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Chinese New Year 2022: The Year of the Tiger

Chinese New Year 2022: The Year of the Tiger

Chinese New Year 2022 Water Tiger

Chinese New Year 2022 starts on February 1 and will be ruled by the water tiger, which carries a great sense of justice, sociability, and openness to new experiences.

Chinese New Year 2022: Return of the Water Tiger



The Chinese New Year is an event that marks the transition to a new phase in our lives.

According to the Chinese tradition, the Chinese New Year is celebrated differently from the Western Tradition. It is based on the lunisolar calendar, which is organized according to the phases of the Moon and the position of the Sun. This reference, however, is used to mark the festivities and the important dates since, for civil purposes, the Chinese adopted the Gregorian calendar.

The first day of the Chinese New Year is based on the appearance of the first New Moon, which occurs between January 21 and February 20, making this a moveable date. For example, the Chinese New Year in 2022 starts on February 1.

In the Chinese calendar, each year is dedicated to an animal, and 2022 will be the year of the Tiger, more specifically, the yang water tiger. If you are not familiar with traditions other than Western ones, read on and we will explain a little about this very rich tradition.


The Year of the Water Tiger

What is a Water Tiger?

According to Eastern tradition, the signs came about after the Buddha invited all the animals in the forest to a New Year’s party. However, only 12 of them attended. So, to reward the reverence of these animals, the Buddha named them after a specific year, according to the order of their arrival at the event: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, dog, and pig.

Each animal pledged to protect the natives born in the Year it represented and swore to visit the world of the living to preach and convert, in turn. As long as one was in the world doing his actions, the others would be doing good in silence.



The Chinese horoscope cycle lasts 60 years, making an animal appear five times each cycle. Every year, we celebrate a certain animal. In addition to animals, there are still 5 cosmic elements:

Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. The element that governs your personality will be defined according to the last number of the year of birth.

Year of birth ending in 0 and 1: metal.

Year of birth ending in 2 and 3: water

Year of birth ending in 4 and 5: wood

Year of birth ending in 6 and 7: fire

Year of birth ending in 8 and 9: earth.

Besides, each element has fixed signs. These will have their characteristics added to the influences of the element associated with the year of birth.

The fixed signs relating to each element are as follows:

Metal: monkey and rooster

Water: mouse and pig

Wood: tiger, rabbit, and dragon

Fire: snake and horse

Earth: the ox, snake, and dog


Chinese New Year 2022: The Year of the Water Tiger

As mentioned above, the Chinese New Year 2022 starts on February 1 and will be ruled by the water tiger. The cycle ends on January 21, 2023.

Chinese New Year 2021 was dedicated to the metal ox, which brought a more static quality to the year that is now leaving. Now comes a completely different, more dynamic period.

The tiger (Hu) is a sign that gives leadership and strength. Its competitiveness, ambition, and taste for challenges are its hallmarks. Those who belong to this sign are dynamic, lively, and endowed with great magnetism.

As a counterpoint, the native of Hu has a tendency to suddenly change his mood and be too sincere at times and have some difficulty trusting others.


The Water Tiger

This tiger is a little calmer among the other elements. Its greatest quality is his human side, which carries a great sense of justice, sociability, and openness to new experiences. It is the least temperamental of all the tigers, having the most ability to control its urges.


How will the water tiger affect 2022?

The water tiger will bring a lot of determination, spontaneity, and growth amid adversity to the new year. After everything we’ve been through with the pandemic that started in 2020, it’s good news, as it will also be the time to heal our wounds.

It will be a year of great enthusiasm and dynamism, of giving our best and preparing for surprisingly positive changes. The keywords for 2022 will be movement and will. Water will bring a little more depth and transparency to relationships of all kinds.

On the other hand, Yang energy is characterized by dynamism and speed, which will strengthen our movement in search of improvement, but combined with the aspects of the water tiger, this energy will also be able to enhance our good side of our sense of attention. Towards others will sharpen our intuition and adaptability to the environment and the situation.

Therefore, it will be a year of great resilience and struggle and search for conquests.

Of course, there is also a not very positive side. We must be careful not to exaggerate our judgmental, stubborn, and arrogant along this year. Since the tiger is a very self-confident, daring, fearless animal and full of willingness to face any challenge. The good thing is that water is there to appease and balance these aspects.


Chinese New Year 2022 in the professional and financial fields

Despite the possibility of some unforeseen financial events throughout this cycle, there will be no major losses or shocks in the economic sphere. If, on the one hand, the tiger brings this will, this claw, to obtain conquests; on the other hand, it warns us to have more self-control, especially concerning spending.

And it is this desire to progress that will be well marked in the year of the tiger. As we will have the need and the pleasure to seek new and better opportunities and turn a life around, it will be challenging. Still, the action will focus more than the result itself.



Love Life in 2022

Love is in the air… And the good news is that romantic renewal will be for everyone, from those who are single, looking for a love to call their own, to those who have already found their better half.

The flame of love will rekindle among couples who found themselves in a lukewarm love routine and without innovations. But, as it is the year of willpower, this renewal will depend greatly on our efforts.

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Self-control comes in to prevent disagreements in relationships that go through adversity.

Friendship, family, and personal relationships

The water tiger comes to sharpen our most human side, so it enhances our relationships with others, whether in the family, between friends or in relationships with other people.

It will be the moment of consensus at home, pulled by the willpower to make things work out and walk towards the common good. It will be the time to unite to avoid selfish ideas and individualism.


Health in the Chinese New Year 2022

After a very long period of experiencing an unprecedented phase in recent years, many of us have had great losses and, with them, great emotional damage.

Although the world is in a better moment, with the arrival of vaccines against Covid-19, we can’t deny that the impact of the pandemic has left damage in every way. At best, we can say it messed up our psychological condition. The result of this was the exponential increase in the number of cases of depression, anxiety, panic syndrome, and other psychic disorders.

Therefore, 2022 will still be a year that will require a lot of care for the mind and a lot of work to take care of the emotional aspect. Finally, we may hope the pandemic’s legacy will come to an end.

Therefore, it is advisable to pay special attention to our emotions. Besides, meditation, yoga, and physical activity can help calm the mind and release well-being hormones. Taking up a hobby is also essential.

It’s also good to watch your kidney, liver, and gallbladder health. Look for a balanced diet, drink plenty of water and avoid habits that are harmful to the body (such as smoking and excess alcohol). As each person has their own journey, it is necessary to think of all the ways to take care of the body and mind, in addition to those provided here.


Happy Chinese New Year 2022! Happy New cycle!



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