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Meta Spirituality’s Alternative to Life Lessons

Meta Spirituality’s Alternative to Life Lessons

Meta spirituality -Nina Verkoeyen

Meta Spirituality teaches us that we need only look within ourselves for answers – without relying on conventional wisdom or external “lessons” to gain wisdom and find fulfillment.

Meta Spirituality – Breaking Free from the Cycle of Struggle

By Nina Verkoeyen



How often have we heard the notion that life is a school and we are here to learn lessons prescribed to us by some higher forces?

How often have we succumbed to the illusion that life is like going through an endless series of tests with rewards if we succeed and punishment if we fail? As spiritual seekers, we have been conditioned to believe that lessons are crucial to our personal development. It isn’t easy to imagine otherwise.

But Meta Spirituality, a new spiritual tradition gaining a lot of traction in the United States, is advocating different perspectives on mainstream spirituality’s beliefs and the belief in “life lessons” in particular.

“Life is not a school, nor do we have to pass tests or receive rewards or punishments from the higher forces. We are not students of life, but The Creators of it.” – explains Nina Verkoeyen, the founder of Meta Spirituality, who brought to self-realization thousands of people worldwide. “No one prescribes lessons to us. No one judges if we fail or succeed. We prescribe all “lessons” to ourselves – their duration and intensity. And we can change, shift in time, or eliminate the lessons that are no longer needed when we decide they are not. There are no obligatory lessons we need to go through because nothing is obligatory for our true self of the Creator in the world of our creation”.

In Meta Spirituality, real personal growth starts with understanding our true identity of The Creator, rather than relying on external sources, signs, and “lessons” for guidance.  This shift in identity is crucial for the realization that comes next.

Meta spirituality

Meta Spirituality – The Conditions for Learning

As long as we continue to see tough life lessons as the only means to grow and believe that we must go through difficulties to gain wisdom or improve ourselves – we unconsciously attract and create more conditions for learning in our life scenario, thus perpetuating struggle and external problems.



This realization alone – if we grasp it – will change our life.

We will stop creating an external crisis to feel progress on our spiritual path. We will start taking ownership of our decisions and actions. We become aware of the fact that everything begins with us! We will recognize our potential and power instead of trying to please some unseen force.

Meta Spirituality teaches us that we need only look within ourselves for answers – without relying on conventional wisdom or external “lessons” to gain wisdom and find fulfillment.


The New Way

In the new light of this understanding, life lessons can now be seen not as an integral part of personal growth and improvement but for what they are – a symptom of our false perception of being separate from The Creator and a false belief in gain and reward, fear and punishment.

Meta Spirituality encourages us to move away from focusing on learning and improving through lessons, instead advocating for the realization of our true identity as The Creator.

By understanding our true identity and embracing it, we can break out of this cycle and start living a more fulfilling life.

Growing from adversity is now seen as an old way of learning and progressing. While the next step of our spiritual evolution is to let go of this old belief and realize that we can grow not from tough life lessons, but from knowing and expressing who we are”, – says Nina Verkoeyen. ”


Creating Our Reality

To make real progress in our journey, instead of asking, “what can we learn from this experience?” we can ask ourselves, “what do we want from this experience?” Rejecting limiting beliefs about what we should be doing will help us embrace our potential as the Creator of our reality – because only then can we start designing the world around us as we wish it to be.

Seeing ourselves for who we truly are, seeing the lessons for what they are, will make us one day say to the harsh life lessons: enough is enough! And that will be precisely the moment when the hard lessons we are going through will no longer be needed and will start to disappear from our visible reality.



Understanding that life is not a school but something created by each individual’s free will can open up new possibilities in manifesting our dreams!


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About the Author

Nina Verkoeyen is the founder of Meta Spirituality, a groundbreaking spiritual tradition and movement that has attracted many followers worldwide and is transforming the spiritual field in America. Following Nina’s teachings can expand your consciousness and increase your awareness. Visit her website to access a complimentary “Introduction to Meta Spirituality” masterclass.




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