4 Ways to Figure Out Your Life Path

Figuring out your life path is a matter of starting at the end and working your way back to your current point.
Do You Know Your Life Path?
by Brooke Chaplan
While some people have a clear idea of what they want to do in life and a clear roadmap for getting there, others need some help calculating it out. Figuring out your life path is a matter of starting at the end and working your way back to your current point. From there, you can build the ideal life you’ve always wanted. Let’s jump into some tips on figuring out your path, so you can create a plan and follow it to where you want to go in life.
1. Begin With the End in Mind
Think about your most comfortable, joyful, and peaceful life. Where do you live? Who lives there with you? What do you do with your time? When you pinpoint these elements, start thinking of how you will get there. For example, if your dream life involves working as a chef, start by taking courses to perfect your craft. On the other hand, if your dream life is living by the sea in a small cottage with a few cats, think of how you will get to that point and plan it out.
Once you have started thinking about how you will reach your goal, you must take concrete steps to make it a reality. A goal without a plan is simply a wish, so a vital step in creating your life path is to figure out how to make your dream a reality.
2. Discover What You Love
Think about something you would enjoy doing every day, even if you didn’t get paid. Do you enjoy woodworking, writing, cooking, or gardening? Think about what you’re great at, not just good at. If you can figure out a way to support yourself by performing your best skill, you will be well on your way to discovering your life path. Many people live their dreams of television stardom by creating YouTube channels, releasing their albums on SoundCloud, or creating their publications. You can start a popup shop, host your own art exhibitions or build handmade furniture and sell it online. Discovering what you love is an important step that you can’t skip.
3. Tarot Card Readings
This option may not be for everyone, but tarot card readings can definitely benefit you in figuring out your life path. These readings give you an overview of your life and show the potential places you can direct yourself. These cards can give you insight into the past, present, and future. The main reason for these cards is to help guide you. This is definitely an option to consider to help you figure out what your life path is.
4. Find a Mentor
One of the best ways to figure out your life path is to find someone living it already. Your mentor can give you tips, guidance, and advice about the techniques to enjoying your dream life with the pitfalls you may experience along the way. Your relationship with your mentor will grow over time and increase the quality of your life. When you achieve the life you want, you can then, in turn, mentor someone else.
Finding your life path may be easy, but planning the steps to take will be difficult. Many people want to live their ideal life but are too lazy to make an effort to try. It will be challenging to successfully complete the steps needed to be taken, as you may need an audience behind your back to support you. But with more than enough time and effort, you can live your ideal life. Don’t stop until you get there. It will be a struggle but well worth it.
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About the Author
Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at facebook.com/brooke.chaplan or Twitter @BrookeChaplan
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