5 Ways to Improve Your Love Life with Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, Chi is a type of energy that can affect us both physically and mentally and you can direct the Chi to improve your love life.
Use Feng Shui to Improve Your Love Life
In Feng Shui, Chi is a type of force or energy that can affect us both physically and mentally. It is not superstition or spirituality. We, humans, depend a lot on our visual sense, it can be difficult to understand what you don’t see.
But it is easy to identify the flow of Chi in a house, for example, if you start to see it as the flow of water. Would the water flow smoothly into it, nourishing all areas, or would it be blocked and stagnant? Like water, Chi can be subject to blockages and leaks, causing damage.
Many people want to have a relationship, a partner, but they are always alone. It often happens that these people are emitting a vibration that does not collaborate with the attraction of love in their lives. Feng Shui can help you get into the right vibration for a good relationship. We have listed 5 different ways to improve and direct the flow of Chi into your love life.
Important Notes:
According to Chinese Feng Shui culture, everything that belongs to our physical world has a vital energy called “Chi”. All objects, decorative items, furniture, appliances, walls, plants and photos. Therefore, we must always evaluate which items will give us good energy and which will not.
Feng Shui seeks to make the best use of the energy flow of places. Harmonious environments bring us a sense of well-being and peace of mind. Therefore, it is very important to be able to let go of objects in your home. Organized and well-lit places are conducive for energies to flow freely. The flow depends on the objects that are in the way. When energy flows harmoniously, it nourishes spaces and their inhabitants.
Attract Love Into Your Life with these Feng Shui Tips
There are several factors that contribute to the attraction or repulsion of the love energy in our lives. Feng Shui can help you balance the energies in your environment so that you can get into the right vibration to attract true love and bring happiness to your days. We have listed 5 of the most efficient and effective tips from this Chinese harmonization technique.
Before taking any steps to improve your love life, you need to harmonize your environment with Feng Shui. Only a balanced and harmonized environment is able to attract the energy of love.
Choose an environment in your home to follow Feng Shui tips and leave it properly organized. Any harmonized environment can contribute to the attraction of love, especially bedrooms. Are they harmonized? Then you can move on to the next step.
In this environment of your home that you have chosen and harmonized, focus on the upper right side – this is the side corresponding to love relationships and affection according to Baguá. Create a small altar of love in this corner. On this altar, you should place items that favor love, the idea of peace, of romance. Each altar is unique and varies according to what most awakens the feeling of loving happiness in the person.
Here are some suggestions for composing your altar:
Flowers in pink, white or red
Photos or drawings of happy couples in love
little red hearts
Rose or Lilac quartz crystal
White or red candles
Feng Shui Doubles – decorative items in pairs: little angels, cats, butterflies, etc., always in pairs.
A harmonized environment with an altar of relationships in the corner of affection gains greater vibrational intensity when flavored with aromas and essences that stimulate love. So put incense, candles or essential oils of ylang-ylang, roses, and sandalwood.
Now you must focus all your love energy on this corner of the relationship.
Say the prayers asking for your new love, for an improvement or a fresh start in your love for your saints or gods of devotion. If you want, you can do love spells, imagine yourself being loved, think about the things you want to do with your loved one, imagine yourself surrounded by loving energy.
It’s no use wanting to find love if you don’t like to share your life with anyone. many times, love doesn’t manifest in our lives simply because we are not available to it.
If you’ve been selfish, it’s definitely driving the love out of your life.
When was the last time you were loving to someone without wanting anything in return? If you hold grudges against someone, it’s holding you back. If you go out for coffee and don’t share that moment with anyone, you’re isolating yourself.
If you don’t share your moments of glory or sadness with anyone, you are becoming a loner. If you don’t mind pleasing the people around you so that they feel loved and happy around you, you’re not vibrating at the right frequency. Love is everywhere, in small gestures. Be loving all the time, and the energy of love will come to you and improve your love life.
Yes, you can do this!
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Ascending Hearts is a spiritual dating site that reengineers serendipity and spiritual connection between souls. Find more about it at ascendinghearts.com