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Astropsychological Report: 9/26 – 10/2

Astropsychological Report: 9/26 – 10/2

Astropsychological Report

The Astropsychological Report for 26 Sep. – 2 Oct. is a new way to present a different perspective on the energy of the stars

Astropsychological Report: 26 September through 02 October

By Christos Archos M.Sc., Astrologer – Psychologist



The New Moon in Libra brings balance between our polarities (Ying and Yang) and a better understanding of the people we have close to us. The opposition this New Moon is Having with Jupiter is a sign of understanding things in a much more optimistic way that may lead to misunderstandings or acts of grandiosity that may create problems. This is a new moon of dealing with our fears and finally making peace with our inner selves.

Usually, Libra people and all the people with many of their planets in Libra believe that they cannot live alone. As a result, they create parasitic or toxic relationships with others because of their fear of being alone. So, this New Moon is great for helping us find our core and being at peace with our own selves. Jupiter is also about spiritual leadership, so it’s an excellent opportunity for people to show their potential and help others.

Because the Ruler of the New Moon is in Virgo and in Opposition to Neptune, we need to be careful not to surrender to victimization because of a love affair that may not be as true as we wanted. Neptune sometimes is about making things better than they are. Venus in Virgo is about getting to the ground and dealing with everyday life. The combination of those two energies and especially the power of Venus being the leader of the New Moon, is speaking to us about having a better understanding of our needs and don’t fall into the trap of believing that sacrifice is the only solution

Another important factor for this New Moon is not sacrificing ourselves without others wanting to or needing to. In that case, the passive-aggressive action of sacrifice is not an action of love but of control, self– victimization, and lack of empathy. So, we must be sure that if we sacrifice for another, this is needed or even want it. Of course, it must be only acceptable if we really want to do that, and we don’t do it by force.



Retrograde Mercury in Virgo is giving us many opportunities to understand ourselves better. Mercury retrograde is a huge opportunity to rethink and analyze what happens to our lives without being in fear of losing major chances in our emotional or business life. We must remember that Mercury retrograde is like the body’s need when it is asleep. We sleep 1/3 of our lives because sleep is the great medicine and the great balance maker in our body and spirit. In the same way, when Mercury is in Retrograde is a great time to heal and rebalance our brains.

For those of you who are born with Mercury Retrograde in your Natal charts, this New Moon is a huge opportunity to bring order to your life and find the energy and the ability to focus on making things work in your life. Do not be afraid to program things because Mercury Retro is good for you, and you always need to use him not just for mundane situations but also to bring solutions and find order in your mind.

Dreams with Mercury Retrograde in Virgo are significant and can be a piece of valuable information about our bodies. With several clients, I have noticed in the past that their unconscious, especially during those periods of Retrogradations of Mercury in earth signs, is giving them information about how their bodies function. Unconscious use is a symbolic language, so you need to be prepared for several outstanding symbols that may help you understand what the body needs.

The T- Square of Mars with Venus – Mercury (in conjunction) and Neptune is in danger of losing inner peace because of conflicts with brothers and sisters and is about conflict in work. Sometimes not responding is great and can have a very good result for people.

The specific gate activated is about signals to understand what our body really wants, so this new Moon is a symbol of nurturing and caring for our bodies. Try to relax and do some meditation or cognitive–behavior exercises because our everyday lives, because of the Virgo energy, may be out of order with several things we need to fix and with no time to make them happen.



Finally, this New Moon is about Innovation. Try and focus on your needs, and you will find new ways to deal with your problems. Similarly, you may end up finding that the solution for something you have spent lots of time-solving is right in front of you.

The Sabian Symbol is about a new Dawn that reveals that everything has changed and although sometimes human minds cannot accept rapid change and we do whatever we can to deny the reality, this new Moon offers us the great Truth that we are going into the next step as a human being but also as a collectivity, and here I am talking about the collective consciousness of the planet. While seeing that everything is changing may be shocking at the beginning, in the end, maybe a signal of relief because we no longer have to be afraid of anything new. The winners are those that they can carry their past like precious stones without making those stones blockage for our development. This is something that they will struggle with a lot; the fixed signs of Taurus – Scorpio – Leo, and Aquarius and the eclipses of Autumn and the square of Saturn and Uranus is a promise that none can stay behind, and even if he persists, slowly is going to go forward pushed by the river of change.


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About the Author

Cristos ArchosChristos Archos M.Sc is a professional Astrologer in Greece. He teaches Astrology, lecturing, and makes appointments. He studied psychology, and he is a counseling advisor.


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