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5 Tips to Avoid Worrying So Much

5 Tips to Avoid Worrying So Much


Do you worry too much? Your soul thrives when you’re filled with love, happiness, peace, and joy. But you may have trouble connecting with your soul during those dark days of doubt and anxiety.

Do You Worry Too Much?



How can we stop feeling anxious over the many situations we cannot control? Here are five tools to try when your chronic worrying suffocates the power of your soul:

1. Keep Busy!

When you’re busy, you literally don’t have time to worry. People with too much time on their hands will often spend that time worrying about a problem or situation and figuring out every possible outcome and scenario. If you’re a born worrier, try to identify the times you catch yourself worrying most. Then, rather than sit there and fret, try and find something to occupy your time and get busy!


2. Keep a Journal

If you’re prone to worrying, write down your thoughts for a few weeks. Then, identify those times (and places) you find yourself worrying most and notice what sets you off. Then, analyze and examine your worries from every aspect so you can learn more about their origin.


3. Change Your Routine

Find alternative things to do during your critical worry times. Shake things up. Change your routine around. If one of the key times you worry is when you get home from work, use that time to start a new personal project that will occupy and challenge your mind. Is there an online class you’ve always wanted to take or a hobby on your bucket list? This is the time to sign up!


4. Be Your Own Spiritual Coach

How can you make your life more positive during these stressful times? Surround yourself with positive people. Support yourself with positive affirmations and activities. Eat healthier meals. Get outside in nature. Hug your pet. Exercise. These are great ways to push worrying aside and strengthen the loving connection with your soul.



5. Meditate

When your worrying has exceeded your control, it’s time to stop everything and find a quiet place to settle down and breathe. Sometimes, just taking a few minutes to sit and take a few deep breaths will calm you down. Whenever you’re worried, try meditating for five minutes. That’s all the time you really need to reset your mind and restart your peaceful life.


John’s Message

Remember, using these tools is not about avoiding your worries but trying to redirect and change your mental programming. When you identify what you’re worried about and why it’s paralyzing you, you can begin to let it go. By practicing these tools, you’ll be feeding your soul instead of your worry. Then your worry will lose its intensity and start to diminish.

Plus, this whole process has a ripple effect. As your family, friends, and coworkers see and feel the change in you, they’ll start emulating your positive actions and integrating them into their own lives. So when you feed your soul instead of your worry, everybody wins!

Live a Soul-filled life!


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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker who describes himself as a psychic medium. If you know someone who may like to get this message, feel free to share these Soul Inspirations or recommend they join my newsletter list.  Equally, I’d love to hear your personal stories, so do share them on my Facebook and Instagram pages.


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