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The Orange Ray of Knowledge

The Orange Ray of Knowledge

orange ray

The fifth ray of light, the Orange Ray, represents the souls who are the unemotional archetype. They require less human contact than anyone on the planet.  Scientists, engineers, and lawyers are typical professions of the souls who are incarnated with these character traits. Unyielding in their opinions while highly intelligent, they may have little tolerance for the mystical.

Discover More about the Orange Ray of Light



When they have not learned tolerance and reverence for life, their actions can absolutely be destructive to others. They can have little compassion for others needing assistance, especially if they feel that the people involved deserved no quarter because of their ignorance. These souls concentrate on the facts, the rules. If you break a rule, you will suffer the consequences of your actions. They aren’t normally programmed to feel empathy for personal drama or complaining and will try to avoid many situations whenever possible. You might see them sitting in a laboratory conducting experiments, documenting every detail of the procedure with precision and order.

Those who exist strictly on the fifth ray of knowledge can grow to be bigoted and arrogant if they are socially undeveloped and operating at lower frequencies. They can have a difficult time in most social groups because it becomes intolerable for them to play small. They do best with those in their peer group and even more with other Orange Ray souls who are more evolved in their emotional maturity. An environment rich in detail and order and exposure to the higher knowledge of man’s etheric body is key for this person in learning the soul lessons of ascension.


Knowledge and Facts Rule the Orange Ray…

If you have ever seen a few episodes of the CBS sitcom, “The Big Bang Theory,” you have no doubt been introduced to the character of Sheldon Cooper. He started out being portrayed as an egotistical genius who seemed to have little need for troublesome friends or emotional attachments. As the years have gone by, he has evolved mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually because of his interactions with other humans and the positive influences they bring to his life. His girlfriend Amy has patiently explained social etiquette, romantic partnerships, and human relations to him, which helped has helped him to discover other parts of his complex personality.



Throughout the show, there are characters with personality traits of the fifth ray in varying degrees of enlightenment and growth. They have morphed into more caring, emotionally intelligent adults from their former childishly selfish behavior as their lives have unfolded in the years that have passed. Their ability to adapt to the reality of the people and the world that exists around them represents the ingredients of a great cosmic change inside us all. Although it lives inside our core being, tolerance and respect for what we do not yet understand help spin out our spiritual matters. Our purpose in unlocking these puzzles inside our consciousness helps us to create and maintain the energy that propels us forward through space and time.

When a soul who lives mostly on the fifth ray can discover how to merge science and spirituality through family, friends, and business associates, they create a miraculous fusion. In balancing their mental and emotional thoughts to understand the two can work together, their discoveries will help save humanity! This amazing ray invented Science and promotes individualism. When active at the highest level and including qualities from the third ray of intelligence, it is the ray shifting our evolution into a new era of awareness.

We are all unique in our rays of light tendencies and personalities. As we all become more connected in our will to heal ourselves and this planet, we need every soul to contribute to our existence here. The understanding and compassion we so dearly seek can be awakened in the hearts of the open-minded who help to create and manifest the way. The peace inside a heart filled with information is necessary to create a balance of grace and power. A strong conviction and nerves of steel become a fantastic catalyst for growth and healing.

A soul with concrete knowledge in the evolutionary stages will eventually acquire the virtues of reverence, love, open-mindedness, compassion, devotion, and sympathy through life experiences and challenges. These themes may take many life incarnations to complete for one soul. Combining these qualities results in stunning, radiant brilliance with a heart! A crucial part of man’s spiritual ascension of consciousness involves the Orange Ray manifestation to the highest form of knowledge.


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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OMTimes Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact us for a session, see


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