Tamra Oviatt: Sacred Activations
Because, for it to be magically and easily done, it starts erasing all those belief systems for you, but you don’t have to use sacred activations to do it. You can do it yourself.
But you’ve got to focus and allow that stuff to stop repeating and start replacing it with positive thoughts.
And, I say this to you, and it’s so much easier said than done because, again, 95% of your life is run by your subconscious program. So do meditations, guided meditations, do sacred activations, and things to change your subconscious programming. Because I’ve been to many events for a weekend where it’s supposed to change your life when you’re all excited, you’re going to do all these things when you get home. And within a couple of days, you start falling into the same thing. I have changed things in my life through subconscious programming or through guided meditations, but with the Sacred Activations, what happened to me was that they started changing my life instantly and just kept shifting it and shifting it. But take time for yourself. Go within. You have to meditate, do hypnosis, or use music to help you write. But You need to take time for yourself to do that.
Victor Fuhrman: One of the things that I always share is to create healthy boundaries so that the word not once said with compassion is a complete sentence and that you don’t have to be a people pleaser and chase after everyone else and neglect yourself at the same time.
Tamra Oviatt: Absolutely. That’s it. There’s activation for healthy boundaries.
Victor Fuhrman: How may we each recognize and embrace the power? We possess the to create our life and create heaven on earth and share those amazing gifts with others.
Tamra Oviatt: Be kind, smile. We all have the power. I mean, we are creating everything that’s happening now, aren’t we? So, let’s focus on peace, focus on love, focus on art, focus on music. And with you just doing that with your happiness inside, it affects everybody. That’s how we create heaven on earth. That’s how we do that. I’ve created heaven on earth for myself.
I live in Yucatan, Mexico. I live on the beach, and I am happy. This is my heaven on earth right here. It took me a lot of work and a lot of time to do this, but it wasn’t really something. It just all started magically falling into place.
And, when you’re working on yourself and focusing on creating beauty, within being happy, being happy for others, smiling at others. I mean, if you just smile at someone, you can make their whole day or the whole week, or you might have just helped somebody not commit suicide because you smiled at them.
I constantly smile at people. I wear a t-shirt around. I’m always in a t-shirt that says: “I am living my best life.” Yeah. Because I want to trigger that into people to create that for themselves.
We don’t have to be enslaved. We can create anything we desire just by being excited and feeling good about it. It’s so important to love yourself and love others. I do know it’s easier to love others than it is for yourself. It takes time, but you can do it. Look in the mirror, and say, I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you until you can open your eyes, smile, and say, I love you. Yeah, to really embrace that energy and that love for yourself. It’s so important.
Victor Fuhrman: Absolutely. In one of his moving speeches, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr said, be the piece you wish to see in the world. How do we embody this?
Tamra Oviatt: Same thing! Its peace in the world is an inside job. You don’t have to go in march. Do not plug into all the fear-based programming out there to keep you in separation and fear. There’s so much fear out there. And it’s important to purge all of that. Do not listen to any fear programs of what’s happening because it’s all division programming.
All of It. Focus on good songs, good programming, and good TV. Go and watch a cooking show, a building show, or something that has no drama. Don’t watch drama. We don’t have to listen to drama songs, angry songs, or anything like that.
Don’t do not spend time down the rabbit hole of entertainment overload and fear because no matter what you think, you believe there’s a fear-based program to help support you in it. And it’s important to let go of all that goes into three days of silence. Oh my God. How empowering is that? That is so empowering to sit alone with no internet, no TV, and nothing for three days to sit in silence, you will learn so much about yourself, and you’ll come out of that experience much healthier.
Victor Fuhrman: If you can do it, do it in nature. Please tell us about your new show on OMTimes Media and TV.
Tamra Oviatt: I’m so excited to be doing this on OMTimes. I saw a vision of me doing a TV show many eons ago. So, I’m doing it, and I chose OMTimes, which I’m really excited about. I love OMTimes, the energy they’re bringing forward, and Christopher, and they’re just really incredible beings. So, it’s all about Healing. Every week I run activations for and with you. Um, I’ve had a lot of guests on. I will have fewer guests and more of me talking myself.
Victor Fuhrman: Tamra, please tell us about your website and what we can find there.
Tamra Oviatt: On my website, there are about 400 activations and many guided meditations. You would find that I also do practitioner training in Sacred activations. There are five different levels of training. I offer various courses at various levels. It starts with the level of Practitioner, The Master Practitioner, Medical, intuitive, Mastering the Masters. I also offer a Course on Earth Mastery where you will learn and work with the Lay Lines and the collective consciousness and its energy field. I can travel to different sacred sites remotely, do Healing there, and activate crystals on the planet. That’s an amazing medical intuitive, absolutely incredible course. I also teach Akashic Records. I have five Akashic Records classes I teach.
Initially, I wasn’t planning on teaching Akashic Records. Still, I was told it was necessary and needed and that it helped the world heal and help people balance out to empower the Earth healers.
So, I teach five of those, Akashic records, The masters in Akashic Records, where you’re starting to do healings, on healing tables. Then I’ve got the Galactic Level, where you’re working with aliens’ people off the planet. Then I have animals and heaven and hell, where we’re taking you into the fourth dimension.
The Fourth dimension is the heaven and hell energy field. So, we take you into that. It’s really the same energy field. It’s, it’s your belief systems that put you in either one of those two scenarios. It’s really empowering because it releases all those fears and teaches you about that level of consciousness. And also teaches you how not to end up at that level when you pass away, that you actually go beyond it. You’re not stuck in that. In the rebirthing line for the planet, you can move beyond that. You don’t have to do that. You don’t have to reincarnate here.
I’ve decided it’s important for me to do this. But I’m always running activations at the end of every show to help you get out, at a minimum of three activations per week. So go, have a listen. I’ve got it. I do have some absolutely fascinating, incredible, amazing, gifted guests on. And then also there’s some of me sharing stories and helping you break through different areas of your life. And again, I’m always running energy for you to help reprogram your mind so that you can be the best you.
Victor Fuhrman: Do you have links to your books on your website?
Tamra Oviatt: I do have links to my books. Presently, all nine of them are on Amazon. I’ve got five more. That’s supposed to be coming out very soon. I am expecting them to come out by the end of the year.
Victor Fuhrman: No doubt, You’re a prolific author.
Tamra Oviatt: Well, in all reality, my books are my transcribed training. So, when you read my book, you’ll learn about my training, and we’re just reading my books, start working on yourself. And then, if you want, you can become a practitioner. But, still, I have a lot of webinars and stuff for people that aren’t necessarily interested in becoming a Healing practitioner. I just want to help them to better and heal themselves.
Victor Fuhrman: To learn more about Tamra, visit her website: TamraOviatt.com
Also, Follow Tamra on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
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Rev. Victor Fuhrman, MSC, is a healer, spiritual counselor, and author whose deep, rich, compassionate and articulate sound inspired the radio handle, “Victor the Voice”. A former armed forces broadcast journalist, Victor Fuhrman is a storyteller by nature and an inspiring public speaker. He brings unconditional love, compassion and a great sense of humor to his ministry. Victor is the Host of Destination Unlimited on OMTimes Radio, Wednesdays at 8:00 PM ET. http://omtimes.com/iom/shows/destination-unlimited/