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The Hanged Man Card: Tarot Arcana for June 2022

The Hanged Man Card: Tarot Arcana for June 2022

The hanged man

The Hanged Man Card in Tarot indicates that this period of trouble will be essential to increase your maturity, your spirituality, and physical strength.

The Hanged Man Card – The Arcana of Surrender



The Hanged Man is a curious archetype because it is represented by a man that hangs upside down from his feet.

However, the serene expression on his face leads us to believe that The Hanged Man is suspended there by the choices of his own free will. It is a volunteer sacrifice!

As the arcanum of the month, the Hanged Man card indicates that you are going through or will go through a situation where your hands and feet are tied, and there is nothing you can do.

In a broader vision, our world reality has been plagued by the ugliest projections from the dark side of the human soul: Greed, power hunger, tyranny, and senseless violence. There is, in fact, very little that we can do but enable change from the inside out.

The Hanged Man Card announces the need to sacrifice old world views, even if it means we need to look at things from upside down, or from the inside out.


The Arcana:

Despite being a negative card, it indicates that this period of trouble will be essential to increase your maturity, your spirituality, and physical strength.

What does The Hanged Man mean in Tarot?

The serene expression on the Hanged Man’s face tells us that he understands that his position is a sacrifice he needs to make to evolve.

It could be that he regrets his past mistakes or has taken a step back to rethink his plans and ways. But, unfortunately, the archetype announces that things will get a little complicated for a while, and you may not be able to do anything about it.

This is not the time to act outwardly, but it is vital to rethink the values in which you have been guiding your life. Still, the time has come to reflect on your life, observe, and identify things that may be holding you back before making any decision.




General Advice

Often, we must put everything on hold before taking the next step. Unfortunately, it may even be that the Universe itself takes the next step for you.  Try to see the world and your life from a new perspective and be alert to seize the opportunity when it comes. Listen to your intuition, and it will tell you when it’s time to hit the brakes before things get out of hand.

If you are out of alignment with your instincts, the Universe itself will find a way to make you stop. But, unfortunately, this will put obstacles in your way, such as health problems.

So when you feel that the moment of pause is coming, stop everything. Don’t insist on continuing to walk. Otherwise, the Universe will increase the obstacles until it forces you to stop.

Don’t be annoyed by having to pause your projects. This wait will be necessary for your life. Trust the Universe. It is preparing you for new opportunities.


The Hanged Man Card in the Mythological Tarot

Mythologically, the Hanged Man is represented by Prometheus, the Titan who defied the law of Zeus by stealing the sacred fire of the gods to give it to man.

The torment of the Hanged Man is the image of loss of faith, which is mystical teachings related to the ” Dark Night of the soul,” It is only possible to wait without any visibility of what will happen or how it will end. It is a voluntary sacrifice for the greater good and acceptance. A prominent ‘Leap of Faith”.

This card represents the blossoming of trust in a higher instance you have no control over.

In a divinatory sense, The Hanged Man card signifies the need for a voluntary sacrifice to acquire something of superior value and trust in the plots of one’s destiny.


The Hanged Man Card in the Tarot of Relationships

When the Hanged Man appears in front of your love life, he comes to say that the relationship you are in is stagnant. For it to evolve, you need to change your attitudes.



Think about what you have done or not done that has undermined your relationship.

If you are single, this card indicates that the situation will remain that way for a while longer. Love will not yet enter your life. You may need to shift your energies to attract love through practicing self-Love first.

The delay in the arrival of a new love is probably because you are still stuck in the past. So cleanse your heart of regrets and hurts so you can welcome a new person into your life, truthfully!


See Also
The Star

The Hanged Man Card when Related to Professional Life and Work

In reference to your professional life, this arcane advice you to rethink your plans for your career. Maybe the ideas are in need of refinement and some replanning to be streamlined.

Observe the people around you and be inspired by successful professionals to make new plans. Talking to co-workers or Industry professionals can give you more clarity at this point.

When it comes to money, The Hanged Man indicates that you will go through a period of sacrifice. Therefore, control your expenses to get out of this situation. It will not last forever. Have faith!


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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