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2023 Numerology – The Chariot and the Power of the Number 7

2023 Numerology – The Chariot and the Power of the Number 7

2023 Numerology Number 7

The Numerology for 2023 indicates that the Year will be governed by the Number 7. It is time to learn what that means, how it can be beneficial, and when the challenges are. The Year 2023 is a precious pearl that will need to be discovered.

Numerology for 2023 – The Chariot and The Power of the Number 7



To realize the Numerology Predictions for 2023, we need to calculate the number that will “rule” the Year, the Universal Year. In this case, 2023 is governed by the number 7, which results from the sum 2+0+2+3.

In Numerology, Number 7 evokes mystery, selectivity, taboos, and controversial issues. That is, it is an energy frequency that allows secrets to surface. But also, the 7 is a number of commitments, whether in career and personal life, studies, or health care.


Year for You to Know Yourself Better

In addition to this professional improvement, the Year of the energy of the Chariot arcane asks for self-knowledge. It will be a period in which more people can awaken in this sense and seek to know themselves better.

In addition, 2023 can be marked by self-criticism and many selectivities bordering on perfectionism. Be careful not to overdo it, but don’t overlook this closer look at internal issues. Therefore, the Numerology Predictions for 2023 show that the Year is governed by the Number 7 calls for concentration on oneself and the search for self-knowledge. As you understand the importance of looking at your own wounds and scars, you will see that it is possible to grow and mature.

This commitment is very strong, both personally and professionally, and collectively.


2023 Numerology – A Year for Conscious Spirituality

Spirituality and Consciousness

The Number 7 is related to the sacred and faith. Seven is the number of Angels that, according to tradition, stand singing praises in front of God.

Therefore, it can be a year to study or deepen the spiritual side, intuition, and Conscious evolution.

The meanings of the Number 7 also highlight the importance of trusting your own soul, life, and essence of being. And the more this side is strengthened, the more easily you will face the challenges imposed by the 7.



Number 7 asks each of us to find the right rhythm to flow. Think of a surfer: the surfer needs to be physically and spiritually prepared to wait for the best wave.

Number 7 is linked to the body and health and especially calls for this integration between body, mind, and spirit.

At the same time, it indicates the importance of reinforcing the investigative side of science, which can start to look more closely at the causes of diseases.

After all, hidden secrets and issues tend to surface in a Universal Year 7.

2023 Numerology Number 7

Become More Aware of Words and Intentions

With Number 7 as the vibration of the New Year, one is advised to develop extra care when speaking hard words or forming dubious intentions. Above all, do not promise what you can’t accomplish. The rule of thumb this Year will be: Less is more.

Undoubtedly, the 7 is a controversial one. Therefore, Numerology for 2023 asks for extra care with words, which can cause misunderstandings and confusion. In this case, silence is golden.

That way, try to manifest only when you’re sure what you’re talking about – so you avoid wear and tear. At the same time, conflicts can be important to clarify what is not working and improve habits and attitudes. As a dynamic year, nothing will be set in stone; anything can change quickly.

Wars and Global Unrest

The Numerology analysis for 2023 indicates that there is, yes, the possibility of wars and international conflicts.

Because the archetype of the number 7 in the Tarot deck is the Chariot, a card of movement, we are at risk of continuing to see international unrest that started in previous years. We can even see an increase in social uprise in many countries, especially the ones under siege by tyrants and dictators.

Wars for religious reasons can also occur in this period. Hence, with special significance this year, it will be very important for people to review their concepts and actions concerning prejudices involving cultures, religions, and ethnicities.



On the bright side of the Year, the last time number 7 was regent for a year was in 2014. That year, there was the resumption of diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba, for example.

Another positive in 2014 was the Nobel Peace Prize, shared between the Pakistani Malala Yousafzai and the Indian Kailash Satyarthi, for their fight against child and youth exploitation and for everyone’s right to education. So that is a good precedent.


2023 Numerology – Love, Passion, and Other Relationships

For the number 7, the rule is clear: better alone than in bad company. But, like its tarot counterpart, the Chariot, the 7 is a highly selective archetype. Therefore, the energy forecast for 2023 suggests that people can choose not to be with anyone and not open up to anyone. But it is, at the same time, a Year to rid yourself of emotional ghosts. But unfortunately, this inner work is generally personal and solitary.

There is an intrinsic fear of loving and suffering, loving and being betrayed, loving and being rejected. They are ghosts that haunt us in our lives as a couple. As well resolved as we are, these fears may surface in 2023.

And there comes, once again, the need for self-knowledge. We will love with more quality when we recognize our fears, limitations, and vulnerabilities. Finances and Money

If you haven’t organized your financial situation yet, 2023 will ask for that commitment more proactively. The Universal Year 7 calls for professionalism and competence — including managing your own money.

Universal Year 7 has everything to promote adjustments and improvements in what was not working. For this, however, controversial measures may be applied.

In addition, Number 7 can expose what was wrong and what was being swept under the rug.


Personal and Collective Health

Numerology predictions for 2023 suggest fragility concerning health in general. So, 2023 will be a year to pay more attention to health issues – physical, mental, and emotional. That attention should be generalized and brought into a bigger perspective, such as the health and well-being of our Collective Humanity and our planet.



It is worth remembering that in 2014, which was also governed by the number 7, one of the worst outbreaks of Ebola occurred, with the closure of airports and borders to prevent the transmission of the disease.

So, during 2023, we will be pressed to look harder at our Planetary health and needs and evaluate our relationships with ourselves (as passengers of the same planetary ship), animals, nature, and the harsh effects of factory farming over our lives.


2023 Advantages and Challenges

2023 Most challenging Months

These will be the most delicate months of 2023: March, April, October, and December, according to Numerology. These will be periods in which challenging situations in general, situations of personal or collective fear, can come to the fore. Therefore, they can demand a lot of faith and improvement for the crises to be resolved.

In March and December, there is an increased risk of air accidents.

See Also
Energy Profile October 2022

However, January, April, and October will be the most delicate months regarding the international conflict. Therefore, it is worth mentioning an energetic instability during May and June. Something of a global level between May 20 and May 7 -The Eclipse time (given or taken 10 days between those dates).

The Personal Notes:

In April, there is also a chance of conflicts between people, that is, more fights, discussions, and disagreements. It is a period that calls for more diplomacy, patience, and resilience. By the way, it is important to remember that in April and October, we will have eclipses, and according to Astrology, these can be more tense periods.


Months of opportunities in 2023

May (end of the month) and July can be expansion, growth, and lightness periods. The increase of light and the energies of Solstice will be fantastic to take advantage of, for example, cultural opportunities, Intentional Travelling to meet people, create more intimate relationships, and strengthen the bonds of intimacy.

May is a great month to take advantage of opportunities to learn new things, such as languages. But also to exercise a more cultural side with a dance or theater course. What to Beware of in 2023.



It is worth paying attention to false prophets, gurus, and alternative or spiritual healers. But, unfortunately, these people can multiply in 2023, and they may not have the collective good in mind, only their own.

Be careful not to put your faith in someone who cannot be trusted.

Step up the security of your cyber presence over the worldwide net because virtual scams and destructive viruses on electronic devices, for example, may also become even more frequent in 2023. Finally, be calm and cautious. Organize schedules and your routine with special attention, use the selectivity of the Number 7 to divide your time better, and pay more attention to the healthy parts of your life.


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day, ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine and Ministry Earth Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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