejected, they can be accepted, they can be expected, and they can be created. When we can evolve from rejecting through the evolutionary process to creation, I think when we have the states occupying the source, coming from the source, knowing that you are a source. Then, you could emanate your energy through that source. As you emanate through that source, you move more readily from rejecting the notion of miracles to creating them. So, I say reject, accept, expect, and create. I think “creating” comes when we occupy the source.


Sandie Sedgbeer: Disease. You talk about disease germinates at the soul level. Deepak, could you speak to that.

Dr. Deepak Chopra: Dis-ease. Just the word tells you it begins with dis-ease. You lose your lightness of being. So, the fundamental state of a biological organism, not just humans, any biological organism, should be joyful. But as we grow into mammals and humans and primates, we experience emotions so love, compassion.

As humans, we also desire to have a clear, reflective, alert mind and lightness of being.

These are the four aspects of what I call wholeness or healing:

1. a joyful, energetic body,

2. a loving, compassionate heart,

3. the reflective, creative mind,

4. a lightness of being.

But the lightness of being can only occur if your fundamental identity is formless. So ultimate healing is transcendence, number one, the emergence of platonic values like truth, goodness, beauty, harmony, number 2, and loss of the fear of death. Death happens to mental constructs, not you.

Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark, in your book, The Way of Miracles, you offer a simple exercise to balance our heart state. Can you share that with us?

Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: There are several exercises in the book that are interchangeable. The most important exercise, to me, is one where I ask the reader to go to a mirror and look into the core of your eyes, eyeball to eyeball, and spend ten minutes undistracted, looking into the core of your eyes and open yourself up to feel what you feel, to be clear about the fact that there’s an essence. You feel the essence that is you, not the essence that is yours, but the essence that is you, and to feel a warmth, a love, an is-ness, a connection, and a conscious blanketing of energy to that essence that is you and feel that essence. There are also different heart exercises where I talk about putting the hands over the heart, engaging in deep breathing. As you deep breathe, you feel the chi, the energy in your hands draw the energy of your breath into your heart chakra and to release it as love, to breathe it in like energy, as life force, and to breathe it out as love.

There are many different exercises that are centrally focused on connecting us with source, with essence, with love, with the vibration, the energy of love. To make “love” to a whole different level of understanding. To take it away from the material properties, from the physicality, from a perspective of is-ness, just a pure state of warmth, and to feel that exchange between self and source is what I’m trying to accomplish with those exercises in the book. So, I think it’s important that we take the time to know and love the self-source.


Sandie Sedgbeer: Christina, the book contains so much information that obviously could not be part of the movie. If you were to make a sequel, is there anything you want to expand on or include?

Christina V. Bresson: There was a lot I wanted to include in terms of different science, more on heart rate variability, neuroplasticity, the vagus nerve, but maybe if there’s a part 2. But there are also many practical tools in the book; that’s why they work so well together. People see the film and want to know what the next steps are? What can I do? They can go right to the book and work with the practical tools and things to empower themselves and have your transformation. So, they work in tandem together.


Ascending Hearts –


Sandie Sedgbeer: Deepak you’ve also said that while AI is touted as a huge advance, the irony is that the direct perils of AI are already here in the form of our human intelligence. Say a little bit more about that.

Dr. Deepak Chopra: Well, unless we evolve beyond our tribal mindset—we’re still living in medieval minds and modern capacities – that’s a sure route for extinction, so unless our emotional and spiritual evolution keeps pace with our amazing creativity and technology, we could be doomed. It’s about time for us to wake up to our fundamental nature. Then we can use all these technologies to help create a critical mass for more peaceful justice and the world’s health. Otherwise, I think we’re sleepwalking ourselves to extinction.


See Also

Sandie Sedgbeer: You have been teaching about spirituality and wellness for many, many years. Looking at where the world is at today, do you feel that it’s devolving rather than evolving?

Dr. Deepak Chopra: It’s doing both. For every step forward, there’s half a step backward, and that’s the nature of evolution. If there were only creativity, we wouldn’t have any brakes on it. If there were only entropy, that would also be a problem. So, I think we’re just evolving as a species and learning that we evolve not just as biological organisms but as sentient ecosystems.

And once we understand that we already have the technologies for reversing climate change, but fixing the ecosystem, for creating a biosphere that’s nurturing to all of life. But we don’t have the right story right now. We don’t have the emotional and spiritual connection with what we call the environment of the biosphere. That’s another problem with the word ‘environment.’ It’s our extended body, so the atmosphere is our breath, the universe is our circulation, the earth is the recycling of our body. The stars make the atoms circulating in our bodies right now, and they all share the same breath, so we are personal and universal bodies. If you put a rabbit in a vacuum, it dies. If you put a plant in a vacuum, it dies. You put them both together; they thrive. So, unless we change our vocabulary and the current idea that science treats us as biological organisms in an environment where we are the universe itself, we are the source of all experience. And that’s why transcendence from mental construct is the fundamental key to our evolution and using technology humanely and divinely instead of diabolical.


Sandie Sedgbeer: Christina, in directing and producing the movie, what element made you especially proud?

Christina V. Bresson: I think that bringing awareness to the very powerful inner world we all have. And hopefully, through that awareness, people will be empowered to evolve consciously and become the miracle makers they are. So that was important to me.

Sandie Sedgbeer: Mark?

Mark Mincolla, Ph.D.: I think the single most important thought that I brought into this film, and to the book as well, was that if there’s anybody in the world, anybody in the universe that I could open up a little bit of light for, out of love, I’d be happy. That they are miracles. And they are miracle makers, after that fact. But they must first connect with that, to know that they are a source that’s eternal, limitless, full of light and love, and has no limitation. That is what they are. That is the source of their being. So, the miracles they are, are here to create several resounding, loving miracles. At the same time, they’re conscious of the fact, to make them more aware that they can make miracles that are limitless, endless, and resplendent. That’s the most important thing I wanted to awaken in people—and inspire.


The Way of Miracles is a groundbreaking film that takes us on a journey of human healing and personal empowerment. Miracle recoveries and their underlying science are explored and uncovered in this thought-provoking documentary. To watch The Way of Miracles, visit

The Way of Miracles, Accessing Your Super Consciousness book by Mark Mincolla Ph.D. is published by Beyond Words and available online and in bookstores worldwide.


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