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Soulmates – Becoming the One

Soulmates – Becoming the One

Soulmates Becoming the One

When we view our intimate relationships from this space of becoming the one, we can ask ourselves to pay close attention to where we are out of integrity with our core, where we need to learn our boundaries and values more.

Becoming the One – The Spiritual Law of Engaging in Relationship that No One Talks About

by René Schooler



There is nothing more spiritual for our time here as a human than being involved in relationships. All relationships are spiritual and are about soul union, a coming together with our soul group to expand, grow and heal our soul wounds. However, an intimate relationship is at the top of the iceberg regarding what it offers us on our spiritual path of evolution.

Now some might say, then why am I single? While others may wonder what they are to learn from all the break-ups and heartache of not finding “the one.” And here is the thing that we have to understand…

There is no such thing as “the one.” We have the right person for that season of our lives, healing, and evolution. We can choose to be with someone or not – that is our free will and theirs, but you must know that when we choose to not be with someone that felt so much like home and our twin flame or soulmate – that it does not mean that we are lost, too broken to ever have that depth of love or missed the spiritual boat on love and romance. And it certainly does not mean that this other person was not our soulmate.

Not at all, in truth! The reality here is that, for whatever reason, the two souls chose not to walk together on this Journey when there is so much soul chemistry, love, and this unexplained feeling. That what is happening is this soulmate of ours, and we are not fully aligned for our best life path, and another is awaiting us.



So often, I hear people speaking and even teaching that you have only one soulmate, and then you hear the tails of twin flames and the passion between the two. This is only partially true, beautiful, exciting, and scary. However, in the land of soulmate romance, bonding, and life partnership, we must understand that we are in soul groups here on this Earth, learning from each other and expanding. We are here to help each other heal. Our perfect soulmate for any time frame is the person who comes into our lives that we feel this bond with or draw toward without reason and seems to meet our needs at that moment. Once united with this person, we are blessed to grow with their help through constant challenges and triggering often. We wonder how someone we felt so attracted to, in love with, and seen by can also be the one who gets under our skin with such ease or seems to now not understand us at all.

Our best soulmates challenge us because they mirror the aspects of ourselves that we are unconscious about and struggle to see, appreciate, understand or accept within ourselves.

Often in the dating, mating, and relating world, we speak about becoming the match to the “the one.” Then we coaches/educators teach people how to develop themselves to be a better them. Instead of trying to fix things that are not broken to appear a certain way, we encourage people to grow themselves and learn more about who they are as an individual. This is vitally important if we want to manifest into our lives the soulmate relationship that can withstand time – which requires both souls to have done deeper work on loving, appreciating, and knowing themselves.


This is the Spiritual Law of Becoming the One

Every person we are intimate with, in relationship within any fashion and for any time frame, is part of our soul group, here to assist our soul evolution and healing, and we are theirs. Through these dynamic, empowering relationships, we are given multiple opportunities to refine ourselves and heal our wounding. As we become more conscious of our coupling experiences, we begin to enter relationships with this awareness. It creates enthusiasm around personal growth and what can come from the experience instead of a fear of losing a relationship and creating a toxic container of stagnation, manipulation, and insecurity.



When we view our intimate relationships from this space of becoming the one, we can ask ourselves to pay close attention to where we are out of integrity with our core, where we need to learn our boundaries and values more. Then, when we are awake to relationships’ true purpose in our lives, we can start to make the links to why we have drawn in this other person and understand why we react to them in the ways that we do, giving us the ability to move from the victim state of consciousness and reaction to the proactive co-creator state of conscious responding.


And here is where the magic of soulmate union happens.

Take a moment today to quickly write down your last three to five relationships (intimate or other) that have not turned out the way you had thought or wanted or where you feel challenged and triggered in some fashion and cannot figure out why. Now look at these relationships and list the characteristics of that other soul that you are triggered by or feel uncertain about, let down about. Meditate on these things as to where they perhaps may reside within yourself in some fashion or format. Realize that these challenging areas are most likely unconscious to you right now. However, simply ask yourself, “Where is the mirror of this inside of me?” You will start to lift a veil to your inner world and heal at levels you never imagined possible.

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