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Endless Awakening

Endless Awakening

Endless Awakening

Endless Awakening is an excellent, encouraging guide to anyone on the path toward self-knowledge and spiritual discovery.

Endless Awakening – Time, Paradox, and the Path to Enlightenment

By Patrick Paul Garlinger

Endless Awakening
To learn more or to purchase Endless Awakening, click the book cover!

Have you awakened spiritually yet still feel stuck, as if you might never be self-realized? You are not alone. Many seekers feel dissatisfied despite years of practice.

Endless Awakening reveals that the solution lies in the paradoxes of time. When you release the idea that you are on a journey, you arrive at your destination. When you accept that your journey never ends, you awaken fully and find the peace that eludes you.

With an inviting, conversational style, Endless Awakening gently guides the reader to see how the paradoxical nature of time can illuminate a deeper understanding of core human issues such as emotions, identity, relationships, and death.

In this book, you will learn to:

  • Heal emotionally by embracing the paradox that you are already whole and still healing
  • Be true to yourself by embracing the paradox that you are beyond time and language and a story with a past, present, and future
  • See life differently by embracing the paradox that the world is a mirror of your mind and a mystery you will never unravel

When you embrace paradox as your path, a new relationship to spirituality awaits you.


To learn more or to purchase Endless Awakening, click the book cover or visit


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Praise for Endless Awakening

“Patrick Paul Garlinger provides a beautiful map of what the deeply human journey of spiritual awakening entails. He has a gift—not only in relaying words, concepts, and experiences but also through his heartfelt vulnerability and compassionate presence toward the service of humanity. In his new book, Endless Awakening, Patrick Paul Garlinger is a humble master, expressing a level of truth-telling that leaves the ego speechless and initiates the awakening to freedom your Spirit has longed for. All of Patrick’s books are treasures; this one definitely belongs in your treasure chest!” — SIMRAN, award-winning author and founding publisher of 11:11 Magazine


“I love Patrick Paul Garlinger’s Endless Awakening. The flowing, easy-to-read, and intimate conversational style easily guides us across many intricate healing models. The author’s share of his own traumas, emotions, and recovery gives us a perfect understanding of the shamanic and spiritual processes. It also gives us a solid holding hand to accept our own unique journey. This book is a true gem, and its time has come for those who heed the inner call for transformation.”

—Itzhak Beery, author of The Gift of Shamanism, Shamanic Transformations, and Shamanic Healing, founder and publisher of


“This book lives up to its title by awakening you, again and again, to deep insights and profound, new ways of seeing things. Patrick peels back the layers of complex topics like time, emotions, and memory with such accessibility and clarity—it is like having a trusted friend explain life’s truths to you in ways that allow you to follow along and apply it all to your own experience. This book will inspire and energize you and open your eyes to the magic that is within and around you at all times.” —Yael Shy, author of What Now? Meditation for Your Twenties and Beyond and CEO of Mindfulness Consulting, LLC


Endless Awakening is a practical guide to consciousness written by a natural teacher. I had the uncanny experience, as I read, that he was standing alongside me as the stories, principles, lessons and healings unfolded, taking my hand and gently guiding me to a gentler home within myself. These are words that create change.” —Jacqueline Freeman, author of Song of Increase and What Bees Want, and publisher of


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About the Author

Patrick Paul Garlinger is an award-winning author and intuitive.

Endless Awakening distills the wisdom he has developed in prior works and working with private clients to connect them with the divine spirit inside. His first work, When Thought Turns to Light: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Transformation (Epigraph, 2016), an accessible introduction to spiritual wisdom and healing, won the 2017 Living Now Spirit Book Award. He has also published Seeds of Light: Channeled Transmissions on the Christ Consciousness (Anastasis Books, 2017), which won the 2018 Living Now Silver Medal for Metaphysical works. Additional works include Bending Time: The Power to Live in the Now (Anastasis Books, 2018), and A World Without Identity: The Sacred Task of Uniting Humanity (Anastasis Books, 2020), which won the Living Now Awards Evergreen Silver Medal for World Peace.

Patrick Paul Garlinger lives in NYC and offers private intuitive and healing sessions. For more information about his books and services, please visit


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