Follow Your Soul Path

Do you belong to a spiritual or like-minded tribe? A group where the relationships are all about sharing, giving, and receiving energetically from each other? Do you know what it means to follow your soul path…the path of your soul?
People who travel a spiritual path or who are just being awakened spiritually often find it difficult to follow their souls’ path alone. Some people feel like they are the different one in their family or different from some of the people that are in their lives now. What do I truly mean by different? Let me try to explain.
How Groups Help to Recognize Your Soul Path
If you’re the type of person who constantly questions if there’s more to life than what appears to be directly in front of you, then you’re a little different than the norm. It may be that you’ve had your own spiritual experiences, and you’re now drawn to Metaphysics, New Age, or you just have a keen interest in the psychic phenomenon. Equally, it may be that you know your soul is reaching out for you to follow its guidance. If you’re experiencing or feeling these things, it’s a good indicator that you’re like me – one of the “different ones.” If you think about it, are we really different or are we just more “awake” or “aware” than others?
I’ve met thousands of people at workshops and events who are from all walks of life and from all over the world, and many have one thing in common: They are all on a spiritual quest to find their soul and their purpose. I so enjoy watching people come together, become friends (sometimes for life), and who feel they can express themselves with one another in a positive way. They no longer feel alone or feel like the different ones. They have found members of their tribe.
Finding Soul and Spiritual Likeness with Your Tribe
When I say “tribe”, I mean like-minded souls who are drawn to each other. People who have similar interests, who accept you, who will push you to be all that you can be, who encourage you to reach for your goals and dreams. Those who challenge you, who understand your point of view, and who help you to possibly expand your mind and consciousness. They are the people who are members of your tribe. All of us have the fundamental human need to belong.
I recently joined an 8-week oil painting class. I kept saying to myself: “I HAVE to take an art class!” The time was never right, or maybe I was making excuses because I’m busy doing life. But this year my soul kept pushing me and pushing me until I finally signed up for a class in oil painting – and my schedule allowed me to attend the whole eight weeks. Now maybe being in an oil painting class for some wouldn’t be considered spiritual, but for me it is. I’m with like-minded people and we all have one thing in common … art !
The teacher is amazing, and the talent of my fellow students is inspiring. When I’m in the class studying, painting, and letting my creative juices show themselves on the canvas, I am no longer John Holland, medium, teacher. I’m a student in art like everyone else there, and I so look forward to the class each and every week. It gives me a chance to get out of my head and into my creative mind. The class is spiritual to me because it is meditative, and I’m learning life lessons. Like, if you make a mistake with the painting – no worries – start again. Also, let go and have fun! There are many more lessons I’m learning from the class – and I’m not alone. I’m with my art tribe!
If you feel you are not part of a tribe, or if you believe no one is out there who understands, then please think again. Your people are out there. I always say, “Like attracts like!” You just have to believe it, keep following your spiritual practices, and your souls will come together. When this happens, you will feel that you have known these people your whole life!
John’s Lesson
You can’t meet your tribe if you’re constantly sitting at home. Is there a certain activity you like – perhaps an art class, meditation group, yoga, or even a book club?
Many people enjoy each other’s company, especially when they’re all in sync with a commonly shared activity. It may be that when you identify the activity you most want to participate in, you’ll discover through that class or workshop you’ve become part of a tribe simply by joining something that nurtures your soul, as well as your mind and body!
Are You Actively Walking Your Soul Path?
Try asking your neighbor if there’s a certain event coming up that fits the activity that you like or enjoy.
Is there an online community where you can share your thoughts?
Maybe there are certain friends you know now who have similar interests, but you’ve never acted on it. You could even be the leader and form something new!
Is there a class or workshop that keeps grabbing your attention?
If you’re a lover of animals, is there a local animal shelter that could use your help? I find that animal people have a bonding experience that can only be shared with other animal people.
These are just a few suggestions to discover your soul path. But remember, the more spiritual you become, the greater the possibility that some friends may fall away. It’s as if your vibrations are no longer in sync. Please know that it doesn’t mean they are bad people – it’s just that you may find they cannot relate to your journey. Please take heart, because, for every person who leaves, a new tribe member will soon appear and step into the void.
You have to know and believe that our thoughts attract, and the same goes for like-minded people somehow finding each other! Sometimes your tribe becomes your soul family. Reach out and explore your soul path. Don’t let life live you – you live life! Trust and have fun!
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About the Author
John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.
Originally published Mar 12, 2016
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John Holland is an Internationally renowned psychic medium, spiritual teacher, author, and radio host. His public demonstrations offer audiences a rare glimpse into the fascinating subject of mediumship, which he delivers in his own unique style, explaining the delicate process of raising his own vibrational energy to link with the spirit from the Other-Side. He’s able to deliver messages, which he does with clarity, passion and the utmost integrity. John has spent a significant part of his life developing his psychic and mediumship abilities, and he spent two intensive years studying in the UK, where he got the thorough grounding and training to become one of the most sought after professional mediums on the world stage today! He has starred in several TV specials, including A&E’s “Mediums: We See Dead People,” which provided a fascinating insight into how John works as a Psychic Time Machine, where he’s able to pick up vibrations and detailed information, whether it’s seen, felt, or heard from a past event. He also starred in his own pilot “Psychic History” for the History Channel. He is the author of the best-sellers: Power of the Soul, Psychic Navigator, Born Knowing, The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck, The Spirit Whisperer – Chronicles of a Medium, The Psychic Tarot For The Heart, The Spirit Messages – The Daily Guidance Oracle Deck as well as 5 top-selling Apps and numerous online workshops based on his signature workshop series. His latest book: was Bridging Two Realms.
I am continuously meeting people through social media and in person that I would consider my tribe, but in relating to others that are not on the same path, I’m not doing so well!