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Numerology Frequencies March 2022

Numerology Frequencies March 2022

Numerology Frequencies March 2022

The Numerology Frequencies March 2022 is all about the Number 3, the Divine Number.  The Number 3 is called the Divine Number because it contains the secret of the Vital Force. The Month 3 holds strong symbology.

Numerology Frequencies March 2022 – The Secret of Vital Force



In Numerology, o1 symbolizes strength, the primordial masculine polarity, or archetype of the Father, or Yang, while o2 represents the primordial feminine polarity, The great Mother, or Yin.

When both are unified, the Number 3, 03, arises as a force that generates a child’s new life.

For this reason, we say that o 3 is the number of Creation, the Trinity, creativity, Expansion, growth. In the Tarot Arcana, the number 3 is represented by the Empress, a pregnant woman, a symbol of fertility. Some scholars say it is either three or A PERFECT NUMBER because 3 is a generic concept that unites or pairs and overcomes attempts at polarization.


The Best of History:

Because the number three is said to be a divine number, the 3 is also said to be MAGIC.

So, when we decree things, we must do it 3 times.

Aristotle used to say: “WHAT IS DONE THREE TIMES BECOME LAW!” So count to three, give 3 cheers to an honoree, 3 knocks on wood, make 3 requests. At an auction, it’s the third hammer blow that counts! And there is a whole sacred symbology that involves the number 3: the trident, the triangle, the fleur-de-lis, etc.

This March, do your magic. Then, take it one step further, start a journey that takes you up a higher octave in life. How? Everyone knows what they need: a phone call, an email, sending your resume, opening a page on a dating site, setting up a conversation, making an invitation, asking someone to marry you, adopting a baby or an animal, starting a new course. So jump-start what you want to create a new life.


 Numerology Frequencies March and forecasts for each personal number

Number 1

Working hard or barely working? Have you always been an ambitious person, looking forward to the Why? Because March is the time of a new beginning and cycles of hard work, success, and money.

This is the month when goals, especially financial ones, can be achieved – if you put in the effort.



Number 2Number 2

You are known as the numerology caretaker. This is because you love to help a friend in need, whether it’s offering a shoulder to cry on or bringing them soup when they’re sick. However, it’s time to take your caring nature to a whole different level. This March, your personal number is encouraging you to focus on humanity and look at the big picture of how you can help others. You are an idealist at heart—one who likes to fight for a cause and help his fellow humans (or animals).

This month, start becoming more proactive in a charity you believe in. For example, volunteer at your local kitchen or help out at an animal shelter. In addition, this is a great time to learn about different social justice causes and educate yourself.


The Number 3

March is the beginning of a new season and a new chapter in your life. You’re full of ambition and big ideas, and it seems like the focus is always on you (which is where you like it). Thank number 3, which rules your month. You will feel a new drive for innovation and the competitive drive to succeed. So if you’re feeling more motivated than usual, go for it! Put all your energy into your work, and you will be amazed at what you can achieve.

The number 3 as a month is the wonderful opportunity to focus on yourself and your personal goals. What do you really want to achieve? Please make a list of goals and plan how to achieve them. Put your needs first and make yourself a priority now. It’s okay to treat yourself like you’re number one.


The Number 4

It looks like love is in the air for you! You are in love, and while you like to keep your life private, you may be tempted to shout your devotion to the world. In March, your month is ruled by the number 4, which is much grounding and real. If you are single, you may meet someone amazing. But, if you are with someone, the relationship will get even stronger. It can almost feel like you’ve fallen in love all over again!



It is important to nurture and show affection to your partner. You don’t have to be all-loving 24/7, but you can leave little love notes. This is a great time to communicate with your partner about how you feel.


The Number 5

Get ready for great energy, entertainment, and lots of laughs! Why, may you ask? Because the energetic and creative energy three is controlling your month, bringing you a wild ride of fun and entertainment. If winter got you down, now is the time to get outside and have fun. Grab your friends and head to the comedy club or go to a concert by a band you’re dying to see. While three can be a month of socializing and fun, be aware of the drama that can also come with it.

With your endless curiosity, you can indulge in some gossip, but don’t let your mouth get you in trouble. Rise above petty rumors and gossip, and March will be a great time!


The Number 6

March is the perfect time to get your home in pristine condition. Your vibration guides you to a frequency of organization, pace learning, and discipline.

It is the month to get your house in order. Take care of any projects you may have put off. Semi-finished paint jobs? Furniture that hasn’t been assembled yet. This is also a good time to replace any old or malfunctioning appliances. While you’re busy with your many homes improvement projects, find ways to improve your mind.

It is a great month to learn new skills that will come in handy. Learning things like sewing, gardening, construction, outdoor survival skills, or auto repair is hands-on and makes you feel more independent.


The Number 7

It is the month to explore new horizons and put yourself out there. As an introvert, the thought of this can be frightening. Fortunately, this month is the daring month for you, gently bringing out your inquisitive nature and allowing you to come out of your shell, at least for a month. This is a great time to take a trip, read some new books, and immerse yourself in self-discovery. Seven is an extroversion number, so you will find yourself in more social situations than you are used to.


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Resist the urge to cancel plans – this is actually a good thing. It’s important to let others into your world and open up to new people and new experiences. Join a book club or hang out with coworkers after work to make new friends.


The Number 8

You’re serious about romance. That’s because the vibration of the number six is governing your rhythm this year. Six is the number of commitments, family, and affection. So, all relationships, especially romantic ones, become more serious. If you are single, you can get into a relationship. If you’re dating, your partner might ask the question. You might even see a new addition to your family this month. This is the time to get serious about your commitments.

Eight is a number for creativity and design, so it’s a great opportunity to be creative. Update your current wardrobe and style by trying some new trends. Redecorate your home and play with style.


The Number 9

You want to save the world as a nine-life path but focus more on saving yourself this month. Let’s face it, you’ve had enough of juggling work, family, creative hobbies, and social causes, and you barely have time for yourself. However, in March of this year, you rule the number 9, a number representing introversion, intelligence, and curiosity. So, dig deep and face some hard truths. Then, in seven months, you will be able to withdraw more within yourself, catering to your own wants and needs.

This is a time to reflect on yourself and your current life. Are you happy with how things are going? Are you happy with yourself? However, you don’t have to hide from the world. On the contrary, it’s a great opportunity to develop your spiritual practice, read books, and even take a solo trip, or to become a spiritual nomad for a while.


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