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The Power of Meditation

The Power of Meditation


Learn how the power of meditation can affect our minds through brain waves and enhance our well-being!

Meditation has the Power to Affect Our Minds

by Ginger McBride



Life sneaks up on us when we least expect it. We are going about our day like the many before, and all of a sudden, we feel the brush of anxiety and stress taking hold. We would love to believe that the world could just stop spinning for a moment, but we know better than that. It is us who need to stop spinning and not the other way around. Learning to take a breath or a break can be essential to our success and well-being. Meditation has many benefits and can be practiced in a variety of settings.

Through meditation, we can receive benefits related to anxiety and stress reduction, well-balanced emotional health, positive self-image, self-awareness, and can potentially assist in anxiety disorders. Once we find our calm and learn how to create our own calmness, we reduce the need to outsource this to less healthy options. Meditation can be practiced in many ways, and therefore can be customized for an individual’s experience. It can be spiritual, practical, short, long, with or without music, by ourselves, in a group, guided with an instructor, etc. It is up to us to define how we can use this in our daily lives and enhance our well-being.

For us to be at our very best, we must take care of our minds. The brain has many roles, responsibilities, and it is a vital piece of us. We can combine our knowledge of brain waves and the practice of meditation to help do this. Our brain waves play a particular part in meditation. They are measured by frequencies, as well as speed from slow to fast. The five common brain waves are alpha, beta, theta, gamma, and delta.

Beta brain waves are where we spend the majority of our time. In this stage, we are alert, making decisions, going about our day, and our frequency is at the range of twelve to thirty-five hertz. While alpha brain waves are what we typically would wake up to. At this point, we aren’t rushing into complicated problems but are conscious and calm and at a range of eight to twelve hertz in frequency. This is where we would begin our practice of meditation. Theta brain waves are a place of calmness. In this stage, we may find ourselves daydreaming as we complete remedial tasks. Still, in meditation, this is where we practice visualizations, creativity, inspiration and begin our process as we slow down to four to eight hertz in frequency. The delta brain waves are the slowest type of brain waves from only four hertz or less. This is the stage of the unconscious mind, where we can have a dreamless sleep, our body and mind can have a chance to heal and reset themselves. Gamma brain waves, on the other hand, are the fastest at over thirty-five hertz. This is the stage where we learn, process information, concentrate, and problem solve.



Meditation can bring a unique experience to the table and can be customized to our own preferences. We can discover how we want to meditate and when. Maybe morning or evening meditation is better suited for us, depending on our lifestyles. Whatever method we may choose shows that meditation affects the brain differently than just sleeping or resting. It actually increases a more relaxed attention state of mind and improves our well-being, helping maintain our busy lives!


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See Also
Inner Strength Meditation OMTimes

About the Author

Ginger McBride is a certified health coach, wellness expert, and entrepreneur. She is passionate about helping others with their health, inspiring them to reach their goals through motivation and education! She is the founder of Raw Ninja – a nutrition coaching membership that provides affordability and accessibility to her clients. She is passionate about helping others with their health, inspiring them to reach their goals through motivation and education!


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