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The Powerful Astrological Influences of November 2022

The Powerful Astrological Influences of November 2022

Astrological Influences of November 2022

November 2022 month has many gifts and powerful astrological influences and gives us many chances to understand better and get out of the prisons we make for ourselves.

Astrological Influences of November 2022 – A Month of Internal Transformation

By Christos Archos


The first days of November will be very productive, as we still are in the middle of two eclipses on the axis of Taurus and Scorpio. This axis (or alignment) is always about feeling secure in the world through the collection of resources and feelings and the descending of the soul to the dark realms of the unconscious that help us finally to ascent different and more fulfilled from our lives and choices.

The opposition between the Sun and the North Node on the 5th of November symbolizes transformation and change. It holds the promise that in the next 18 years, we will face a severe change in how we understand security. This opposition in the Sign of Scorpio, which is very rare, is very important because, on a mundane level is, in fact, the first of many important events that will trigger the significant changes of 2025 – 2026 till the end of 2040 when the USA Society and the Chinese are going to face total collapse and resurrection through several labors. But this specific opposition marks humanity a great deal. It symbolizes transformation; the world needs to change, and we must feel secure in our relationships.

The last seven generations are the ones that inherit from us the information and codes of behavior. The eclipse on the 8th of November is, in fact, another key to understanding our real complexes but also to comprehending that we are just a moment in a river’s flow. That flow is much bigger than our egos. The Powerful Saturn – A Uranian square affected by the eclipse shows the critical moments of our life and how we must go on a journey to change our past and find a brighter future. All the fixed signs of the 2nd decan will feel all these changes dramatically. After all, the square of Uranus and Saturn is a fated aspect that changes the direction of a river, and the people born on those decanates will face all these dramatic changes in their lives.



The astrological influences of November 2022 are of great importance because it also helps the Mutable Signs finally understand what happens in their lives. In the last years, the 3rd decanates of Gemini – Virgo – Sagitarrius and Pisces had significant difficulties. It seems they could not find a solution to long-term and problematic situations in their families, romantic relationships, careers, or, finally, within themselves. This will be a period of severe change and transformation because, finally, the truth will be revealed. What is important is that if you want to help others in your life and protect them, you need first to protect yourself. In any other case, you are going to help a person drowning and being unprepared. You will end up at the bottom of the sea along with them. So protect your selves, feel the love, and spread what is important. This is a month of dealing with the truth.

For the cardinal signs, this is a month of power. Power has been very important for all cardinal signs in recent years. Still, usually, this power was used in the wrong way or was used to protect your insecurities. This November, this energy is about protecting yourself from negative people, working in a narcissistic way, and dealing with others like they are objects. This month is really important because Pluto in Capricorn will be helpful. This time the power and secret knowledge will not be used for malicious reasons but for the good of people. All the cardinal signs, especially the ones that belong to the 3rd decanate, are going to feel final that all of these lessons that had to pass the last years are not resources to get better and, of course, to protect yourself from any other malicious behavior.

The New Moon on the 24th of November is of great importance. It brings the end of the long way to the underworld and speaks about the ascendance. The stellium in Sagittarius brings a sense of Joy and of adventure that everything dark is going to end, and the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune, although in 6 degrees separation, is a great promise that love will finally bring the solution to the many people’s problems. Saturn will finally let the square with Uranus bring more stability to our lives. Although Mars is still in Retrograde since the 30th of October, this time will bring with the trine with Saturn a sense of internal organization and humility that even the cleverest minds still need human contact. As for the world stage and the crises that will emerge, this New Moon is again about understanding what is important and that human gluttony is always bringing people to one simple destination: destruction. For this reason, we need to finally feel free from the prison of materialism and find the soul within the materials and how we can unleash our creativity.



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About the Author

Christos Archos is a professional astrologer living in Athens – Greece. He lectures, teaches, broadcasts TV and radio shows and is a personal consultant to many people worldwide. He has worked professionally for the last 20 years, is the Director of the Institute of Astrology based in Athens, and has international clients and students. He studied Psychology, and he is a counselor in Cognitive Behavioral therapy, analytical psychology, and family constellations.

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 He is writing for several magazines and sites and is the founder of CCONOS, the Center of Cosmobiology, and Noetic and Social Sciences. His research is on personal development and depression but also on the study of Consciousness. Also, he has a group study on Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastrology, which is the study of people’s ancient beliefs in astronomy and astrology subjects.


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