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Discover Your Body’s Wisdom with Medical Intuition

Discover Your Body’s Wisdom with Medical Intuition

Body Wisdom Medical Intuition

“Can you take a ‘look’ at one of my patients? Nothing seems to be working.” This question was becoming more and more common. It seemed that I had developed an under-the-radar reputation with some of the local physicians. Despite the fact that my business card said “Energy Healing Practitioner,” they increasingly contacted me for intuitive assessments only. They were not at all interested in energy healing. I eventually changed my business card to read, “Medical Intuitive.”

Discover Your Body’s Wisdom with Medical Intuition

By Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP



Early in my career, I realized the power of the intuitive assessment for the value and level of detail it brought to these doctors. I began to develop my most valuable service – the Medical Intuitive Assessment. This efficient, streamlined method has allowed me to formalize and teach the practical application of medical intuition.

Many medical intuitives use their intuition in combination with an energy healing modality. In my practice, however, I have found medical intuition to be most effective as a separate assessment, used apart from energy healing. The case studies throughout this book are examples of this standalone approach.

Why not combine medical intuition with energy healing skills? The answer is not complex, but it is vital. In my energy healing work, I noticed that some clients would return with the same issue over and over, unable to release it. I wondered why some had deep healing experiences during or after a session, while others did not, even though I used my skills in the same way every time. I began to offer a medical intuitive assessment before, or in place of, an energy healing session. My goal was to intuitively view the reasons why an issue had manifested in the first place, and to find out why it was staying stuck. I was curious to know if this information would make a difference.

The messages in these sessions offered profound realizations for my clients. Again and again, they confirmed that the intuitive assessment was a key factor in helping them turn the corner in their health journey. After a while, it seemed silly for me to assume that my energy healing modality was needed before I’d first had a chance to ask the client’s body and biofield what it actually wanted. This awareness fundamentally changed my practice forever.



Although you may be familiar with the concepts of intuition, you may also be asking, “How does a medical intuitive actually do this?” I will start with a memorable case study that illustrates these elements. When wellness professionals hear this account, even the most skeptical are intrigued by the potential of medical intuition.


Case Study: Claudia

An accomplished businesswoman in her mid-forties, Claudia came to see me with a persistent case of tendinitis in her wrist, which had been troubling her for about a month. She had seen her doctor and her acupuncturist, but nothing she had tried was working. Claudia wasn’t aware of any obvious reasons for the flare-up, and tendinitis wasn’t a chronic issue for her. In her words, it showed up “out of the blue.”

With the ‘meta-sense’ of clairvoyance, I used my medical intuitive skills to take a look. Her tendons looked inflamed and painful. Directly underneath the tendons, I observed a healed fracture in the bones of her wrist. In Claudia’s biofield, I also perceived the energy of emotional pain and grief, which hovered like a dark cloud around the area.

I asked her wrist to show me where the tendinitis began. In my mind’s eye, I saw her in her early twenties, playing tennis with her boyfriend. In an instant, she tripped and fell, fracturing her wrist exactly where I had detected the bone scar. The next defining moment showed Claudia in a hospital Emergency Room. As her injury was being treated, her boyfriend chose that very moment to break up with her. There it was. Claudia’s wrist had stored not only the intense physical trauma of the fracture, but also the shock and emotional pain of the unexpected and sudden breakup.

When I explained what I saw, Claudia confirmed the incident and was quiet for a moment. She then said that her recent partner of ten years had broken up with her a month earlier, just before the tendinitis appeared. The emotional pain she was dealing with in the present had activated the stuck, unresolved grief and pain from her past. In Claudia’s case, this combination of past and present trauma had manifested in severe tendinitis.



However, her wrist wasn’t finished showing me images from her life. I then saw her at five years old, huddled in a dark closet. A woman was hitting her repeatedly with a cane. Little Claudia had her arm raised for protection. The cane was landing blows directly in the same spot where she had broken her wrist in her twenties, and where the tendinitis was now causing pain.

Claudia confirmed that her mentally ill mother used to beat her with a cane and lock her in a dark hallway closet. Claudia’s wrist was holding on to a lifetime of emotional pain, physical trauma and grief.

Although she had memories of these specific life events, Claudia would never have put those puzzle pieces together to understand why tendinitis had flared up in the present.

Logically, it didn’t make sense, but her body had its own point of view. Claudia’s wrist indicated that her unresolved emotions were the primary issue holding back its ability to heal fully.

I checked in with Claudia a few days later. She told me that the pain in her wrist had completely gone. She also said she felt calmer and more focused, and was finally able to begin processing the distress of her recent break-up. By simply hearing what her wrist had to tell her, Claudia’s body and emotions were able to find balance.

Claudia’s story is a perfect example of how much information the body holds and what it can tell us, when given the opportunity. This case study also demonstrates how I use a deliberate method of medical intuitive inquiry to gain answers directly from the body’s own wisdom and unique perspective. We are not a collection of body parts and isolated events. Our entire experience of life, our emotions and our thoughts have a direct impact on our health and wellbeing.


Excerpted from Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness (2022, Watkins Publishing)


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You will also enjoy Wendie Colter – The Essentials of Medical Intuition.



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About the Author

Wendie Colter, MCWC, CMIP, is founder/CEO of The Practical Path®, Inc, presenting accredited certification programs in Medical Intuition for health and wellness professionals, and workshops for the public. She is a Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner, Master Certified Wellness Coach, presenter at premier integrative health organizations, and author of the groundbreaking book, Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness (2022). Wendie’s trailblazing research on medical intuition is published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. She is President of the National Organization for Medical Intuition (NOMI), and serves on committees for Integrative Health Policy Consortium (IHPC) and the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI). For more information:


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