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Money Reiki – Applying Energetic Healing to Financial Woes

Money Reiki – Applying Energetic Healing to Financial Woes

Money Reiki

Money Reiki is a technique that aims to bring a redefinition of money and the concept of prosperity and promises to transform our relationship with them.

Money Reiki – The Technique that Promises to Bring Financial Cure



You’ve probably heard of Reiki.

Reiki is a Japanese natural method of harmonizing and replenishing energy to restore a natural state of balance. It is an ancient practice rediscovered by the Japanese Buddhist monk Mikao Usui in 1919.

Through the laying on of hands, the universal energy of Reiki is channeled and directed towards the patient. It is perfect for balancing the fear and insecurity of animals with abandonment syndrome or any other physical or emotional disorder.

But what if we said that there is a variation aimed especially at financial healing, in addition to the Tibetan, Shamanic and Christian aspects.

It is called Money Reiki. The technique aims to bring a redefinition of money and the concept of prosperity. It also promises to transform our relationship with them.


What Is Money Reiki

As we have already introduced, Money Reiki is a financial healing system.

The recent technique was created in 2005 after the death of Hawayo Takada, a Hawaiian disciple of master Mikao Usui, responsible for bringing Reiki to the West in the 1980s.

Developed by Texan and Reiki Master Stephanie Brail, Money Reiki emerged to cure human beings of greed. It also can mitigate the negative thoughts that money can cause — getting sick, destroying, and blinding.

The aim here is to make money a neutral material. It only has the value that we attribute to it.


The Symbols of Money Reiki

Some of the most popular Reiki systems are directly connected to the traditional method of Mikao Usui.

However, Money Reiki goes the other way. It adopts symbols of its own — including the dollar sign, the worldwide symbol for money.

For this therapy to be applied to others or yourself, it is necessary to go through the study, attunement, and initiation. In this case, there are specific forms of application that can only be transmitted to those already initiated in Reiki.



How Is Money Reiki Applied

With the patient lying on a stretcher, Money Reiki is applied by placing the hands on the shoulders and visualizing the symbols.

Money Reiki students can even apply on objects such as wallets, bills, and environments such as offices, commercial rooms, and companies.

Because it is an energy field, some professionals can even send and apply Reiki through the computer screen or cell phone on the patient’s open account.

Money Reiki can be used every day to increase the flow of prosperity, whether in a session, in a financial blessing sent to others, in self-application, or at a distance.


Does Money Reiki Bring Prosperity?

Yes, but not in the way you’re imagining.

Although powerful, Money Reiki cannot make someone win the lottery, for example. In fact, this technique opens doors for prosperity to be achieved in the most varied spheres: material, spiritual, and personal, for example.

By transforming our relationship with money, Money Reiki allows us as patients to be firmer in their life mission.

Thus, you will find the best ways to fully manifest your desires in your life.

There are cases of compulsion, or the famous stingy tendencies are also balanced with this type of energy therapy.

By working the fear of losing and even prospering, it becomes possible to use money more fairly for oneself and, consequently, society.

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By bringing out their true mission, the patient can also find a purpose in their career or professional training. And they can work on what gives them pleasure, not just to pay the bills and feel limited.


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