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The Strength Card: Tarot Arcanum May 2022

The Strength Card: Tarot Arcanum May 2022

Strength Card

The Strength Card represents power, intensity, passion, persuasion, and compassion. It reminds you that your inner Strength can overcome any obstacle you encounter.

The Strenght Card – The Subtle Power of The Strength Arcanum



The tarot card Strength represents power, intensity, passion, persuasion, and compassion. It reminds you that your inner Strength can overcome any obstacle you encounter.

You have the power to maintain your composure and think clearly, even in situations where your courage is being tested. It also reminds us that patience, wisdom, and understanding work much better in managing problems than imposing your will forcefully.

The arcane is also called “the Force.” In Tarot, the Card is commonly represented by the figure of a lady who is handling a lion. We don’t know if she feeds him, caresses him, opens or closes his mouth. We understand that the characters of Arcanum XI show themselves as an enigma. The lion is shown to be taken by the force of that woman. The spiritual message is that no matter whether the world’s powers are organized, the power of the Divine Feminine can control anything.


The Strength Card in Love and Relationships

The Strength tarot card influences love and relationships with its ability to accept others as they are, have patience, and demonstrate the Strength of love.

If you are in a relationship, the Card can symbolize your strong connection with your partner. Your relationship is in balance, mentally and physically, and there is a lot of compassion, love, and companionship between the two of you. You understand each other and can solve your problems with patience and clear communication.


Money, Work, and Business

The Force winds of renewals and many new winds when related to financial or job-related matters, and generally, they represent the key to success. You will need confidence, patience, and inner Strength to turn your dreams into reality.

Regarding your career, the Strength Card reminds us that we can overcome any obstacle using our inner Strength and the power of resolve.



You already have the talent, the potential, and the skill. Still, you will need some courage and persuasion to show them to other people. Invest in controlling your emotions, and don’t let frustration set in if you don’t get noticed right away. Be patient with the results. The seeds need time to grow.


Health and Spirituality

The Strength card represents the power of the mind to control emotions. The Card inspires us to contain the emotional reaction from impulses and instinct. Be in control of your desires and get your mind to push you forward on your health goals.

Creating healthy habits often requires mind control, resilience, and grit.

Spiritually, The XI Arcanum represents a growing connection to a higher power. The lemniscate above the woman’s head symbolizes wisdom and spiritual powers. Your spiritual connection fuels your inner Strength. So use this connection for your good. Let it provide you with the energy to resist and overcome any obstacles and challenges that come your way.

Moral energy, calm, courage. Spirit that dominates matter. The Card of Strength is the intelligence that tames brutality—the subjugation of passions.


How the Strength Card Influences our Realities:

Mental Reality: This Card brings outstanding sharpness in distinguishing between the true and the false, the useful and the useless, and precise clarity in the evaluation. If you need to make serious decisions, it would be no better time than now.

Emotional Reality: Mastery over passions, power of conquest. The Strength protects our heart because it announces the control over whatever may be harmful.

Physical Reality: Willingness to overcome obstacles, mastery of the situation; enforces its legitimate rights—ability to take direction in all material matters.

The Shadow Side of the Strength: You may feel insecure and disconnected. Maybe you should evaluate if you are hurrying a situation that needs more time to develop. Do not give a chance to fear to propagate to other areas of your life.


The Power of The Number 11

The number 11 is a master number, a perfect number that represents the idealism of men in the search for their own spirituality and contact with God. This number has a strong magnetism to human ideals, and those born under this influence have very sharp intuition and sensitivity.



The number 11 is a number aimed at people who seek the good of humanity, who have advanced and elevated ideas for the evolution of Man.


Characteristics and Meanings of the Number 11 in Numerology

Meaning of the Number 11 – Positive Characteristics

The number inspires those who are idealists, who always follow their intuition and heart. They have unrivaled patience, inborn wisdom, and extra-sensory powers. They are turned into mystical subjects and have a strong sense of humanity; they like to bring good to everyone around them and are recognized for their empathy.


Meaning of the Number 11 – Negative Characteristics

Sometimes the number eleven brings out some of our challenges and traits that need to be perfected. Its characteristics of spirituality and elevation, when not well managed, can give rise to the existence of fanaticism, charlatanism, pragmatism, and cynicism.

See Also
August and Number eight

There are people influenced by the number 11 who are disoriented by their sensitivity and intuition, they start to feel superior to others, and they can become dishonest, lazy, and petty.


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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