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Wendie Colter – The Essentials of Medical Intuition

Wendie Colter – The Essentials of Medical Intuition

Wendie Coulter

Wendie Colter: I call it “energetic damage.” The body holds information, not only physical but also emotional, mental, and spiritual information. So, the energetic part of trauma is about subtle energy imbalances in the body. This sounds a little esoteric, but it means that traumatic life events can be impactful and big but can also be very subtle.

One example is if a child breaks their favorite toy. They may be emotional about it and cry. Then the mother scolds the child for breaking the toy. Well, that doesn’t sound like something that would significantly impact the child’s life.

But what if it sets up an energetic imbalance in the child that we could call a “limiting belief”?

Sometimes, these beliefs may have a long-term energetic effect where we might make decisions, even subconsciously, that can affect our lives from that point forward.


OMTimes: In your book, you wrote that you’ve developed a spiritual perspective about the trauma that informs every medical intuitive session you give, that every trauma contains our most valuable life lessons. Say more about that.

Wendie Colter: Now we’re talking about the spiritual. What is the life lesson, so to speak, of a health issue? This is not a new concept. We hear in all spiritual approaches to health and wellness: “what am I supposed to learn from this?” That’s a tricky question when you’re dealing with a health issue.

But we are supposed to learn from it. The answers are contained in the biofield and the body.

There is a lot of information to further wellness – spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical.


OMTimes: When you or one of your certified practitioners is doing an intuitive session with a client, do they tell the person what they perceive the life lesson is? Or do they leave that for the client to work out for themselves?

 Wendie Colter: We tell them because it’s good information to have. I’d like to make a distinction. My process is not energy healing. Early on, when I was doing energy healings, I noticed sometimes people wouldn’t heal.  I was curious about that. Why is it that one client could heal, but for another client, the issue came back again and again?



What if, instead of an energy healing session, I could ask the body and biofield directly to get answers for my client? Would that make a difference for them in their healing process?  And it turned out that, yes, it did. It made a very powerful difference because the information was what was missing, not the desire to heal

The desire to heal is always there. Our bodies want to heal, and our cells want to heal. This is where medical intuition can help to go further in gathering even more Information.

One of my favorite quotes is by Dr. Dean Ornish, “Awareness is the first step in healing.” I think that is the motto of medical intuition.


OMTimes: So, what would it look like if you had a magic wand and could dictate how medicine would evolve in the near future?

Wendie Colter: I would like to see a medical intuitive in every hospital, every E.R., and every clinic. I would like to see medical intuitives as part of the healthcare team.

Some colleagues and I have just formed the National Organization for Medical Intuition (NOMI). Our goal is to bring awareness and outreach to the conventional and integrative health communities and to help bring medical intuitives into the clinical environment. We want to support healthcare in these ways. The website is


OMTimes: If you could share with us the most interesting case history from your case book, what would it be?

Wendie Colter: I’ll share the case that made me realize how important this skill is. When I first started my practice about 20 years ago, a young woman came to see me who had been suffering from mid-back pain. She’d been to every specialist in town. They couldn’t find out what was happening, so they called it psychosomatic, which means “it’s all in your mind.” Because she was obviously in pain, they gave her opioids and antidepressants, as she wasn’t coping well.

Within the first few minutes of looking at her physical body, I saw a tiny crystallization in her kidney. It was too small for the technology of the time to discover, but I could see it, and she could feel it. It had moved out of the kidney and lodged right at the top of the ureter tube, and it wasn’t budging. I had a conversation with her kidney: “Okay, kidney, what do you need?” And it said, “go see a surgeon.” Her kidney wanted her to find a specialist to do a deeper exploratory look.



I didn’t find out what had happened to her until a couple of years later. She did find a surgeon, they did a procedure, and she was no longer in pain. However, she had become so addicted to opioids by then that she died of an overdose. This was so heartbreaking and tragic. I couldn’t help thinking, what if her doctors had a qualified medical intuitive to consult with when they couldn’t find out what was wrong? Would she still be alive today?

That’s when I realized medical intuition has to be recognized in healthcare.


OMTimes: If anyone decides to consult a medical intuitive, where would they go?

 Wendie Colter: There is information on my website, The “Medical Intuition for Healing Workshop” is for anyone who wants to learn how to use intuition for self-care. The “Medical Intuitive Training” is for wellness professionals of all kinds and is taught live online.


OMTimes: What do you want people to leave your book with?

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Mirabai Starr

 Wendie Colter: I want medical intuition to be destigmatized and understood by the healthcare world and the public.


OMTimes: Wendie Colter, thank you. A fascinating subject and a really good book.


For more information about Wendie Colter’s book “Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness” and The Practical Path® programs, visit her website, For more information about the National Organization for Medical Intuition (NOMI), visit


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