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Using Telehealth to Manage Menopause

Using Telehealth to Manage Menopause

telehealth menopause

The rise of telehealth and telemedicine had a major impact on how people received care, and they will likely continue to be used in the coming years.

3 Reasons to Use Telehealth to Manage Menopause



Women, in particular, use telehealth a lot, mainly for fertility and pregnancy concerns, and now menopause. A study done by Monash University found that women and clinicians see telehealth as an acceptable way to deliver menopause care. Most of the benefits cited included convenience, greater access, and safety. Virtual care may be the next big thing in the realm of women’s healthcare, and here’s why:


1. Comfortable care

Menopausal women may have mixed feelings about regular in-person check-ups for a variety of reasons, perhaps stemming from shame or inconvenience. A study published in The Journal for Nurse Practitioners emphasizes the importance of these health professionals in opening up conversations that can help women feel at ease enough to disclose necessary information. This makes menopause care much more efficient by having a more accurate diagnosis.

The same applies to virtual care and professionals administering guidance online. The remote nurse practitioners operating in Ohio also undergo training to ensure patient comfort. Telemedicine companies often provide training to educate clinicians on the best practices for good webside manners, ensuring virtual NPs deliver reassuring but professional primary care services for sensitive treatment areas like UTI, birth control, and erectile dysfunction. Women experiencing menopause can be assured that they’re getting proper help and need not worry about feeling ashamed or embarrassed as they might feel in an in-person setting.


2. Safety and protection

On top of concerns regarding menopause, older women may be more conscious of their overall health and may wish to take more cautionary measures to protect themselves. An in-person clinic or hospital visit may increase exposure to Covid-19 or other illnesses, which can be dangerous, especially for older, immunocompromised women and family members also experiencing health issues.

Telehealth provides a way for women to safely access the professional help they need through virtual consultations and medical prescriptions. This helps decrease their chances of contracting illnesses that may impact their well-being and makes receiving care hassle-free and safe.


3. Easy access to specialists

When women bring up symptoms of menopause or hormonal concerns, many cannot find the right specialists who can give them the proper medication or diagnosis. In worse cases, their worries get dismissed, or it takes them a long time to find the right doctor. This is even more challenging for women in rural areas or places without the professionals needed to help them.

Telehealth connects menopausal women to the specialists they need to get the proper diagnosis and treatment for their concerns. Numerous businesses have been established to improve this access to healthcare, including the startup Midi Health. This virtual clinic started off connecting midlife care practitioners in California to serve women in the area, and they are planning to branch out into more places in the country. This specialized care from clinics such as Midi Health can make women feel more at ease, knowing they don’t need to search far and wide for someone to help.

We discuss in our article called “Menopause – Dealing with Change” that this significant transition in a woman’s cycle doesn’t come without its many changes. From hot flashes and headaches to anxiety and insomnia, women undergo a lot of difficulties at this stage in life, so it’s all the more important that proper healthcare is given to them. Telehealth is a convenient, accessible, and safe way for menopausal women to receive accurate diagnoses and appropriate treatment so they can spend less worrying and more time living.


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