The Doors of Heart: Adoption and Reincarnation

In spiritual eyes, everyone involved in an adoption serves Divine Love, whatever the circumstance. The roles matter, not the blood.
Adoption and Reincarnation
Being a parent is an incredibly emotional event. Love is eternally established in the heart through the care and relationship with a baby or child. Those who think that parenthood is restricted to the natural generation of life through direct physical involvement in the conception are mistaken. Our ability to love another being is far greater than biology and perhaps life itself.
Both, I realized. Being a parent wasn’t just about bearing a child. It was about bearing witness to its life.”
— Jodi Picoult, Handle with Care
Adoption is an alternative for those who want to form a family and cannot do so through natural means. But, fortunately, the number of people who opt for adoption and who can have children has been growing, choosing to dedicate their Love to a child who has already been born and who cannot be with their original family.
The permission for adoption by couples in a same-sex relationship has also contributed a lot so that more and more children can have a family, a home, and the care they deserve.
But are family ties of Love created only in this lifetime? Or can we talk about a bond of Love that can last for lifetimes and generations. Maybe we should talk about reincarnation?
Adoption: Through the Doors of the Heart
Whether you believe in God or not, we are sure that Love is a universal energy that permeates ALL That is, and that is beyond the blood limitation.
However, for those who believe in reincarnation, it is easy to explain the dimension of affective and family relationships and why, not always, we find Love between the biological family members.
While, often, the identification between a mother and a father with a child born from another womb can occur instantly and immediately. Based on that, we can even say that adoption and reincarnation are most certainly the faces of the same coin.
The circumstances that determine birth are far beyond life. Nevertheless, we plan, still in the astral, under conditions we will be born and some milestones to be surpassed.
Adoption is no different. Nothing is by chance! Rescues, reunions, divine gifts. Many reasons unite parents and their children through the bonds of adoption and reincarnation. And wouldn’t that, a child, be the best gift you can give someone? If you could do this for someone you love, wouldn’t you?
In spiritual eyes, everyone involved in an adoption serves divine Love, whatever the circumstance. We must remember that family bonds do not exist in the astral, but there are bonds of Love, dedication, and compassion; we are all an emanation of the creator. With each experience, we are given a different role in the game of life. And it’s these roles that matter, not the blood.
“Anyone who ever since how much they could love a child who did not spring from their loins, know this: it is the same. The feeling of Love is so profound. It’s incredible and surprising.”
— Nia Vardalos, Instant Mom
Karmic Rescues
As a matter, spiritual life is very diverse and can manifest differently. There are no rules, and each case takes place within the peculiarities and needs of the spirits involved. However, the years of the esoteric, spiritualist, and spiritualist schools’ teachings allow us to perceive that some “karmic rescues” or karmic retribution are commonly observed in adoption cases.
The Healing
There are many cases where the spirit decides to cure the feelings that may arise from adoption. Resentment, a sense of abandonment, low self-esteem, and a feeling of inferiority are common. However, they are not necessarily the rules. Only in contact with these feelings so deeply are our souls able to overcome them independently.
The Children’s Karma
In some situations, we see children not valuing their parents. Out of their own pride, selfishness, and vanity, they become tyrants to their parents, enslaving them to their whims and paying with ingratitude and pain all the tenderness and love they were offered. Many go to the extreme of physical violence or leave their parents to fend for themselves in old age. When they die and remember the divine laws, these spirits see the atrocities they have committed and seek reparation and reconciliation. So, a new chance is given for the children to rediscover those same parents they did not value, rescuing yesterday’s affection, Love, and tenderness. The Law of Return and divine mercy allow this reunion, no longer biologically but through the heart, making these children reach their parents through the path of adoption.
The Karma of the Parents
Just like children, parents also make mistakes: abandonment, abuse of all kinds, Rejection, humiliation, and violence. When they return to the spiritual world, they wake up, realizing the gravity of their actions. They receive, like everyone else, the divine grace to learn from their mistakes and rescue and repair the errors made in the past. They are prevented from generating life naturally. They receive that child through adoption to further appreciate all the aspects that the magic of fatherhood and motherhood offers, especially spiritual growth. They can then enjoy the unconditional Love that only parent-child relationships provide.
“I hold my daughter in my arms and thank God for bringing her to me. If the standard route for creating a family had worked for me, I wouldn’t have met this child. I needed to know her. I needed to be her mother. I know now why all those events happened. Or it didn’t happen. So, I could meet this little girl. She is, in every way, my daughter. I am carrying my Funny Gift from God, and all is good.”
— Nia Vardalos, Instant Mom
Divine Gift
Souls with millennium ties can meet through adoption. Nothing in the spirit world is closed, of course, and many things can change according to the choices we make. But, again, the Law of Return is the divine law in charge of justice. In some cases, it was programmed that the woman could not bear children or be a mother. However, throughout the current experience, this woman makes more and more loving choices, which promote her and others’ growth, always placing herself at the disposal of divine Love. Without revolt, she accepts that she will not be a mother but keeps that longing in her heart.
So, due to the mother’s actions and karmic programming, spirituality allows her to be a mother Through the bonds of the heart. The divine plan makes a child come to her. How many cases are there of parents who didn’t even look for a child, who never started the adoption process, and the child comes to them? Of course, they are heaven-sent gifts.
Other times, spiritual friends volunteer to beget their children for someone who won’t have this objective as their life mission. They are born, grow up, bear children and leave. These are cases where sisters take on the children of a deceased sister, friends, and cousins. In adversity, divine Love is even more present.
Helping the Divine Love
So that, in addition to Love, affections, and psychic relationships are healthy, we find some commonalities between all cases of adoption so that everything flows according to plan:
Always Practice the Truth
Hiding adoption from the child is never a good idea. Once they are old enough, telling the truth about their origins is essential. Nothing can be built on lies, especially genuine spiritual bonds.
Through genuine bonds of spirituality, due to the adoptive mother’s actions, and karmic programming, it is given to her the opportunity to be a mother Through the bonds of the heart. The divine plan makes a child come to her. How many cases are there of parents who didn’t even look for a child, who never started the adoption process, and the child comes to them? Of course, they are heaven-sent gifts.
Planting Seeds of Gratitude
Adopting parents should not fear the birth mother. On the contrary, whether you have contact with it or not, especially in spiritual terms, you should always be grateful to the person who brought the child into the world.
Without this piece, the familiar puzzle would not have formed. Encourage good energies, prayers, and gratitude to send to the birth mother. They should also help create this same feeling in the child, discouraging feelings of anger, sadness, or rebellion towards the biological mother. He should also be grateful to the people who helped them make their way into the world.
Cultivating Inner Strength
Naturally, a child who has been adopted is inclined towards feelings of abandonment, Rejection, and an inferiority complex. Without cultivating Inner strength and fortitude, it will not be easy to stay sane in the world. Imagine a child who cannot live with his parents. It may be that despite the Love she receives, she has more difficulty developing security in life and self-esteem.
As already mentioned, this is one of the many reasons souls choose to reach the world through adoption. So, parents must take extra care in raising this child, encouraging inner strength, self-esteem, and security. If a child grows up in the best emotional conditions and only enjoys Love, not pain. That way, you learn how to value what you have instead of what you didn’t have so that that soul can heal.
Adopting is a divine, spiritual, and noble accomplishment. But it’s complying with the Universal Laws of Love that are outside of social standards. It means being strong to face prejudice and being ready to talk about Love, just Love. And in this vast Universe, nothing matters but Love!
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Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.
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Humanity Healing is a Nondenominational Network committed to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Healing and Growth through Education and Spiritual Activism. Spiritual Activism is expressed by Compassion in Action.