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Healing Vibrations of Snow

Healing Vibrations of Snow


Perfect snowflakes – snow crystals – are energetic vibrations converted into substance – energy is frozen into matter – crystallized pure water.

The Healing Vibrations of Snow and Snow Crystals



A deep layer of snow blankets placed on a pristine winter woods landscape – what a favorite scene for us all this time of year. A beautiful and serene wonder of nature occurs when colorless water paints the world white with the magical frosting of the first snowfall. We have an innate attraction to such natural beauty – giving us peace, security, and joy.

Perfect snowflakes – snow crystals – are energetic vibrations converted into substance – energy is frozen into matter – crystallized pure water. Energy turns into matter and vice versa in the continuous dance of this universe surrounding us. We have a vibratory nature as divine beings. We are composed of energy and matter; our energetic components include chemical, biochemical, and electrical energies, which are well understood. Our spiritual and psychic natures are driven by subtle energy, which remains more elusive. Subtle energy affects our being on all levels.

Of course, we know that there is more to reality, to the infinite Cosmos, than we can perceive directly. We accept this because we have been warned since childhood that there is “more to it than you can see”; however, we are too rooted to the physical, the material – to things that we can see with our own eyes… we rely too much on our sense of sight.  In this spiritual season – get beyond the physical – extend your consciousness & your view of the universe.  Think of the simple snowflake. At first glance, it is a fluffy white dot, but the snowflake is a beautiful geometric ornament on closer observation. You may not have heard that beautiful music or strong emotions can affect freezing snow crystals. These phenomena are reflected in the work of  Masaru Emoto (The Hidden Messages in Water).  Emoto found that the crystal structure formed when water droplets freeze could be significantly affected by exposing the water to vibrational energy – in the form of music and emotions. In their nearly infinite variety, snowflakes reflect the endless feelings, thoughts, and music that are part of us and our world.



Dr. Emoto found that water can express itself in an unlimited number of ways. His experiments exposed crystallizing water to beautiful music – dramatically affecting the crystals that were formed. Classical music strongly enhances snowflakes – or water crystals: forming delicate crystals with Mozart, distinct geometries with Beethoven, and elegant details with Chopin… it is as if snow “feels” invisible musical vibrations – and is sculpted by them.

Even emotions and positive (or negative) thoughts can influence water crystals per the work of Emoto. Positive emotions and words corresponded to beautiful symmetrical crystals; negative thoughts produced malformed, disjointed snowflakes. It is as if your intentions take physical form as they influence the freezing water. Tap water tainted with chlorine and other waters, polluted with chemical contaminants OR with negativity and hate, produced deformed, fragmented crystals. These shapes are in stark contrast to the elegant, symmetrical shapes from pure waters and pure feelings.

We cannot see the sound vibrations or detect the emotional energies, but they are as natural as the snowflakes shaped by their influences. Each snowflake is nature’s artwork, displaying a perfect crystalline shape bound with heavenly music. Obviously, a pristine winter scene looks so pure and healthy; harmony and resonance from perfect snow crystals transform the landscape and bathe everything in joyful energy.

Water is THE element of life! All living things from the highest (Man) to the lowliest microorganisms require water – are made from water. Our bodies consist of about 70% water… the first compound searched for on other planets for supporting life is water. Mars excites scientists because water has been discovered there.

A logical extension of Emoto’s work is that a healthy body is reinforced by positive emotions, natural beauty, and harmonious music. The beautiful, symmetrical ice crystals formed in these positive influences are clear indicators of strength,  beauty, and health. Better wellness is possible through vibrational energy. When young children are presented with scenes of natural beauty and perfect snowflake crystals versus congested urban scenes and deformed crystals, they unanimously prefer the former scenes.



Another well-studied example of vibration shaping matter comes from the field of Cymatics. The term (Kymatiks in German) was adapted from the Greek word Kymatika (matter pertaining to waves) in the 1960s by Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist Hans Jenny (1904-1972).

Jenny systematically investigated the ability of sound vibrations to influence and shape fine particles of matter. Jenny’s Cymatics, the science of wave phenomena and vibration, demonstrates the vibratory nature of matter and the transformational nature of sound. It is cutting-edge sound science, and its implications are enormous!

Jenny used a wide variety of sounds to vibrate a metal plate with a thin layer of sand or other fine particles.  Jenny was able to produce a vast variety of images in the sand. Shapes from geometrical patterns to living biological forms were created by varying the conditions. Sound vibrations excited inert masses of sand and water into dynamic forms – some that replicated living organisms. As with Emoto’s water crystals, we can directly perceive the hidden vibrational mechanisms that animate our world. Solid evidence of the unseen aspects of the world at work.

The concept of vibration-changing matter-energy defining reality – occurs on every level. A manifestation of the vibratory forces that control our universe on the grandest scale is seen in the origins and destinies of stars and galaxies; tiny ripples of gravitational energy from the starting nucleus for star creation.  Subtle energies – revealed to us individually in defining the shape of a snowflake – show us the divine in the everyday world.

Harmony is a state of bliss, AND it also is the perfect interplay of vibrations – from a violin or in the deepest workings of subatomic particles. Current scientific thought suggests that the material world is held together by harmony or resonance – that mysterious force determines how subatomic particles relate and bond with one another and controls how oscillations of galactic gravitational fields interact. These very same invisible forces rule in our subjective worlds, as the music changes our moods and dispositions. Once we truly understand these elemental energies, we can apply them to every aspect of our lives – elevating our existence.

Just as no two snowflakes are exactly alike, no two people’s energies are identical. Their beauty is in their variety and endless expressions. Sound vibration influences matter; a microcosm of the universe’s vast oneness of matter & energy is the freezing of water into an infinite number of snowflakes. Energy affects matter… amazingly subtle, targeted, precise energy packets can tune our bodies, grow our minds, harmonize our souls and make perfect beauty in nature.

Enjoy the blessed holiday season and get past the material.  Remember your Holistic nature – you have a divine element. Enjoy the blessings of a song and in a snowflake. The universe is one of matter and energy – inseparable, indivisible, ONE. Nurture and strengthen your spirit. Believe.


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About the Author

Jill Mattson is a three-time author and widely recognized expert and composer in the emerging field of Sound Healing!   Jill lectures throughout the United States on “Ancient Sounds ~ Modern Healing” – taking followers on an exciting journey revealing the Healing Power of Vibratory Energy.  She unveils secrets from ancient cultures and the latest findings of the modern scientific community showing the incredible power and healing capabilities of sound.

Mattson infuses ancient mystical techniques – with profound growth and enlightenment – in her original music CDs.  The CDs combine intricate Sound Healing techniques with intriguing, magical tracks that offer deep healing possibilities.

Please visit her websites where you can learn more about her work.,,


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