The Spiritual Benefits of Yoga and Meditation for Children

There are myriad benefits to children learning the practices of yoga and meditation from an early age, both physically and spiritually.
Children, Meditation, and Yoga
The human psyche naturally perceives and reads energy, being a natural skill and instinct. Initially, young children are unaware of how to distinguish their own thinking or feeling from other people in a given space.
Before modern civilization, in more primitive life, a man had the ability to intuitively “read” the environment more often, which was a need for survival to warn of danger around him. Due to the increase in population, and the absence of natural predators, people have forgotten how to develop their intuitive skills.
Intuitively, the child interprets the world around them. Guiding them to develop their empathic skills will teach them how to distinguish between their own feelings and others.
Energy Centers and Spiritual Development
The first energy center that works on empathic skills is concentrated in the solar plexus chakra.
However, the physical system to which they are connected is the pineal gland. This is a gland found in the center of the brain.
Due to its benefits, such as providing children with greater concentration, and a greater sense of well-being, the practice of meditation can and will improve human relationships in general. Meditation with children does not have to be construed as being too strict or too full of rules. The child needs to feel free and comfortable practicing meditation.
Children and Meditation
Meditation is a well-known ancient technique that brings greater awareness to the human being. Meditation has been practiced by the eastern peoples, it has expanded, many other countries worldwide practice meditation as a spiritual practice.
For children, meditation can even be used as a process for emotional learning. From the age of three, it is already possible to teach the child to meditate. It takes a lot of patience to teach how meditation works. The person who will pass on the knowledge needs to say that meditation will be a moment only for them, the children.
Children are full of commitments from an early age. Besides regular classes, they are divided among other responsibilities like sport, language class, their family life. Many even play a little. Therefore, meditation will be a moment for them when spirituality can flourish from there.
The technique is not a religion because anyone can practice it regardless of their beliefs. Having a moment for yourself, breathing deeply, being silent, and having a clear conscience is a learning experience that significantly benefits life, which is the feeling of peace. First, explain to the child in simple words what meditation is. Then meditate with her. But it is important that the child feels in a comfortable position. If she is already more prominent, she can sit in the lotus position, preferably with an upright spine. If it is still small, you can do it lying on the floor. Explain to her to pay attention to her own breathing. Before meditation, you can put on a calmer song, tell a story or even say a prayer with it. The important thing is that this moment is yours and that you are as present as possible. In this way, the child creates freedom with God and with his own spirituality. Try to do it often. It could be five or ten minutes. It just can’t be a tedious time for the child. She needs to like it and feel happy when she practices.
Focus and emphasize that it is necessary to be silent, that is, to avoid making noise. For the child to feel more comfortable, you can place your pet close to where they will meditate. You will see the fruits of meditation. Love flourishes, the child will have more empathy and a greater perception of himself. It will be self-knowledge since childhood.
Concrete benefits for children
- Increased self-esteem.
- Better concentration and memory.
- Improves the relationship with parents and friends.
- A better perception of feelings.
- Improves sleep quality.
- Healthier body and life.
- Increased emotional control.
- Easier abilities to develop happiness and joy.
Children and Yoga
Practicing yoga since childhood can allow the little ones to quickly develop emotional intelligence, confidence, ease of communication, and teamwork, using the bodily sensory experience as a starting point of learning about themselves.
Experts recommend that children start practicing yoga from the age of four.
To introduce the technique, the first two members worked are the Yamas and Niyamas, both working on moral values such as ethics, truthfulness, detachment, etc.
After that, the asanas start to work, where the physical postures that should be followed during the work begin to be taught. That done, pranayama, breathing techniques, are also incorporated and, finally, yoga Nidra, summarized in relaxation practices.
To facilitate learning, make sure that the techniques are passed playfully through games, storytelling, and music. This will help plant the seeds of a joyful and more satisfying life for the children and help them become complete Human Beings.
Yoga Benefits for Children
- Improves body capacity
- Develops motor coordination.
- Strengthens bone and body structure.
- Increase concentration.
- Raises self-esteem and confidence.
- Keeps your body and mind more relaxed.
- Encourages keeping discipline and responsibility.
- Assists in controlling emotions.
- Decreases anxiety.
- Increase creativity.
- Eases social interaction.
- Increases the capacity for respiratory coordination and control of the speaking apparatus.
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