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Life Mission – Discover Vocational Numerology

Life Mission – Discover Vocational Numerology

Discover Vocational Numerology

The study of Vocational Numerology indicates the professions that best suit you, according to the numerological vibrations that your full name and date of birth bring.

Vocational Numerology – What is the best career for your energetic vibration?

By Liane Buck



“Which career should I pursue?”

This is one of the most intriguing questions that every human being asks, especially in adolescence, a period in which there are many demands on the subject. But what’s the point of giving in to pressure if we barely know who we are and what we really want to do?

How many people, when they reach 30, 40 years of age, are unhappy because they chose a career because of family tradition, because it pays a lot of money or because it was fashionable? What about the constant changes in the professional market that create new careers all the time? How to cope with all this?

Numerology and tarot are here to simplify your life and your choices, no matter what age and moment in life you are living. We believe in second chances and rebooting our professional lives.

The study of Vocational Numerology indicates the professions that best suit you, according to the numerological vibrations that your full name and date of birth bring. On the other hand, the tarot visualizes the current moment of your life and directs you to arrive at the choice you made after vocational study.

There are no rules but lives in search of happiness. The 18-year-old will not always be right in his professional choice. The middle-aged adult will not always need a sudden career change, and sometimes just a few adjustments along the way are enough to move forward and achieve happiness and fulfillment.

Below are some career suggestions for each numerological vibration according to the date of birth. Just reduce your date of birth to a single number, following this rule: you must add all the numbers of your date of birth until you reach a result between 1 and 9 – unless the result is 11 or 22. In these cases, you must not reduce.



John Miller was born on 08/02/1987

8 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 35

3 + 5 = 8

Therefore, the Life Mission of people born on that date will be the 8th!

Now that you know how to find this result, how about making your own calculations? Then just check, among the missions below, which one is ideal for you – that way, it will be much easier to choose which career to follow!

Discover Vocational Numerology

Discover your Life Quest

Life Mission Number 1

Executive Positions, Management, and Leadership, Commercial/Sales, Engineering, Aviation, Automotive, Medicine, Professor, Advertising.

Life Mission Number 2

Diplomatic Career, Politics, Psychology, Professor, Broadcaster, Mechanics, Consulting, Administration, Neurology, Librarian.

Life Mission Number 3

Writer, Artist, Digital Influencer, Interior Designer, Communication, Event Organizer, Gastronomy, Fashion, Aesthetics, and Beauty.

Life Mission Number 4

Architecture, Craftsman, Archeology, Firefighter, Biologist/Geologist, Dentist, Economics/Statistics, Contractor, Carpenter, Doctor.

Life Mission Number 5

Lawyer, Aviation, Languages/Interpreter, Stock Market, Communication areas, Tourist Guide, Sales, Logistics, Sports in general, Researcher.

Life Mission Number 6

Any area of health, Gastronomy, Advocacy, Decorator, Teacher, Designer, Merchant/Shopkeeper, Holistic Therapist, Realtor, Landscaper

Life Mission Number 7

Professor, Scientist, Holistic/Esoteric Therapist, Theologian/Philosopher, Surgeon, Astronomy, Sculptor, Chemist, Criminalist.

Life Mission Number 8

Executive, Management, and Leadership positions. Business Owner, Financial Area, General Consulting, Real Estate/Investment Broker, Administration, Sports Coach, Prosecutor, Public Servant, Judge.

Life Mission Number 9

Social Worker, Teacher, International Relations, Artist, Writer, Politician, Police Officer, Doctor, Philanthropist, Religious Leader.

See Also
love Numerology

Life Mission Number 11

Lawyer, Artist, Scientist, Social Worker, Philosopher, Photographer, Religious Leader, Holistic/Esoteric Therapist, Psychoanalyst, Diplomat.

number 22Life Mission Number 22

International Relations, Aviation, Administration, Architect, Scientist, Esoteric, Foreign Trade, Engineering, Ambassador.



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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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