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don Jose Ruiz: The Ancestral Knowledge of Power Animals

don Jose Ruiz: The Ancestral Knowledge of Power Animals

on Jose Ruiz-The Ancestral Knowledge of Power Animals.


When I was conflicted with myself, I still remember being in an abusive relationship and hurting myself with my parasite. I remember Michael Beckwith seeing me suffering and with such love him coming to me and saying, “I see you; I see you, I see you” I closed my eyes, and I felt his love. We need to aim for these moments and show everybody to love or be there when someone needs it. We need to be messengers of love versus spreaders of hate. Now, when we are activists or messengers of love, we come with the flag of love, peace, and respect, not the flag of war, anger, and hate. Some people do things without knowing what they are doing. Something happened in their path that they are acting It way, they will quickly hold judgments, quick to divide each other and living It way, the World will never change. That is why it is important to free ourselves from the things that no longer serve us, walk in Our life, seeing the animal kingdom -It includes us humans- and saying, how can we help our planet, each other, and our home. It is when we get creative in our hearts and become the artist of the Spirit. The biggest challenge is how we can fix ourselves? When we find peace within and work on our life, we will project it wherever we go. The Point of Presence is a point of divine love. From this point of view, we can see that we are lovers of life, reminding everyone around us that life is a beautiful dream and it’s time to stop making it a nightmare.


OMTimes: Do you hold a Mystical / Cultural Vision for our World? What would you like to see manifested in our collective reality now?

don Jose Ruiz: I do have a mystical and cultural wish for our World. If I could manifest something for It World, it would be to eliminate the dream of Machismo in humankind. It is the Machismo dream that suppresses the World. One example is that of hunting down animals, just for a sport of blood or for money. Some call it is hunting for sport too, but it is not a sport. Many psychologists say that the first thing about becoming a serial killer is that you begin hurting defenseless animals. How can one feel good about taking an innocent life? That is why I say to everybody that Machismo in our egos is a poison on It earth. In the Toltec tradition, the power is in our mind, to see that It Nightmare of hunting is a reality based on the addiction of suffering. As young boys, we are taught the Machismo world what it takes to “be a real man,” but it is a lie. It’s not a real man to hurt others. It is a predator of suffering who imposes suffering on others. It is someone who does not live with the heart open. It is where people numb themselves again, again and again. Whether with drugs, food, alcohol, just numbing the pain, and they continue doing cruelty. They do not have awareness because “if you do bad, you feel bad” Isn’t it true? So, they don’t want to see the suffering they are causing is doing. It makes people unaware of feelings. It is the addiction of suffering that is hurting the planet. When we wake up from It Nightmare, and we start to see people around us living It way, we don’t judge them, we don’t put them down, we just don’t understand that way of life, it’s based on suffering and lies, and when you are awake, you can see it. It is a nightmare. It is hell. When we have a profound awakening, we have the message of Heaven of kindness, peacefulness, gratitude, respect. We become defenders of animals and humankind. We become a defender for all. When we take our mask off, we know that we are just It lifeforce of our energy. I put it in my heart and intended that everyone speak kindness and love to end It Nightmare. It Nightmare that is hurting the animal kingdom, our planet, and the dream of humanity. That is my contribution to the World to bring such awareness for the Nightmare to end.

OMTimes: We know you are an animal lover, and you run a shelter/rescue place for animals. Will you share a little about that?

don Jose Ruiz: I am an animal lover, and every time the family goes to Teotihuacan for our events or a visit, my friend Natalie helps dogs and puppies there. We call them “cases,” and these cases usually find us. Teotihuacan is a town outside of Mexico City, where the ancient pyramids are. It is a poor working-class town, and many strays live on the streets. We do everything we can to help get them neutered, find homes, or get them healthy. We work with a veterinarian that helps us, and he also helps the community there. We raise money before, after, and even during our events to get them vaccinated, attend to medical needs, and, most importantly, find loving homes. Its dream of helping and starting “Teo Paws” began with a sick puppy, followed by a teaching moment and lesson.

A puppy was crying in pain in an abandoned lot near the hotel where the event was being held. I did not see him myself, but the puppy was crying in pain, and people from our group saw it by walking right past it. Natalie saw that he was crying and attempted to help him but did not know what to do. She came to me crying during a break of our evening class, unable to shake the feeling of that little soul out there suffering. I said, okay, let us help It puppy. I remember getting my jacket after my lecture was over and headed to the puppy. When I got there, I did not know if it was his body or something else giving him pain. He just laid there motionless, crying. His mom was there, looking panicked, pacing the lot with worry along with the rest of her puppy litter. I took my jacket off and wrapped the puppy in it, and it was like his mother knew I was there to help her puppy. I first took him to the hotel lobby and asked the people working there for help. Everybody told me, “well, it’s late, it is 10 o’clock, everything is closed.” So, I moved to plan B and asked for a Taxi to take me to Mexico City, but then fate stepped in, and our friend who owns the taxi service said one of his clients owed him a favor and that he was a veterinarian in town. At 11 p.m., we called in that favor, and he opened the door and took the puppy in. He said from the looks of it.

The puppy looked to be poisoned. His worst case was that he would have brain damage and would need to be put to sleep. We started to prepare ourselves for the worse but still wanted to try to save his life. The next day we returned, and we could hear the puppy barking, barking, and barking from his cage. We immediately thought It means he is getting better! After a week of care, he was moving around and himself again. A little wild street puppy made it! On the last night of the event, we asked for donations to help with the costs of his care. We shared the story of the puppy, and people started to raise their hands and share that they saw It puppy but didn’t dare to do anything about it. One story after another, all the same, they walked by and ignored The animal in need. I saw the lesson in It puppy’s story.

How many times in our lives have we seen a “hurting puppy or someone in need” and just walked on by?

Now, what if we look at it from its angle? It is not a puppy or someone in need, but it’s our physical body. How many times have we ignored ourselves when in pain? When are we hurting for things that we want to do but do not do? Day after day, we are sabotaging, hurting ourselves, crying for help inside? How many times do we ignore it in our life? The puppy gave us the most powerful lesson. It is time to stop ignoring our pain. We do not have any more time to ignore our suffering.

The first puppy got saved, but we have to date saved about 50 or more! We have helped so many go to new homes. Some have even made it to America for adoption. We have participants who take them. The beautiful thing is that it brought awareness to the people of Teo too, the people in the village see us helping, thinking here are these people coming from far away and helping our dogs, it is time to stand up and help them too. The guards at the Pyramids are looking after puppies, contacting the vet when we are gone.

So, It has become a whole new dream in itself. We named our organization “helping Teotihuacan paws” or, for short, “Teo Paws” because you know these dogs are the guardians of the pyramid. It’s time to give back. The last time I left Teotihuacan to make a journey in India, I came across a charity there. When I went to see my friend in the vegan restaurant, they met and asked me to please join them. So I sit down and guess what they were talking about? An Indian eternal charity where they were helping dogs, get neutered, get them off the street, find them new homes, and give these dogs a new life. I felt like we had an ambassador meeting! There is magic in teaching and showing compassion, kindness, and respect that every creature deserves the right to live with respect.


OMTimes:  Please tell us how It came to be and what our readers can support your Cause.

don Jose Ruiz: In the last question, I shared how Teo Paws came to be. It started because I acted when I needed to. The more we help people or animals, the more we help life. Whether it is Nature, the little animals, children, men, women, communities, villages, we can help. If readers are inspired to help us change in Teotihuacán, they can help us by visiting our website under my name. You can see the link to Teo paws. It doesn’t have to be Teo Paws, and there are so many places in our communities where we can help. We have the medicine and cure for spreading love. We carry it inside our hearts. Spreading that medicine sharing love and gratitude it’s a beautiful thing! Like the Book Christopher Reeves wrote, he shared Abraham Lincoln’s quote, “If I do good, I feel good.”

Imagine how good it feels to save a life, to support life? Our bodies become full of gratitude when we’re doing good in It life. This type of energy just raises us. Imagine if everyone started collecting donations or spreading love from where they are at The very moment. We have seen that when we set an intention for good, it falls into place. Everything will work out because the divine mother is planning everything, putting the right people in our paths to help us make change happen. It’s bigger than us. It is precisely what the power animal book is all about. It’s about honoring life. When you begin honoring your life, you start honoring the lives of others, even the tiny insects. I’m so grateful for asking how to help the little animals through Teo Paws because we all work for the same boss. Our mission is to spread kindness with gratitude and love.

don Jose RuizShamanic Power Animals: Embracing the Teachings of Our Non-Human Friends, by don Jose Ruiz, is available now on Amazon

Learn about don Jose’s love project Helping Teotihuacan Paws.

See Also
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