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The Lovers Card: Tarot Arcanum for 2022

The Lovers Card: Tarot Arcanum for 2022

The Lovers Card: Tarot Arcanum for 2022

The Lovers Card, the Tarot Arcanum Regent for 2022, prepares us for a great event: the union of opposing and complementary forces coming into balance.

The Lovers Card: Tarot Arcanum Regent for 2022: The Archetype of the Lovers

How to interact, navigate and get the best of the year with the archetype of The Lovers



“Each of us knows the pain and delight of being what we are.” Harness Mercury’s strength and express your PURPOSE clearly.

If you got tired of the 2021 sluggish step, you could cheer up because 2022 is coming to get us off the ground. This change takes place because the ruling arcana of those years could not be more divergent.

The archetype of The Pope, ruler of the year 2021, is essentially normative. It hits the key to submission to beliefs, established rules, and protocols dictating norms for the entire community.

The competence behind these guidelines has been disputed in the fierce clash between Science and Spirituality, heavily manipulated by politics. Under the weight of these leaders, there is not much room for individuality to express itself, physical contact was partially replaced by virtual connection, and everyone resented it.

In contrast to this sense, governed by the Lovers Arcane, 2022 will be agile and vibrant. Dialogue, the connection between people, and the meeting of peers will also be favored, bringing a strong feeling of (re)integration. The time to redefine standards and philosophy and personal purpose.


The Archetype of the Lovers Card

The Arcanum of The Lovers will be the ruler of 2022. In the tarot, this card is the Major Arcanum of number 6, astrologically attributed to Gemini, which is ruled by Mercury. It prepares us for a great event: the union of opposing and complementary forces coming into balance.

What can be bigger than that?

As befits the major arcana, the Lovers influence will manifest in all walks of life, reconfiguring our karmic destiny.

The hard – but valuable – lessons of 2021 could not have been understood any other way. After this learning process, it will be possible to leave the social aridity and embrace new paths.

And there will be paths that will open in many directions, as there will be many choices to be made, as is characteristic of Gemini.

Having choices is an aspect of freedom; choosing is responsibility – in this, we summarize the grace and challenge of 2022 because the driving force of Gemini wants to tread through all possibilities, driven by the multivalence and fluctuation of the Air element.

With Mercury favoring communication, 2022 offers very stimulating effective connections. Not just romantic attachments but also in terms of finding your tribe – your reference of affection and acceptance.

In the context of the community, no one will be “one more” in the crowd. Thus, massive resolutions will be superseded by individual values. Orientations dictated by hegemonies will be much questioned. Practices that restrict people’s choices and happiness will be discarded.

This will be experienced as an imperative feeling of being true to yourself, honoring what you truly believe.

Gemini’s kaleidoscopic richness will provide many opportunities to engage in situations and projects to which you will be attracted by affinity and empathy.


2022 Architecture and Forecasts

In Card of the Lovers, everything is lit up. The Sun pours out its light generously. It is a moment of clarity, revelation – and vitality, catalyzing the attraction between opposites about to merge.

The setting in this card is reminiscent of the Garden of Eden.

The name Angel in the Air is Raphael, which means “God heals.” The angel blesses the union of man and woman as emanations of the Divine. On earth, as it is in heaven. Above them all, the Sun radiates light, like the transcendent presence of Cosmic super consciousness. So, expect a year of emotional healing and repair.


The Lovers Card and Your Love Life

In 2022, love finally receives the universe’s blessing to happen. As the characters on the Lovers card, you’ll be more inspired to step out in your vulnerability.

This phenomenon starts with the acceptance and integration of all the parts that you have excluded from yourself. So, walk with great compassion through these hiding places in your Shadow, where you have hidden the “thorny” contents under lock and key.



Self-love makes us receptive to the love of others. By reintegrating these aspects, you will find yourself more complete yourself. From there, you will be able to better recognize who is compatible with your energy. Also, freer from conventions to fall in love, feel the desire, cultivate a nice intimacy with your partner. Love attracts love.

Personal ties will be highlighted. Family life will undergo an update. If you are not well situated in your family of origin, you will likely find a family at heart. But there is also a chance for reconciliation – perhaps with people with kinships who were not close before. Refugees and expatriates will be able to find shelter in a new land. If you’re alone, great chance of appearing a love to call your own, with good chemistry. Many people will feel that they have found their soul mate or their better half. Whatever the situation, it will be time for everyone to participate in an effective network of love, compassion, and understanding.

In contrast to the traditionalism of 2021, relationships in 2022 will be open to new arrangements and agreements – in union formats, in the negotiation of roles and responsibilities in domestic life, in intimate relationship conducts.

There must be transparency, honoring the sacred meaning of the Arcane of the Lovers. Whatever the agreement, it must be underpinned by ethics that everyone involved is aware of. Mercury favors diplomacy in discussions, dialogue, and participation.

Freewill will carry a lot of weight. You will often be in an ethical dilemma, in a position to make a choice – then live with its ramifications. The arcane of The Lovers also requires discernment, scruples, and courage, not just drive and experimentation. Living according to our beliefs is not as easy as it might first appear.


The Lovers Card and The World

The year 2022 will be dynamic and will bring many reforms around the world.

Daily, coexistence will be guided by compatibility, favoring the formation of associations, cooperatives, and support groups.



On the political scene, new fronts and leadership will emerge. Under the influence of Mercury, there will be many speeches giving voice to the underprivileged sectors, which did not receive due attention in the previous proposals. Revolutionary thinking will be felt as more flourishing and civilized, and avant-garde ideas will have a lot of support.

The detail in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is an important reference. But, as is typical of Gemini, information will not be lacking.

So, no one will be able to omit, plead ignorance, or confront reality and make decisions. It will be difficult to select and discern the truth amidst the intense flow of information.


The Archetype of The Lovers Card and Your Career

In 2022 the arcane The Lovers puts in contact people and contexts with affinity with each other. By tuning into your more authentic self, you will also attract people and activities that you identify with.

In terms of your career, you will be motivated to finally pursue what you’ve always wanted to do. That possibility of doing an exchange abroad will seem very attractive. Many will find a new vocation. Those who continue in the same field will highlight their professional profile, highlighting their differential.

Take advantage of Mercury’s inspiration to make the best publicity and presentation of what you have to offer. Prepare the resume, attend the interview, assemble the folder. It will be a highly visible moment to show what is special about each one.

In 2022 the climate of opportunity tends to propagate in all sectors. The market will be in full swing, with partnerships and associations emerging and moving business. Finally, visionary and creative endeavors will come out of the paper.

In the personal sphere, you will be making plans: romantic getaways, vacations, or adventures. Some will feel the urge to throw everything in the air and go around the world.

See Also
Tarot Astrology Forecast July 2022

All this is in the “vibe” of following your dreams, taking the road never taken before, but long desired.



Be careful not to blow up everything you managed to save in 2021, as you will have thousands of incentives and justifications for this, including wedding parties and honeymoon trips.


The Lovers Card and Health

In 2022, scientific evidence and new health control instruments will allow more freedom under the Sun. With that, people will leave their homes and find themselves again, with less fear. Leisure and well-being will once again be part of the beauty of life.

You will be inclined to take chances in new things.

Team sports and group activities will be on the rise. After all, it will be the year for everyone to find their own class: cross-fit you never imagined, pedal people, jiu-jitsu, bikers, ballroom dancing… Lots of physical contacts and social! The activities space itself will prove to be more inclusive, incorporating issues of adaptability and accessibility, under the order of gathering and integrating.

Alert to healthy and conscious sexual behavior because the energy of The Lovers makes the physical attraction between people more intense.

You will feel free. Take it easy to fall in love. Gemini brings many options to move your love life. And everyone will be more comfortable in their skin and more exposed. So always choose the good, love, and care.


You should read Tarot Astrology Forecast January 2022 for Each Zodiac Sign


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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