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OMTimes Magazine January B 2023 Edition with Ervin László

OMTimes Magazine January B 2023 Edition with Ervin László

OMTimes Magazine January B 2023 Edition

OMTimes is honored to have Ervin László on the cover of the OMTimes Magazine January B 2023 Edition.

OMTimes Magazine January B 2023 Edition


OMTimes Magazine January B 2023 Edition
To read the magazine, click the cover or visit one of our partners below.


Ervin László is a Hungarian polymath, philosopher of science, systems theorist, integral theorist, and advocate of the theory of quantum consciousness. He has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He is the editor of the international periodical World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution and Chancellor-Designate of the newly formed GlobalShift University. He is the founder and president of the international think tank, the General Evolution Research Group, and the author of 83 books translated into 21 languages. His latest book is The Upshift: The Path to Healing and Evolution on Planet Earth.




OMTimes Magazine January B 2023 Edition with Ervin László

  • Ervin László: The Upshift: The Path to Healing and Evolution
  • 5 Tips for Improving your Yoga Practice in the Wintertime
  • Devotional Practices Worldwide and Japamala
  • 5 Ways To Find Your Soul Peeps
  • Our Lives, and How To Live Them
  • Feng Shui: Reenergize Your Home in Wintertime
  • How to Recognize Emotional Blackmail
  • Puzzling Paradoxes
  • How to Practice Emotional Self-Healing?
  • 5 Surefire Signs You are Facing an Existential Crisis
  • What are Your Secrets for Success in 2023?
  • Know: A Spiritual Wake-up Call
  • My First Mind Science Journal and Workbook


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