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Tao of Organizing and Time-Saving Factors

Tao of Organizing and Time-Saving Factors


We live in a world where we have the means to be “Do-It-Yourselfers.” Sometimes this is great and can save you a lot of money. It can also give you an incredible sense of accomplishment and creativity. We even have instructional YouTube videos showing people how to do just about anything these days. Doing things yourself often takes a lot of organizing, and there are other time-saving factors to consider.

I can attest, however, that almost all of the time when someone tries to “Feng Shui” their own house, they usually have not learned or been exposed to the most important and personal aspects to analyzing a property. And, as lay people, I don’t think we want to handle our own dental or legal problems either. When it comes to time-saving, we go instead to professionals and experts in their field.


Organizing Takes Planning, Even with the Pros



Whatever needs to be taken care of in our lives, we must consider not only the time it will take to do something on our own but also the research and materials involved. Time equals money in many instances. In the world of organizing, there is a principle about teaching people to be organized so that they can eventually do it themselves and sustain whatever organizational outcome they achieved initially with the assistance of a professional.

Sometimes, it just doesn’t make sense to do something yourself, and it could be both a time saver and a money saver to let a professional handle the situation. This is not an admission of failure but rather an astute observation or being realistic, like an executive delegating duties to the appropriate people.

What if you have a block about working with an organizer? What if the shame of having such a messy space continually makes you procrastinate? I encounter many people who say they know exactly what they need to do to de-clutter, and yet it never happens. Sometimes the chronic disorganization and clutter really undermine the quality of life. It might be better to get professional assistance for any number of reasons than to try to tackle it yourself, making costly mistakes along the way.



Lessons in the Value of Time-Saving

I remember when I was publishing my first book and sharing my experiences with other new authors. One fellow author was trying to wear all hats as a self-publisher by interviewing editors, book cover artists, paper suppliers, illustrators, formatters, printers, and attorneys for all the paperwork involved with the Library of Congress and copyright submission. She was spending months of her time away from her other income-earning career to handle every detail that is required from a publisher.

In contrast, I hired a book production company that had all of those professionals in-house and who could coordinate their schedules so that the product was delivered in the least amount of time. I didn’t have to worry about organizing or hiring the wrong person for each job because the book development company took responsibility for everything, like a contractor assumes responsibility for the work done by all the sub-contractors. When I told this fellow author what I spent to have the book development company handle everything, I knew she thought I overpaid for that kind of service. Meanwhile, I am absolutely certain that she ended up spending as much or more when factoring in all the time she spent researching, interviewing, and dealing with each person individually.

Sometimes, the most organized and economical decision you can make is to let someone else handle your project or at least assist you. This time-saving makes total sense for people who can quickly get overwhelmed.

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About the Author

Connect with Kartar Diamond and  Kartar’s School of Traditional Feng Shui ® at

See Also

Feng Shui Solutions ® From the Feng Shui Theory Series.


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