The Month of July and The Magic of the Number 4

The Number 4 connects our mind-body-spirit to the physical world. It represents the security of home, the desire for stability, and the strength of values and beliefs. It is a powerful number with many mysteries.
The Magic of the Number 4
July will be one that will require extra energy to accomplish the minimum tasks. Therefore, it is time to exercise Patience and Fortitude. We are transitioning through very confusing and dense energies. Maybe the grounding energies of the number four will guide us to a steady place, a safe port, where we can rest for a while.
Spiritually, it motivates us to have a sacred space in our homes to meditate or strengthen contact with our interior and intimate world.
This number invokes the grounded nature of everything that exists. There are four seasons, 4 directions, and four elements. Seeing the number four often can motivate you to return to your roots, center yourself, and work organized to manifest your plans and make them a reality.
If you have seen this number often, your angels are trying to motivate you to connect with your roots and settle down in your home, and it could even be a sign that it is time to start a family and complete unfinished projects. It is generally a very good sign because it is a sign that your angels are sending you the strength you need to continue your journey.
Number Four in Soul Numerology
The Soul number is our karmic lesson, what we came to learn in this lifetime. Being a number 4 indicates that we have come to understand the value of work, of conquest by your own means.
The Spiritual Meaning of the Number 4
When we talk about Spirituality, the number 4 also symbolizes the help of guardian angels.
What is the meaning of the number 4 in the numerology of the soul?
The Number Four brings the vibration of work, of being meticulous and precise but lacking in creativity. Still, it’s the action, the work, the accomplishment. Depending on where we find this vibration, it can indicate a period where you may lack what you need or a period of hard work and few results.
Unfortunately, not much can be done to smooth out this vibration.
The number 4 is a numeral that imposes seriousness and commitment with right angles and a direct formation. The number four in numerology represents what is right, direct, and concrete.
People ruled by this number tend to be more responsible, committed, and stable. Obedient, traditional, and punctual, those ruled by the number 4 exude seriousness, do not like mincing words, and do not commit to an ambiguous character.
Some may consider the person ruled by the number 4 as a person with little creativity, but in fact, they tend to be more realistic and down-to-earth, so they are little involved with imagination, as they prefer to commit to their plans and goals.
Yet, as with many spiritual strengths, the number 4 carries different meanings and holds different symbols in its perfectly straight and direct angles. Number 4 is the number that performs. For numerology, this numeral with perfect proportions is synonymous with logic, commitments, and rationality.
Represented by the square, the number 4 represents the rational side of our psyche.
The Symbols for the Number 4
Symbolized by the square in geometry, with a cross in the center to separate its 4 equal parts, the number 4 is a sign of light manifestation. A powerful number with many mysteries.
The number four inspires work, construction, structure, solidity, and practicality with the stability of an earth element numeral. The number 4 is a number you can trust to build a home or an empire.
Images assigned to the number 4
Some material symbols are attributed to the number 4; besides the square are the 4 seasons, the perfect division of the year.
In terms of Spirituality and divinity, the number 4 represents the four letters of the name of God, the four archangels of heaven: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. In the terrestrial scope, it represents the four divisions of life: animal, vegetal, metal, and stone.
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