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The Mystical Significance of the Peacock

The Mystical Significance of the Peacock


Who has never caught himself admiring the beauty of the peacock?  They are beautiful, especially when a male shows off its vast, colorful, and extravagant tail. We marvel at the magnificence of the peacock.

We also know that many animals carry spiritual energy and have a divine meaning that guides their existence. And when it comes to the peacock, we are facing the Bird of Paradise, the “one hundred eyes” animal, a symbol of God’s vision.

Animal Spirituality and the Peacock




The Path of the Peacock

During the winter, every year, the feathers of this majestic bird fall so that new ones are born during the spring. That is why the peacock has become a spiritual symbol of Renewal and rebirth for many cultures, which attributed very high meanings to the peacock transmits’ energy.

In the past, it was believed that the peacock was immune to poisonous plants and animals, transforming the toxins it ingests into the radiant colors of its feathers.

In India, the peacock was once considered a sacred animal, with death punishment for anyone who killed one of them.

In Tibetan Buddhism, the peacock symbolizes the bodhisattva, one that transcends emotional poisons such as anger, jealousy, envy, and can live among “ordinary people” and help them achieve enlightenment. The peacock symbolizes purity of life and good luck, and its feathers represent the purification of the soul in Buddhist religious ceremonies.

In China and Vietnam, the peacock is a sign of fertility, abundance, and prosperity. Chinese people believed that the look of the peacock could even make a woman pregnant.

For a strand of Islam, the peacock is the first image that the Light manifested in the Self sees when looking in the mirror. The peacock’s tail also has special attention: they represent the spiritual virtues radiated by the Eye of the Heart. For a strand of Islam, the peacock is the first image that the Light manifested in the Self sees when looking in the mirror.



In this sense, we see a relationship with theosophical thinking, which considers the peacock to be a symbol of intelligence, the bird of wisdom, and occult knowledge. The “eye” of the peacock feather is also associated with the pineal gland, making it a sacred spiritual symbol related to mediumship.

For Christians, the pattern of the peacock’s tails has acquired a meaning of omniscience, the all-seeing God. The design of its tail represents the stars and the universe, and its six-pointed star-like crown symbolizes its magnitude and power. It is a symbol of eternity, immortality, and wholeness.


 The  Mystical Peacock in Kurdish Tradition

Melek Taus also spelled Malik Tous, translated in English as Peacock Angel, is one of the central figures of the Yazidi religion. In Yazidi creation stories, God created the world and entrusted it to the care of seven Holy Beings, often known as Angels or heft sirr (‘the Seven Mysteries’), preeminent of which is Tawûsê Melek, the Peacock Angel.

The Yazidi consider Tawûsê Melek an emanation of God and a good, benevolent angel and leader of the archangels, who was entrusted to take care of the world after he passed a test and created the cosmos from the Cosmic egg. Yazidis identify Melek Taus with Jibrail (Gabriel). In one Arabic manuscript, the name “Jabrail” is used in secondary reading instead of “Melek Taus.”The title “peacock of paradise” was also applied to Gabriel among Islamic traditions.


The Greek Legend

In Greek mythology, the peacock is also present. According to the literature, Zeus, father of the gods and leading authority of the Greek religion, was married to Hera but decided to meet the nymph, Lo. Hera, following an intuition, followed Zeus and was about to confront him when the deity perceives and transforms the nymph into a heifer, a young cow. Suspecting that she was being deceived, Hera asked Zeus to give her the heifer as a gift and, in order not to generate suspicion, he followed her request and presented his wife with a nymph transformed into a heifer.



Hera then commissioned his faithful servant Argos, a giant with one hundred eyes, to watch over and always watch the heifer. Even asleep, he watched over her with half his eyes open, keeping the heifer isolated.

When Zeus heard of the situation in which the nymph Lo found himself, he called Hermes and asked him to release her. Following Zeus’ orders, Hermes then goes to the place where the nymph was imprisoned and, playing a melody, causes Argos to fall asleep entirely and close all his eyes.

Hermes frees the young woman but kills Argos while he slept. Hera is immensely saddened by the loss of her servant, and, to eternalize him, she gathers all eyes and places them on the tail of her sacred peacock.


The Peacock’s Energy at Home

With all this energy of Light projected on the peacock, the image of this animal or even statues and paintings convey part of this spiritual greatness. Having at home as a decoration, the peacock can bring great energy to your home and you!

In esoteric terms, the image of the peacock invokes protection, courage, and good luck. The change in the feathers of the peacock’s tail shows us the capacity to transmute our energy, as it teaches that it is necessary to change the vision to transform and leave the density to reach the elevation. It also teaches us to realize that there are times when we need to expand, spread the tail, and shine, presenting the world with our best parts.

The peacock is also considered a symbol of beauty, prosperity, royalty, love, compassion, soul, and peace. They say that finding a peacock feather brings good luck, harmony, serenity, and peace of mind. If one crosses your path, don’t miss this opportunity and take it with you!

“You are a living magnet: you attract people, situations, and circumstances into your life that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts. Anything you focus on at a conscious level manifests itself in your experience.”

~ Brian Tracy


To work the energy of the peacock in your home, just have a painting, a printed fabric, a pillow. In short, any image of the peacock will always help you channel that energy and make your home even more beautiful!

See Also
Rainbow Bridge

For Christians, the pattern of the peacock’s tails has acquired a meaning of omniscience, the all-seeing God. The design of its tail represents the stars and the universe, and its six-pointed star-like crown symbolizes its magnitude and power. It is a symbol of eternity, immortality, and wholeness.


According to Theosophy Doctrine

The peacock represents wisdom and hidden knowledge, according to Helena Blavatsky’s Glossary. The “eyes” of the peacock’s feathers are considered a symbol of intuition and extrasensory abilities.

White Peacock: Symbolizes peace, neutrality, generosity, and purity. The Order of the White Peacock is an ancient order of shamans, represented by the planet Venus.

In the past, white peacocks were used to represent Jesus Christ. This is because the peacock is considered a symbol of death, resurrection, and longevity of life, concepts that are directly linked to Christ. The bird also refers to attributes of Christ, such as royalty, glory, and purity of heart. Its white color represents the energy of the holy spirit.


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About the Author

Ministry Earth is a collective Awareness-Raising, Perception-Building Initiative from Humanity Healing International, Cathedral of the Soul Educational outreaches created to introduce the perspective of Ethical Consciousness and Nonhuman Personhood to its Animal & Eco Ministries. Ministry Earth is a  Service-Oriented Initiative and its Magazine is a Copyrighted Publication of OMTimes Media, Inc. Broadcasting and Publishing House.


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