2022 Capricorn New Moon Astrology Forecast
![2022 Capricorn New Moon](https://ej3atki2nc6.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/1new-moon.jpg?strip=all&lossy=1&ssl=1)
2022 Capricorn New Moon – December 23, 2022
2:17 AM PT / 5:17 AM ET / 10:17 AM GMT
1 Capricorn 33
2022 Capricorn New Moon
Click the player below to listen to Astrologer Kathy Biehl discuss the 2022 Capricorn New Moon Astrology Forecast.
So what if we’re in the thick of the holiday season? Don’t you feel ready to get too serious about your life? To get to … work? To set goals and kick them into motion? You’re feeling the gifts of the 2022 Capricorn New Moon.
It’s making adulting attractive even as the holidays target children, chronological ones, and the inner kiddos stirring inside so many of us.
Capricorn orients us to worldly matters, long-term goals, and the work necessary to pursue them. It’s self-starting, as are all the cardinal signs. Still, this sign is unique for its determination to follow through on what it sets in motion carefully, methodically, and without rushing. (For proof, watch a Capricorn cut and butter a baked potato sometimes.)
The 2022 Capricorn New Moon brings a special freshness and newness to start now, from initial launches to the next phases in existing situations. Those qualities come from its being the second of four consecutive New Moons at 1 degree of their signs (five, if you round up). The sequence is inching our experience of reality from old ways to different horizons, culminating in the Aries New Moon in March on the Aries point, a critical degree that marks a turning point in collective events.
Fitting that transition, this Moon’s Capricorn traits are more lively, forceful, and emboldened than usual. In addition, it’s got the oomph of a square to expansive Jupiter at 0 Aries (attention please: on the Aries point; on the world axis, pointing the way to the March equinox and Aries New Moon).
Jupiter in Aries is so much that Capricorn is not: go-go-go, leaping without looking (even after), bold, brash, brazen, running toward adventure and danger, all of that in an instant. Direct that kind of firepower into the Capricorn Moon, and emboldened action is inevitable.
The square has multiple impacts on everything launching now. The aspect is a high-energy kick-off, shoving ideas ahead or into being with force and excitement. They’re also being amplified, expanded, and filled with exuberance, daring, an entrepreneurial spirit, and optimism as well. So whatever you’re considering planting, ride the energy and make your vision bigger, then bigger again.
The launch is likely fast-paced, but the playing out is probably, not, with roughly half of the sky in slow and steady Capricorn. Instead, it’s more likely that Capricorn’s doggedness gives staying power to the boldness and daring, if not the enthusiasm. (It might last until… when’s the Aries point showing up again? Oh, right: March.) Too, what emerges from the 2022 Capricorn New Moon could be far grander than you anticipate because Jupiter is injecting cosmic Miracle-Gro into the proceedings.
The asteroid Ceres is also squaring the Moon, from exactly opposite Jupiter. The configuration puts the 2022 Capricorn New Moon at the focal point of a t-square, focusing attention on planning and project managing nurturing, sustainability, and even food sources, which is probably hugely so.
Ceres is part of a significant counterweight to the masculine, outer-directed traits of the Capricorn New Moon and Jupiter. The sky is not allowing us to focus only on material goals. Other aspects of life are being called for. Eris is sextile Capricorn’s ruler Saturn, opening the door to the established order and taking marginalized interests into account. Since she’s the goddess of discord and strife, her presence could enhance your willingness to take risks, shake things up, and stand up for yourself – or at least factor your own needs for long-term security into the 2022 Capricorn New Moon goals.
Idealism, escapism, love, or just plain gentleness are at our disposal. Saturn is also in a sextile to Neptune, illusionist, Dreamweaver, and gateway to the divine, conjunct Juno, Jupiter’s wife and the protector of marriage. Neptune offers a softening and perhaps a higher purpose to Saturn’s nose-to-the-grindstone bent; Juno is bringing relationship issues into the discussion. The Neptune/Juno pairing could encourage sacrificing relationship interests (though Eris might have something to say about that), or it could lend inspiration and teamwork to Saturn’s insistence on structure, commitment, and maturity.
As you experience the 2022 Capricorn New Moon, you may come across opportunities to improve your well-being, to make your foundations and goals more nurturing and supportive over the long term, and to bring loving kindness and appreciation of partners into your definition of adulting.
Bothersome or uncomfortable issues may nag at you with Mercury’s semi-sextile Saturn. It’s worth suiting up and thinking about them, if not talking. Giving them some attention may diffuse their impact.
That may interrupt your holiday festivities, but it’s a small step to protect what you are seeding for the long term. You could also vent the aspect’s energy by writing a letter to Santa. Especially if Santa isn’t part of your holiday equation. Especially if it feels slightly ridiculous. Jupiter says, “Triple dog dare you.”
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About the Author
Kathy Biehl is a professional astrologer with more than 30 years of experience. She has been translating astrology for the mainstream since high school and has a knack for combining humor and pop culture with her guidance. Visit EmpowermentUnlimited.net to sign up for her mailing list, listen to her forecasts, and book a session for her. Find her on Facebook at Empowerment Unlimited and the Astro-Insight Lounge and on YouTube at the Professional Aquarian Channel. Listen to her radio show Celestial Compass on OM Times Radio.
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Kathy Biehl has been a professional astrologer and psychic for more than 30 years. Book a private session with Kathy at EmpowermentUnlimited.net, where you can sign up for her newsletter, listen to her weekly podcasts, and purchase her recordings. You can also follow her daily insights and whimsical photos on Facebook, and find her at the Professional Aquarian YouTube channel.