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How Bach Flower Remedies Can Help Human Evolution

How Bach Flower Remedies Can Help Human Evolution

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies get us in touch with our purpose of life, our true mission on this planet & guides us through our spiritual pursuits.

Bach Flower Remedies and Human Evolution



Suffering is the messenger of a lesson. The soul sends the disease to correct us, to put us on the path again. Evil is nothing but good out of place.

– Dr. Edward Bach


The first step towards self-knowledge is to accept that we have one hundred percent responsibility for our lives and our attitudes, regardless of our education and the environment in which we live.

As we take responsibility for the way we feel in the face of our existence’s situations, we can rescue our true healing potential.

When you walk this path and face your own difficulties, there is an enrichment of the human personality and allows us to enjoy our achievements and feel worthy.

Floral Therapy is a tool that brings this possibility. Through the knowledge of the imbalance, it brings the opportunity for the individual to recognize his defects and perfect his individuality in search of an Integral healing process.

Edward Bach, an English doctor who created the Bach flower remedies, said that the objective of the disease is the only correction. It does not come to punish us but to show our missteps and prevent us from continuing to commit them, bringing us back to our path of light. They would help us to a path where our true personality is found.

Besides the classification of essences in seven significant groups, Dr. Bach improved the system, seeking in Nature essences that would effectively assist the human evolution itself.

In this way, Dr. Bach’s floral system went beyond curing human ailments, bringing the possibility of unfolding all our full human potentialities.

Through this statement, we realize that each symptom, be it of any order, physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional, has a message that we need to recognize and understand to then work towards our self-knowledge and, consequently, our Holistic balance



According to Dr. Bach, the healthy human being is the individual who respects his inner nature and coexists harmoniously with the external nature. For him, a healthy individual is the one experiencing the connection between matter (his physical self and the three-dimensional world) in harmony with the Higher Self (subtle part) and elevated of your being).In this way, the personality of each one must be treated, correcting the emotional imbalance of the energy field of each one. The disease is the result of the conflict between the soul and the personality.

Understanding and correcting our mistakes will reduce the scope of the disease and bring us back to health.

We can say that Floral Therapy acts in two ways that complement each other:

1 – Helps in the dissolution of negative patterns that once inside us develop attitudes and behaviors that limit us, moving us further away from the inner ourselves.

2 – On the other hand, it emphasizes the positive qualities that we have within us, but that for some reason, at that moment, we lost contact, which gradually helps us to regain our true nature.


Due to the energetic and vibratory nature of the floral, when properly administered, provides an active and vibratory impulse that helps the individual. It reflects on the imbalance/disease, acting as a catalyst that helps recover the balance of the affective and emotional states previously compromised.

In this way, identifying the fundamental conflicts that often prevent us from being true to ourselves, and making use of the floral appropriate to the identified imbalance, indeed, the process of understanding and self-knowledge will begin.

It is good to remember that the remedies can be administered together with other medications, including homeopathic ones, without any interference.

Thus, we have the following classification of flower essences into three fundamental types:

Healing essences

Auxiliary essences

Complementary essences


Bach Flower Remedies – Healing Essences

According to the physical, emotional, and behavioral characteristics of human beings, Dr. Bach classified them into 12 types of Human beings and associated a specific essence for each one to fulfill their mission of life, dealing better with their own virtues and defects.



These essences act very profoundly, bringing a strong power of transformation, rescuing the way of being natural, and offering a positive state of mind to the individual.

Impatiens – Opens the heart for forgiveness.

Mimulus – Supplies the sense of security and opens the heart to empathy.

Clematis – Focus, grounding, and anchoring.

Agrimony – Provides a sensation of general wellbeing and inner peace.

Chicory – jumpstart the learning of unconditional love.

Vervain – help you develop respect for the opinion of others.

Centaury – Facilitate inner strength and power.

Cerato – Assists the growth of confidence in intuition.

Scleranthus – Determination and Clarity of Purpose.

Water Violet -Increase in the involvement and service to others.

Gentian – Facilitates resilience, fortitude, and perseverance.

Rock Rose – Inspires fearlessness and courage.


This same list can be used to understand the Florals and their relationship with the Zodiac signs.


Auxiliary Essences

Continuing his research, Dr. Bach noted that many people continued with the same complaints and did not change the way they were.

He found that, for these people, life lessons were challenging and painful situations, and instead of being experienced as opportunities for learning, they ended up leaving them destabilized.

To protect themselves, these people flee from difficult situations, creating defense mechanisms, thus preventing their own evolution.

To overthrow these defense mechanisms, Dr. Bach created the auxiliary essences, according to the chronic emotional responses to life experiences and that should be used in the moments when stagnation occurs during a treatment:

Gorse – To brings back optimism.

Oak – To brings awareness of physical and emotional limits.

Heather – Facilitate becoming one caring and cooperative person.

Rock Water – It brings self-realization and flexibility.

Vine – Help on developing positive leadership.

Olive – It brings back vitality.

Wild Oat – It helps to clarify the direction, the purpose of life.



Complementary Essences

The complementary essences enable the person to rise and reconnect with their Higher Self, obeying their individuality, their karmic program, and continuing their evolutionary process:

Cherry Plum – Brings serenity and clarity.

See Also

Elm – Allows acceptance of responsibilities.

Aspen – Facilitates calm and tranquility.

Beech –Development of perfect tolerance.

Chestnut Bud – Self-knowledge, self-awareness, and self-observation.

Hornbeam – Allow the building of inner strength.

Larch – Helps on building self-confidence.

Walnut – renew the ability and freedom to change.

Star of Bethlehem – Peace, and comforting energy, facilitate deep healing.

Holly – opens the heart to love and kindness.

Crab Apple – Allows Balanced self-esteem.

Willow – Help cultivate forgiveness and self-responsibility.

Red Chestnut – Allow one to develop trust in others.

White Chestnut – Facilitates the quieting of a busy mind. Tranquility.

Pine – Adequate acceptance of responsibilities.

Mustard –Brings inner stability, reliability, and joy of living.

Honeysuckle – Bring the inner clock to the present moment and to live in the current time.

Sweet Chestnut – Renewal of Faith and trust in the Universe Wisdom

Wild Rose –It brings joy, enthusiasm, and vitality to one’s life.


In this way, besides treating our imbalances and providing our emotional freedom, Bach Flower Remedies help us get in touch with the primary purpose of life, the realization of our true mission on this planet, and guide us through our spiritual pursuits.


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