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Can Quality of Life Influence Longevity?

Can Quality of Life Influence Longevity?

Quality of Life

We are continuously looking for ways to increase our longevity and quality of life, but what if they are reliant on each other? Learn how to embrace our community to increase our ultimate longevity in this modern era!

How is Your Quality of Life?

by Ginger McBride



Nowadays, we are continuously looking for ways to increase our longevity and quality of life. When we think about all the different ways we can do this, what may come to mind are the foods we eat and our latest exercise regime. But, what can come as a surprise to some is a long history related to a strong community that leans on each other, increasing longer life spans. Life is constantly changing, growing, and adapting. That is basic survival in itself. That is part of what makes life so exciting. We don’t always know what the future holds, but we can use the wisdom of those that came before us to enrich our futures!

While there isn’t any doubt that genetics and lifestyle play a key role in longevity, our community can be easily overlooked and forgotten when it comes to increasing our lifespan. Recent studies have shown that our environments can directly affect our health. Environments with more fast-food restaurants, factory-related jobs, and a higher population also correlated with lower life expectancies. In addition, poor diet, lack of exercise, poor sleep, and excessive stress have made it more difficult on our minds and bodies than necessary.

The communities expected to have longer life expectancies and longevity also had a more relaxed lifestyle, exercising more with healthier diets. Still, addition also had community members who would band together, lean on one another and help each other out, reducing stress in their lives. Of course, our independence is a beautiful commodity in this modern era, but we can’t forget that some love and appreciate us and are willing to help us in our time of need, just as we are more than happy to help them in return.



Let us begin to look at our own lives to see what can be reevaluated, and enrich our lives through diet, exercise, quality, and community. But, of course, diet and exercise aren’t the only things that need balance. We must also consider our mental and physical health workload, as the added stress from our daily responsibilities can take its toll in the grand scheme of things.

Begin thinking about who we identify as our community, family, or tribe. Are there areas where we can use the help or even help in return? What needs to change to lower our stress levels and increase our longevity? Once we search our souls to find these much-needed answers, we can begin to change things in our lives one situation at a time as we progress as a community instead of as individuals struggling on our own. Whether we call this a community, family, or tribe, a group of people coming together to have better quality lives. Think about the thousands of years of evolution to our current era. Remember how we leaned on each other for food, shelter, and protection? We must remember to merge our wisdom and knowledge from our ancestors and adapt it to the world we all know and care about for our collective wellness.


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About the Author

Ginger McBride is a wellness writer, certified health coach, wellness expert, and entrepreneur. She uses her knowledge in the health and wellness field to help others with their health, inspiring them to reach their goals through motivation and education! For more information about her services, please email

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