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Dreams and the Different Versions of Reality

Dreams and the Different Versions of Reality


Are the dreams versions of ourselves coexisting in parallel universes?  Are these states of consciousness different from the one when we are awake?

Dreams and Reality



When we are in the universe of dreams, however bizarre the situations may be, we tend not to have the slightest critical sense. There is no question about facts that would be impossible to happen in our objective realities. For example, in a dream, we can see ourselves flying, talking to people who are already gone, among countless other situations inconceivable to happen while we are in the waking state.

When we wake up, however, not infrequently, we are appalled by some of the experiences, being intrigued to the point of going on to some more in-depth research on the symbolisms that came. On countless other times, we left aside what appeared, disqualifying contents, imagining that they are just loose images with no meaning at all. The big question is that even when we let go of a dream, the feeling we had in it or even the images can affect us for several days.

You are born to fly, and in dreams you remember the soul has wings.

~ Robert Moss

 Our daily lives, like dreams, are full of symbolic situations that, even in apparently different scenarios, they end up repeating themselves in emotional content. They would be symbolic experiences as if we had recurring dreams but in a supposed state of wakefulness.

As an illustration, we can think of those people who, turning and moving, always end up bumping into similar life situations, for example, those who constantly have problems with bosses, others who often feel wrong, or those who countlessly betray or are betrayed.

All of these questions work equally as the hidden symbolism that appears in dreams and the answers, both for the question of dreams and for our practical lives, are in-depth we choose to do or not to do about ourselves, about what moves us.

All the time, our psychism or something bigger than us is struggling to get out of the countless situations of existential looping that we are in. We all have an equal opportunity to be more lucid and see beyond. Just choose this purpose.



Daydreaming is part of a creative process, imagining when the mind is taken, as if by a distraction, to other experiences. This can occur as a dissociative event when the mind escapes from reality due to emotional issues and stress.

Dreams can be seen as portals of communication from us to ourselves. We are not always able to give ourselves time for this space to occur. With training, if soon after we wake up, this type of space is installed, the contact information with the experiences begins to appear spontaneously, increasingly accurate, useful and efficient.

Some indigenous tribes meet every day in the morning so that everyone can share their night dreams to know as much about themselves as what can happen with each one and with the tribe.

Depending on the state of consciousness of each one, dreams can appear more or less in the most troubled stages of life. Those less interested in the possible communications from the dream universe may become increasingly distant from such possibilities. However, those who are more aware of the help that dreams can offer will always be the most benefited from the messages. They will somehow receive in the brain’s attempts to resolve these tribulations.

Sometimes, even the most disconnected are crossed by numinous dreams, the terminology used by Jung when referring to impactful and revealing dreams. These dreams occasionally appear as inexorable factors of personal transformation.

Until today, the universe of dreams has not been fully revealed in its essence and functions. The same way that accesses to many dimensions that are not yet fully clarified for humanity.

Countless people at some point in their existence find themselves involved amid some transcendent, lucid, or different than the usual dream. Many are fully aware that they dream when they are inside a dream and undergo extra physical experiences, also known as developments.

In the same way that many disqualify the dream universe, so many others study it, bet on the evidence, on synchronicity and seek to become more and more lucid within this universe.

The more awake, the better!



See Also

You will also enjoy Robert Moss: The Dream Archeologist


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About the Author

Cathedral of the Soul intends to undertake the challenge of creating a multidimensional healing space that is dedicated to those who seek to enrich, enlighten, and heal themselves while serving and assisting in the healing of others. Cathedral of the Soul began as one of the many spiritual outreaches of Humanity Healing International and is now an independent registered 501C3 nonprofit with Church status. and Cathedral of the Soul Facebook

Cathedral of the Soul is developing an Animal Ministry program. If you want to volunteer and help animals, join the Facebook groups @circleofprayersforanimals


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