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Radical Regeneration Retreat

Radical Regeneration Retreat

Radical Regeneration Retreat Andrew Harvey

Join us for the Radical Regeneration: Christ Consciousness and Sacred Activism retreat with Andrew Harvey on 6 – 11 June in Bonnevaux, France.

Radical Regeneration Retreat
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Drawing on his two latest books, Love is Everything: A Year with Hadewijch of Antwerp and Radical Regeneration (written with Carolyn Baker), Andrew Harvey, internationally renowned religious scholar, writer, and teacher, will present his vision of the global dark night crisis we are now plunged into. He will suggest the way through it is by aligning with the power of Love and putting that power into wise, sacred, urgent action on every level of our world.

Andrew Harvey believes that the very extremity of the crisis contains an extraordinary possibility, the possibility of seeing the dark night as the birth canal for a new embodied divine humanity and a new world rooted in the vision of the Beatitudes and in the calm and burning compassion of Christ Consciousness.

In this retreat, he will share five things:

  • An overall map of the dangers and opportunities of our predicament

  • The five laws that govern the dark night process taken from Hadewijch and Saint John of the Cross

  • His experience of the visceral and blissful power of Love

  • Five simple and powerful practices that enable anyone of goodwill to experience both the peace and the focused passion of Christ Consciousness

  • A clear detailed account of what Sacred Activism is and how to start from wherever you are to become a Sacred Activist in the name of Divine Love

Join us for the retreat Radical Regeneration: Christ Consciousness and Sacred Activism with Andrew Harvey 6 – 11 June, in Bonnevaux, France. This extraordinary retreat offers maps and practices from the Christian, Hindu and Buddhist traditions which will demonstrate to the participants how much sacred power and illumination they always have at their disposal.

Andrew hopes that by the end of this retreat, all those who participate will be inspired by new hope and mystical strength to go forward and participate in the birth of a new humanity that is even now arising everywhere both through and in the chaotic destruction that we all witness.

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