Pluto: Standing In Alignment

As we find ourselves on the cusp of Pluto’s entrance into the sign of Aquarius, we see how welcome that sign will be.
Pluto Standing In Alignment – Looking Forward
By Astrologist Rick Di Clementi
Certainly, Pluto’s residence in the sign of Capricorn for the past 15 years has been a hard, sobering one. We found just how much corruption was underlying most of our critical institutions.
Pluto in Capricorn has done a very good job showing us just how important those very institutions are. Now, it’s time for some relief.
The great difference between Capricorn and Aquarius is that the Aquarian impulse is for all of us to attack our social problems as a group.
Capricorn had a tendency to try to repair our social ills by looking solely at the bottom line. Aquarius is quite different. Now, we will start hearing all around us the new theme of working together, working from grass-root campaigns, and a much stronger sense of group idealism.
Pluto in Aquarius
This certainly does not promise a rose garden, but within the first few years of Pluto’s stay in Aquarius (2023-2044), we should certainly start to feel the optimism that comes from all of us working together.
Many new issues will be addressed: Aquarius promises to have a much more productive attitude toward cleaning up our environment; it will prove to be a time of great scientific advancement; and we should be great progress with racial tensions. The sign of the Water Bearer is a very patient sign, exhibiting a stronger sense of tolerance. LGBTQ issues will start to be more accepted, and we will see the aggressive nature of the police start to relax. We will simply have more respect for man’s dignity during this period.
Mainly most of our social ills have been dug up since 2008, and now will be when we must face the music. Aquarius is a very inventive sign. We can now look forward to novel ways to solve long-standing problems. Quantum theory itself is very Aquarian. Therefore, we can expect to leapfrog greatly into a future of thinking of all of mankind at once for a change. It takes a very long time for Pluto to find itself in the liberating sign of Aquarius, as it did before during the revolutionary time before of the 1770s.
Genius will rise to the surface as we will start to elevate ourselves out of our doldrums of being quite satisfied with academic mediocrity. This will be a welcome turning point as we will be needing our brightest and most brilliant minds to start to turn the corner on issues such as climate change, etc. As I can see, there is no better way to “stand in alignment” than to do so in the humane sign of Aquarius. It is time for us all to lift each other up by treating all members of the human race equally – and not with simple lip service. Alignment can only mean one thing: getting ourselves straight, pointing toward our Source, our Creator, and what was originally intended.
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