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17th Annual SHIFT Holistic Living and Psychic Fair

17th Annual SHIFT Holistic Living and Psychic Fair

The 17th Annual SHIFT Holistic Living and Psychic Fair: will be held on April 22 and 23rd from 10 am to 5 pm each day at the Quality Inn in Oneonta, NY.

Program Spotlight – The 17th Annual SHIFT Holistic Living and Psychic Fair


The 17th Annual SHIFT Holistic Living and Psychic Fair
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S.H.I.F.T. stands for Spiritual Holistic Integrative Festive Transformation, and its mission is “Supporting people’s transition to a healthier, happier lifestyle, connecting people to alternative healing techniques and developing spirituality”; This is a transcendent and fun fair for everyone, and features “tried and true” psychic readers & energy healers from across the Northeast, who are available for private sessions,  shopping for mystical delights, aura photos, and 20+ free workshops on a variety of metaphysical & holistic healing subjects.  A sampling of the workshops includes “Hear the heartfelt messages of animals” with Leiah Bowden, from California, “Magick from Everyday Items” from the Loon Witch, “Magnified Heart-Brain Coherence for Superhuman Intuition and Healing” with Psychic Medium Adam Bernstein from Woodstock, NY, “Lifting the Veil”: Evidence of Life After Death, with Psychic Medium Diana Friedell, “Angels and the Wings of Forgiveness” with Reiki Master Teacher JoAnn Wormuth, Past Life Regression with Story Ducey & much more.  View the complete workshop schedule & plan your day at



Some of the intriguing vendors you can peruse are “Natures Gems”- sterling silver jewelry with precious and semi-precious gemstones that comes from India, Balhi, and Indonesia; “Alchemy of the Hedge” offering drawings of your aura, and Arts and spirit/ animal guide paintings. “SKY VISIONS” Native American Jewelry and arts, including medicine bags, dream catchers & more, handcrafted by Pearl Singing Skywolf;. “Me to a Tea”, Ceremonial Crystal Tea; “Fingerlakes Harvest” brings Shrub health tonics, and owner Andri is offering a workshop about the myths and truths of Apple Cider Vinegar.




There will be 16 tried and true readers and energy healers to choose from, including an Astrology Reader, Angel Card Readers, Palm Readers, Spiritualist Psychic Mediums, a Runes Reader, Reiki Healers, holistic healers- Details on readers/healers and how to contact them to pre-book an appointment can be found at


Ginny Paul


Tickets are $10/Adv/1-day; $15/2-day; or $13/day; $18 2/days at the DOOR, includes entrance to all workshops; Pre-book your readings & healings to guarantee your spot with your preferred renowned reader or healer, or just drop in-

Happy Hags


And on Saturday night of the fair,  at 7:30 there is a “Messages from our Loved Ones Gallery” for $25 admission, Psychic Mediums from the Institute for Spiritual Development & SHIFT Fair Mediums deliver messages & evidence of spirit loved ones for many audience members. Featuring Psychic Mediums Adam Bernstein from Woodstock, NY, Dick Buchanan, from Horseheads, NY, Diana Friedell from Oneonta, NY, & Story Lucile Ducey from Schenevus, NY. This will be a night of light and love, shared in a fun and entertaining way. More Info & Get tix:


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See Also
Shift NY Fair


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