2022 Virgo Full Moon Astrology Forecast

2022 Virgo Full Moon – March 18, 2022
12:17 AM PDT / 3:17 AM EDT / 7:17 AM GMT
27 Virgo 40 / 27 Pisces 40
2022 Virgo Full Moon
To listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the 2022 Virgo Full Moon Astrology Forecast, click the player below.
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The clean-up crew is here. It’s conducting a thorough assessment of everything that’s happened in recent weeks. It analyzes the damage, the debris, and the effect on boundaries, health, and sanity. It’s drawing up to-do lists. It’s pouring out medicine and tonics. And it’s picking up the pieces—all courtesy of the 2022 Virgo Full Moon.
This is a reason-driven, emotion-resistant Moon – under normal circumstances. It deals with practicalities, evaluating them with a critical, discerning eye that homes in on how they might be better. This bent does not make for comfort in a natal chart, but its innate objectivity can be welcome and useful in a passing moon phase. Particularly in the aftermath of intensity. Particularly in the aftermath of the level of intensity the world has been experiencing.
The 2022 Virgo Full Moon’s current role jumps out from the chart. No knowledge of astrology is required to see that the Moon is visually on its own, the only body on one side with everything else in the sky opposite. The pattern is called a bucket, and the Moon is the handle – the way to carry and work with everything else.
And weirdly appropriate to the label, half of what’s in the bucket is water. Four bodies in Pisces, including the Sun and the Moon’s and mind’s ruler Mercury, are a wellspring of aggrandized emotions, boundary-blurring, and non-rational to an extreme. They are scheduled to increase as the Moon wanes, and Mercury amplifies Jupiter and transcendent Neptune.
Roles are reversed. The archetypally sensitive Moon is logical and deliberative. The archetypally logical Sun is awash with emotions, not just our own. They’re misty and unmoored from physical reality, wafting off nearby Neptune, which the Sun joined March 5. So the cosmic fog machine is muffling our intellects with sorrow, compassion, fantasy, delusion, and escapism in its many forms. No wonder, with what we’re soaking up: Telepathy and empathy and co-dependency are flowing, with Mercury in Pisces connecting us below the language level.
It’s overwhelming, but the 2022 Virgo Full Moon has the stuff to take care of that. As situations hit a peak, this Moon is at the ready with mops and towels, and wet vacs to deal with overflow and aftermath. In addition, the Moon has allies that intensify and focus the releasing properties inherent in a Full Moon.
One makes the messes more dramatic and the clearings deeper and permanent. The 2022 Virgo Full Moon is exactly trine to Pluto, the destroyer, the lord of death and rebirth, the ruler of secrets, treasures, and other hidden things. Since October, the Full Moons have been at 27 degrees of their respective signs, directly contacting this fierce influence.
This is the last of the sequence, and like November’s Taurus lunar eclipse, the energies team without impediment. We’re emotionally processing – but with the aid of objectivity and critical thinking – the deep level changes we have been experiencing, individually and collectively: revelations and exposures of secrets, abuses of power, betrayals, corruption, and forces operating behind the scenes or in our subconscious.
It’s worth thinking back to November when the current eclipses began on the Taurus/Scorpio axis revisiting and resetting resources and investments. What we’re dealing with and disposing of now may connect to revelations, departures, and chapter endings that started then.
Cleaning up, cutting out, and throwing out is natural and organic. This teamwork is at your service and will simplify a lot in your life (so work with them already, why doncha?) Use their precision to redraw boundaries and remove unhealthy situations. Some are going without your intervention, but there’s no reason you can’t wield the scalpel yourself.
The process has a decided evolutionary and fated overtone. The 2022 Virgo Full Moon and Pluto are in a grand trine – an unbroken round-robin of energy – with the north node representing the path forward. Cleaning house emotionally isn’t merely lightening our load, based on redefined values and desires. It’s moving us.
Amid the logical and clearing and clouds of … whatever they are, watch for bursts of firepower. Venus, the ruler of all we desire and value, is sextile Chiron in Aries. She’s newly honed from her meetings with Pluto in the past three months and newly empowered by traveling for weeks with Mars, the planet of action. The opportunity aspect opens doors to neutralizing – or making a new arrangement with – wounds associated with leadership, acting alone / not being able to delegate, taking individual risks, and the masculine. The sextile offers the possibility of bridging the masculine and the feminine, boldly working together for a communal or progressive good.
Take the sextile’s offer or not. The 2022 Virgo Full Moon’s purge and release vibe get an assist the following day when Venus squares Uranus. The impact rattles a lot of losses and unleashes breakthroughs, breakups, and disruptions in relationships and desires. Friendships could be significantly affected if a cosmic sorting hat is at work and reassigning allegiances.
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About the Author
Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit EmpowermentUnlimited.net to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited and the Astro-Insight Lounge, and on YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel. Listen to her radio show Celestial Compass on OM Times Radio
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Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at EmpowermentUnlimited.net, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.