The Star Card: Tarot Arcanum December 2021
The Star Card is one of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. The Star Arcanum is a symbol of renewal and of hope.
The Star: The Archetype of December
Speaking on vibrational terms, without a shadow of a doubt, the Star has nothing to do with the other Arcana that preceded it, such as The Tower or The Devil. Especially, for this reason, its appearance brings much more tranquility and serenity than the previous ones.
On the Star Card, which has the number seventeen, appears a figure of a naked woman pouring water from two amphorae, one in each hand. One of them is poured into the earth, and the other into a river.
Another point to note is that right behind the woman, there is a starry sky and a bird perched on a tree — a symbol of the soul of human beings. The Star Card is also the first manifestation of a planetary star among the Tarot cards, followed by the arcane The Moon and The Sun.
The Star Card
The figure illustrating this Tarot card is linked with the Babylonian goddess of love called Astarte. This deity is equivalent to the Egyptian Isis and closely related to the Greek Aphrodite and the Roman goddess Venus.
Thus, all these connections with the goddesses of love and fertility make this card automatically associated with something positive, related to the importance of enjoying life. And that is why it pours water from one of the amphorae onto the ground to enrich the soil and generate the fruits that will benefit it.
The action of letting the water run can also be interpreted as an expression of faith, of confidence in the future.
If we work to do good, soon we will receive the fruits according to what we sow. The Star Card is very much linked to the need to sow hope for better times, not so in our lives but also in the lives of others.
Collectively Collecting what We Sow
The Star, as the Arcane of this month, indicates the arrival of positive events, good luck, pleasure, and friends who will be by your side, no matter what. On an emotional level, the card can mean the return of an old love. Possibly this will be a person you have already forgotten, but who will move you. So get ready to experience magical moments, even if they are ephemeral.
Enjoy this adventure well but know that everything will be brief, and soon things will be back to their proper place. But, even if you must “get back to reality,” a fantastic taste of emotions will still be there.
As for health, it should encourage us to adopt an epicurean lifestyle and a vegetarian diet, enjoying what nature offers us. Finally, in terms of money, that investment you made some time ago should start to pay off.
The Star Card Message
As we’ve seen so far, there’s nothing to fear when the Star Card is announced as a card of the month. Overall, this card brings with it the power to guide you to achieve your goals. Have this arcane as a kind of spiritual guide. It is the Light that shines in the darkness!
The Star is hope. It is the world in balance, inspiration, and the certainty of success. The woman pours her repressed feelings, such as sadness and emptiness, into the river with her jar. Let go of the disillusionment and despair that comes over you when things don’t work out. Instead, make room in your life to receive the renewal of feelings and lift your heart. It is time to renew vitality and do great things.
Spiritual Meaning of December – the Month of the Solstice
December is a busy month for many people, and many religions celebrate the return of the Light this time of the year!
For Christians, Christmas happens, which represents the birth of Christ’s Light. December is still a month of great spiritual closings and preparation for a new year and a new cycle of our evolutionary path.
Spiritual Meaning of December – Origin of the Name
The name December derives from the Latin term DEVEM, which means ten. It was the last month of the ancient calendar which contained ten months. At this time, January and February had not yet been incorporated into the year. After the change, December continued to occupy last place, becoming the twelfth month. Its function of closing the year has lasted for centuries. Its thirty-one days are those in which it remembers everything that was done during the previous months.
The Winter solstice takes place on the 21st or 22nd of December each year. So, it’s like a rebirth of life or rebirth of deities and new beginnings in all levels and frequencies of consciousness.
This period reminds us that we should rejoice, that the sun is close to us. It is also a time to rest and reflect on the year that is ending and the new year to come. It’s also a time for lots of get-togethers, meeting people we love, and giving the gift of Hope and Renewal. December is a month full of celebrations.
The spirit of brotherhood, friendship, and love are present at all times. It’s a strange time, often nostalgic but pleasant when it seems that all human beings love each other more.
It is also a period of reflection to analyze everything that happened during the year. Finally, December is a month to think about what we did wrong and face the new year without making mistakes.
It’s time to decide and firmly form intentions as we want to be in the year to come.
It is certainly an interesting time to clarify thoughts and purify the soul. Therefore, dedicate yourself to clearing your inner being of negative energies accumulated during the year to attract good and new vibrations.
You should read Tarot Astrology Forecast December 2021 for Each Zodiac Sign
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About the Author
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.
OMTimes is the first and only Spiritually Conscious Magazine. Follow Us On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, and Youtube
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.