Can We Still Feel Free When We Have Kids?

As much as we love our kids, we can find ourselves frustrated, stressed, and trapped in the daily expectations of parenthood. We dream about how it feels to be on our own time, go places spontaneously and spend more quality time with our partners and friends. What if we knew that feeling free is not dependent on anyone or anything else?
Can Parents Still Feel Free?
By Crystal Presence
Our kids inspire us to love, support, and nurture them. Yet, as much as we love them, we can find ourselves frustrated, stressed, and trapped in parenthood’s daily expectations. We accept that parenting has its ups and downs, and feeling free comes and goes. We dream about how it feels to be on our own time, go places spontaneously, and spend more quality time with our partners and friends. What if we knew that feeling free is always available to us? What if we knew that feeling free is not dependent on anyone or anything else?
As we grasp the reality of being one with our source, we come to a deeper understanding of what freedom means. We understand that we are co-creating our lives with universal intelligence, not victims of life. We realize that freedom is not a “thing” that we can have or control. It is a feeling originating from our thinking. We discover that feeling free is our innate state of being and not dependent on a certain person, condition, or situation.
In moments of thinking that feeling free is not available to us, we still can.
Ask this question and listen for the answers: “What is the nature of the feeling free from within?”
Be kind to ourselves. Notice our choices when we feel stressed, overwhelmed, and trapped in our job as a parent. This is a great time to be kind to ourselves, remember to breathe, move our energy, clear our minds, relax, and know that this too shall pass. Remember that we have a built-in guidance system, ready to come to the rescue as soon as we open and let it in. When we do, we find ourselves feeling free, in love, and grateful for having our kids!
Remember, freedom comes from our thoughts and feelings. Feeling free is not a “doing.” It’s an “undoing” It is not about getting rid of our feelings or trying to fix them. Freedom is an experience that we generate beyond our thinking. When we stop focusing on what seems to be coming at us from the outside, we can embrace our situation, breathe, calm our minds, and allow insights, solutions, and a new sense of freedom to come from within.
Breathe, move, dance, sing, shake and vibrate! It’s easier to feel free when our energy is moving, vibrating, and circulating. Movement releases the constriction, contraction, and control that makes us feel trapped, opening up the space to feel free and enjoy our kids!
Learn from how our kids play. Kids come into the world with an innate ability to move, express, and feel the innate freedom that is theirs. Notice how they move in and out of feeling stuck or “bored.” They naturally express and move on to the next thing! They remind us that we have the same innate ability to move, express, and feel free!
Open to the gift of having kids in our lives. Embrace the miracle of these little human beings who bring so much love and joy into our lives. Let our kids know how much we appreciate their playfulness, curiosity, spontaneity, and freedom they feel. Let them know that we cherish how they reminded us of our playfulness when we were kids!
Embrace unconditional love. Being a parent enhances our awareness of all the other children and parents worldwide, many of whom never feel truly free. We can multidimensionally send our unconditional love and compassion to them. We can be a catalyst for all of humanity, supporting them in realizing that absolute freedom comes from within.
Remind ourselves that kids have lots of “do what feels good moments.” Moments when we are trying to get out the door, the kids get sidetracked by playing ball with the dog. These can be when we wish we could get in the car and drive off without them! But these are also moments when we can step back, breathe, let go and open our hearts to feel our love for them, no matter what! Suddenly our tone of voice becomes warm as ideas pop into our head with silly solutions, such as pretending that there is a line of marching ants who want us to join in, marching and singing, “The ants go marching one by one. “The energy shifts …and we march them straight into the car!
Release any habitual thoughts that snap us back into feeling trapped. It takes courage to admit when we are dragging up old ways of thinking, justifying them as something that will keep us safe. Conjuring up thoughts to keep us in the known, avoiding the fear that our lives will fall apart if we let go of control. When we breathe, move and vibrate, the delusion of needing to be in control dissolves into the new experience of feeling free. We discover that we can release our old habitual thinking and let go of “using” it to stay safe. As we go into withdrawal, there may be moments of thinking that we need to snap back into our old continuity. We can assure ourselves that we are okay while reminding ourselves to let our universal intelligence guide the way. We reinforce the thinking and understanding that everything happens in perfect timing, place, and form. We know that we can always open to easier and more enjoyable lives.
Embrace unconditional love and compassion. We often are aware of all the other children and parents around the world, many of them who have never had the experience of feeling free. Our willingness to free ourselves from the inside will catalyze this understanding throughout humanity, helping them realize that real freedom comes from within.
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About the Author
Over the past 40 years, Crystal has been an expansion guide, a writer, a coach, and facilitator of a live event (now an online course) called “Freedom at the Core” Or “ Freedom From the Inside Out”. She draws from her own experience and experiences with the hundreds of people she has worked with from all over the world. She is known for fun and empowering ways that she supports them in bringing forth the best in themselves and creating the experiences they want in their lives. As a mother and grandmother, her passion is bringing out the best in our kids while bringing out the best in ourselves! She coaches parents in the realization that we can all open to a more enjoyable, easy, and harmonious experience of parenting.
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