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The Hermit Card: Tarot Arcana December 2022

The Hermit Card: Tarot Arcana December 2022

Hermit Card

The card of the Hermit from the Tarot teaches you to turn off your mind and practice silence to gain enlightenment and self-knowledge.

The Hermit: The Bright Lamp of the Heart



The Hermit, the Arcana, for the Month of December

The Eremite or the Hermit card is reflective and represents an inner search in a solitary way to find the best answers we need. It is a way it teaches us we shouldn’t rely on other people’s opinions or the luck of fate but rather reflect and draw from ourselves the most appropriate solutions.

But in order to do so, we need to bring forward in our spirit the necessary strength and courage to dissolve the bad energies that persecute us and the limiting beliefs that keep us paralyzed. Hermit is a major arcanum of the Tarot and is represented by the enigmatic number 9.

In love, it symbolizes detachment from external factors and the need to search for peace in your most intimate relationships. But, of course, that would include a good relationship with ourselves.

In addition, the Hermit is a counselor, our inner voice.

Depending on your situation, the Tarot may indicate a way out through counseling with a wise person who is oblivious to the problem. However, often this sage guide is his own conscience, which needs to be heard.

The lamp burns bright when the wick and oil are clean. ~ Ovid

The Hermit as an Archetype of Prudence

The Hermit is well known in our culture: the monastic man who exiles himself to live alone, introspect, only with himself, and learn more about the world and himself in that isolation. The arcanum can be seen as a wise man, but this is only due to the passage of time that made him realize more things in life, interpret and read the world more, as can happen to anyone: He is the proof that two elements are necessary to perform a good judgment upon life events: Distancing (acquiring right perspective) and Time.



Nevertheless, we must remember that this excessive exile can also drive the Hermit mad since time has made him calcified, trapped in his own beliefs, and without evolving over time. As initiates of this life Journey, in the role of seekers, we pursue wisdom, enlightenment, and the ability to reassess life and goals.

The card of the Hermit from the Tarot teaches you to turn off your mind and take advantage of the silence to gain enlightenment and self-knowledge. He reinforces the importance of silence for a deep dive into your soul’s personal issues to reassess your goals. This card symbolizes collecting, meditation, silence, self-knowledge, enlightenment, concentration, prudence, isolation, and reassessment.


Negative Side of The Hermit Card

When presented in the tirade as an obstacle, in the Tarot, the Hermit represents your strong desire for seclusion, hindering your progress in life. Therefore, avoid loneliness and pay more attention to the events in front of you that ask for focus. Everything bad and negative happening in your life is due to your desire for isolation. In this case, the Hermit’s message is: move!


The Meaning of the Hermit Card For this Month

The Hermit card in the Tarot mainly means a period of introspection and inner search for the querent. I like to think of it as more of a counselor for you to have that period of being alone and looking inward. Remembering that, in this period of introspection, it is extremely important that you understand the importance of patience to have the right answers, but, of course, always take care not to freeze you.

It is important to understand our limitations when influenced by this card. And in order to do so, We must understand that We are small fragments in an extremely complex and infinite universe. Therefore, maturity is extremely necessary, and it is important to have the patience required to achieve what you want.

Therefore, when this card appears before you start a new project or during the execution of any plan in your life, take a step back and allow yourself time to think straight and see if you missed something along the way.


Only then can we actually start a new Path.


See Also
Tarot Astrology Forecast December 2020 OMTimes


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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