2022 Leo New Moon Astrology Forecast

2022 Leo New Moon – July 28, 2022
10:54 AM PDT / 1:54 PM EDT / 5:54 PM GMT
5 Leo 38
2022 Leo New Moon
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The 2022 Leo New Moon is pouring flame accelerant on your inner spark, and good luck keeping it under wraps. Why would you want to, anyway? It’s time to shine, sparkle, soak up the attention, put together playlists with every song you can find about fire, and dance off some of that energy racing through your being.
The 2022 Leo New Moon always reignites self-expression, a grander experience of life, and a goodly surge in drama. We’ve been warming up to this since Mercury, and the Sun entered Leo on July 19 and 22. But, with the Sun’s meeting with the Moon, renewed vitality and high-energy communication are heading off the chart.
Leo doesn’t need help living large or drawing notice, but it’s getting that all the same right now. The 2022 Leo New Moon is in a trine with indulgent, expansive Jupiter, retrograde in hair-trigger, solo-actor Aries. The combo raises the heat and energy and laces all the Leo tendencies with devil-may-care boldness.
This promises a lot of excitement and fun. It’s certainly inspiring to take chances, put yourself out there, and go after a good time. But unfortunately, some of what this link unleashes will be over the top. “Real Housewives” behavior will leave the screen and show up in front of us as drama queens and oversized toddlers respond to the Moon/Jupiter link as steroid-level permission.
On the other hand, the trine bodes well for what you choose to create. The 2022 Leo New Moon fuses new ideas, projects, and phases with your unique personality, flair, and creative vision. Anything you start or continue is getting a dose of Miracle-Gro. Don’t waste this by holding back. When you set a vision, imagine how it could be bigger, grander, more dramatic, more fun, and most of all, more you.
It’s not likely you’ll spend much time in the envisioning phase. Leo may like to stay in one place and glow, but Aries leaps ahead. The open channel to Jupiter makes this Moon’s fire spark and expand with speed.
They will likely not blaze out of control, though. All your seeds, projects, and next phases have another, calmer influence making sure they get moving: the firm shove of a wide square to Mars, the planet of action. Mars in Taurus is deliberate as can be and as fixed as the Leo Moon. His focus is the tangible, though. He’s also contributing practicality and maybe resources – or maybe just stressing the need for them.
His shove will force some of the 2022 Leo New Moon growth into physical reality, and maybe not in quite the way you’re envisioning or things initially look. Mars is coming up on quick-change artist Uranus and the North Node, which he’ll meet on August 1. The trio is close enough to be working together already. Their combined impact triggers concrete surprises, plot twists, and radical changes, all propelling us into newly formed reality. Startling information is part of the hubbub. With Mercury in Leo exactly squaring that Uranus/North Node conjunction, our thinking is being challenged; our perspectives are being broken open. And this New Moon’s growth is heading right into that field of improbable probability.
Throw the Jupiter-fueled 2022 Leo New Moon into the mix, resulting in a cauldron of creativity. It’s at your disposal, so work it. Forget the eye of a newt and the like. Instead, feed this cauldron with your wildest, most ambitious ideas. Throw in ones that stretch your notion of what’s possible for your life. (C’mon; do it!) Add your own secret sauce. Toss in some bling while you’re at it and a handful of coins as well. Find a large ornate stick or ladle and stir flamboyantly. Add “this, or something better” to wishes and intentions. What’s coming out of this cauldron is subject to forces far outside your control. Prepare to be surprised.
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About the Author
Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit EmpowermentUnlimited.net to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited and the Astro-Insight Lounge, and on YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel. Listen to her radio show Celestial Compass on OM Times Radio
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Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at EmpowermentUnlimited.net, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.