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Spiritual Cleansing – The Cleaning of Feelings

Spiritual Cleansing – The Cleaning of Feelings


Do you feel that feeling of need to be renewed, to do something to promote inner renewal? Then it is time for a Cleaning of Feelings.

Cleaning of Feelings – What Is It and How to Do It



We all need to undergo some  Feeling cleansing.

We strongly recommend an evaluation and an emotional cleansing during the winter months.

Make new things, new promises, and plans. For this, a cleansing of feelings appears as an alternative to reach new goals.

With all the more intense energies, this is a good time for change and renewal. So don’t let it go. Instead, take the opportunity to celebrate the good times lived so far and ask that the future comes with even more good things.

Everyone has a purpose in life and a unique talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.

Kallam Anji Reddy


Cleaning of Feelings

To successfully do the feeling cleansing, your house, body, and mind must go through preparation and a feeling cleansing. Initially, it is necessary to detect which are the negative energies that are surrounding you. Then, find out what is bad for you and what destroys your optimism, strengths, and hopes.

Finding these energies will help you discover the cause of various problems in your life thus far.

Obstacles in business; chaos, suppression of opportunities and good luck; feelings of anguish, insecurity, anxieties, impotence, and discouragement; and bad relationships and family are some of the main causes of negative energy in your life.

Discover how to attract positive people and feelings through detachment and block these bad feelings that bring problems into your life? It is believed that to do this, it is necessary to block all depression and low self-esteem.

When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness.

Alexis de Tocqueville


How to do this?

Of Course, when you are adopting practices of good deeds and positive attitudes. First, you must devote yourself to relax your mind, which can be done through meditation and yoga practice. A long bath with salts and herbs can also help to ward off negative energy and cleanse feelings.



Also, listening to music that activates the good vibes with positive phrases, good humor, or relaxing is a good option to detoxify your life.


Using Mantras to Clean Feelings

The use of mantras can also be very effective in clearing feelings. With them, it is possible to achieve tranquility, calm, concentration, and the zen state. You can even create your mantras to improve your energies. Mantra is a combination of special sounds and vibrations that purify space, body, mind, and consciousness from negative energies. Mantra – it is an ancient sacred formula that gives powerful Divine energy. It is the key that opens the way to the Supreme Divine knowledge.

Choose words that convey comfort and security, or use excerpts from texts and pray that you admire. Remember that a great mantra is calling your God with faith, heart, and prayer.

Pay attention to the placement of your spine during meditation time. Also, remember to watch your breathing and the entry of air into your lungs.

This exercise will help remove frustrations, afflictions, and anxieties from your life.

Using affirmative and positive phrases helps the vibratory field around you, making your home or workplace harmonized.

See Also
Kindness OMTimes

Seek to invoke the good vibes if you are open to new ideas and thoughts, a new lifestyle with much more peace. Positive thinking will be reflected in your home, from the decoration to the organization of the rooms.

Remember, “you clean your feelings by cleaning your house.” A practical guide to the spiritual life recommends first tidying personal space and eliminating clutter, dirt, and disorganization before reaping the benefits of increased spirituality (Excerpt from the book Spiritual Housecleaning by Kathryn L. Robyn and Dawn Ritchie.)


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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.


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